Stacey's Favor

There are times when one person is learning about history that they are surprised by something. This is especially true with Altair, who grew up in a vastly different environment.

She was taking a special science history class that had blown her mind. The two tutors were discussing how the planet they were on, Ordin Prime, had two suns. Because of the excessive heat that the planet was getting for a while they were forced to make a protector for the planet that would rotate with it, blocking out the other sun at all times of day. This coincided with a standard day-night cycle that Altair was used to. However, this also meant that at night no one could see any stars or moons, just the vacant blackness of the other side of that protector.

She also found out that they could literally control the weather on Ordin Prime in that class.

Her mind was swimming after she found that out and she was mostly unable to concentrate.

Luckily for her, Stacey came in to replace Noel after that class was over so her tutors didn't notice that she wasn't paying attention.

Unluckily for her, the first words out of Stacey's mouth sent an odd chill down her spine, "Young Miss it's finally time for that favor to be repaid."

Altair gave her a strange look. She still had several more lessons planned for the day so she didn't know why Stacey was bringing this up now.

But Stacey was really looking for this. It took so long just for the costume to come in and, since Altair was still a growing child to her, she had to make sure this was done soon rather than later. Besides, she spent a lot of her money on that outfit since it had to be custom made with the measurements that she provided.

Stacey gave Altair a beaming smile while she continued, "Now, come and let's get you changed into the clothes that you'll be wearing for the rest of the day!"

Altair had a bad feeling about this about this. Something was telling her that she should refuse. That the deal she made to make sure that she could dress herself wasn't worth what was about to happen. So, she spoke stubbornly, "I still have some lessons today so why are you talking about this?"

Stacey was not dissuaded at all as she placed a long and thin box on the table before Altair. She put it right on top of the book that Altair was going to read before her next lesson and stated matter-of-factly, "Your next lesson has been delayed for an hour to allow for you to repay the favor, Young Miss. I hope that you will accept the task that is given to you so that you maintain your honorable reputation."

'What reputation?' Altair thought indignantly as she frowned. 'Do I really have a reputation already? But I haven't done anything…'

Altair was completely oblivious to the gossip of the mansion and servants. She was holed up in her room every single day while her full attention was devoted to studying. Because of that, everything that came from the room was praise from Stacey, Noel, Ben, and Dave. Since that was all that flooded the mansion, along with corroboration from Donel from time to time, Altair had, effectively, become the most popular member of the main family.

Every servant wanted to serve her due to how cute and innocent the rumors were about her.

The guards wanted to guard her door because of how laid-back they believed she was about them.

Still, none of this meant anything to Altair who asked, "How long will this take?" She would come to quickly regret those words.

Stacey happily replied, "Why, all day Young Miss," as she revealed the contents of the box to her.

Inside the box was a garishly pink fabric that had some white poking out of it here and there. Altair couldn't tell what it was upon seeing it. She guessed in an uncertain voice, "Are these… clothes?"

Stacey nodded her head vigorously several times while she quickly announced, "Yes they are! You are going to wear these for the rest of the day, Young Miss!" Stacey had everything planned out already. Noel was on break to rest for the next nine hours so it was Stacey who was in charge of everything related to Altair.

Because of that, she had full reign to basically get away with anything. Not that Noel would have stopped her in the first place. But now Altair was truly stuck with having to let her have her way completely because of the deal they made earlier.

Furthermore, Altair had only gone through two of her lessons today and would be up for a long while yet. Since that was the case, Stacey would be able to enjoy seeing her dressed up for even longer. She even emptied out a large portion of the memory on her communicator for pictures.

She was so excited when the clothes finally arrived that she couldn't wait to have Altair wear them. Sadly, Altair got pulled away by the Ladrian siblings the day before so it was delayed to today. But this was fine for her too.

Altair eyed the garish garment and found it hard to look at. She remembered the overly heavy and difficult to move in formal clothes that Stacey had chosen for her before and felt a wave of dread. She really didn't want to wear clothes like that again.

Still, she wouldn't go back on her word. She spoke as her expression darkened, "Fine, let's get this over with then."

'It's only for today. How bad could it be?'

Stacey couldn't have smiled brighter if she tried.

The second tinge of dread came over Altair when she heard Stacey lock the door to her room.

While Stacey was locking the door, Altair had stripped down to her undergarments. However, when Stacey returned to the table she frowned at Altair and said, "You will need to take all of your clothes off for this, Young Miss."

Altair frowned at Stacey. By now she had figured out that it was inappropriate to display ones undergarments to members of the opposite sex. Since those clothes covered certain parts of her body she had subconsciously associated those spots with them being an absolute guarded area that only she, herself, was allowed to see.

It was only made slightly better by Stacey's words, "We are both women so it isn't wrong to be naked before each other." Stacey wasn't actually watching Altair but pulling the clothes out of the box and neatly assembling them based on what was needed first at the side. "Besides, you are still a child so there's nothing wrong. Hurry up and strip down."

With those, possibly, deceitful words spoken in encouragement, Altair stripped off the last vestiges of clothes and left them on the floor.

Stacey picked up a white piece of clothing that was basically a one-piece swimsuit. There were some differences to it, however. The most obvious difference was that from the stomach portion all the way around the back of it and up over the shoulders was basically completely see-through. Plus, on the butt of the bottom were a few rows of white frills that hung lightly off it for no apparent reason.

Upon seeing it, Altair didn't even know how it was supposed to be put on. The second thought was why was most of it transparent? It didn't make any sense to her at all.

Stacey ignored Altair's bewildering look and proceeded to stuff Altair into the clothing.

Despite Altair's short height and thin frame, the clothing stuck tightly to her skin when it was on her. It was like it was a second layer of skin. It made her feel a bit uncomfortable as she felt like she was wearing nothing with it on. Her face flushed slightly just from wearing it.

Stacey then pulled out a garishly pink skirt with flower patterns on it that was almost not a skirt. Once Altair put it on that thought was only reinforced when she saw that it barely covered the undergarments she was wearing. If she walked at her normal pace than her underwear would be clearly visible to anyone, both in front of her and behind.

The next piece of clothing that Altair was forced to wear was the top. It was another garishly pink colored piece of clothing that was worn over her chest, but it had no straps for her shoulders and was completely transparent beyond the front. It even had a heart shape in the center of it and had long, thin strips of cloth that hung down from it. Those thin pieces of cloth were designed to look like flowers as well and hung over her belly.

'What is this clothing? Who would wear something so revealing?'

Altair thought that was everything to the clothing and was about to go and sit down but Stacey quickly stopped her with two long pieces of cloth in her hand. They were mostly pure white with one end of it being the same garish pink shade as the other clothing she was wearing.

As it turned out, those two pieces of clothing were gloves. The white part of it went all the way up and around Altair's shoulder and connected with a strap that Altair didn't see on her undergarment. The pink portion of the gloves covered her hands completely and left her fingers completely exposed. Of course, the gloves also had a flower with a heart frame around them on the back of her hands.

Altair cast a look over the table and box and noted that they were empty at this point and sighed in relief. Her clothing was ridiculous and served no purpose in her mind. She had no idea why anyone would ever wear such a thing and she wondered if she could take showing herself like this in front of other people.

Unfortunately for Altair, the outfit wasn't done yet.

Stacey quickly moved behind her with an even brighter smile than before and started to style her hair. She pulled her hair to the sides of her head and tied them off with a bright yellow bow on both sides, completing the outfit at last.

Stacey then moved in front of Altair and could barely contain her excitement. To Stacey, Altair looked almost exactly like Arneli Arnessa, the main character of the animated show Miracle Dancing Magical Girl Arneli Arnessa. The only difference was their hair color and eye color but that couldn't be fixed for the cosplay she was putting Altair in.

She didn't think she could get away with dying Altair's hair just to dress her up without Altair's consent. So she reluctantly gave up on that point.

Still, the clothes looked adorable on Altair if anyone asked her opinion of the matter. It was so perfect that she started taking pictures with her communicator right then and there. She couldn't wait to show them to her friends on the Spacenet.

For the rest of the day, Altair was forced to stay in that outfit. A couple of her tutors wanted her to stand by them while they took pictures of her with them. They encouraged her to smile as well but Altair was unable to do that.

The response to their posts online was still a hit. Altair became famous among a certain community of people within the universe in just under a year because of those pictures.