Treated Like A Doll Again

Sarah's expression brightened when she heard this, "I see! I was hoping that it would come after the party but to think it would happen on the day." A complicated look came over her face as she added, "I suppose we'll have to take that into consideration when we pick out your dress." She then stood to her feet and added, "Come Aria, it's time to get dressed."

Altair frowned at her, "What are you talking about?" Altair heard the reference to a party and didn't know what was happening right now. She just wanted to eat breakfast so she could get back to studying but it seemed something else was happening right now.

Sarah gave Altair a knowing smile as she said, "You're going to the Lothan party with me today."

Altair vaguely recalled that she was told something about that recently. She just had no idea she was going. She was also starving for breakfast this morning now that she wasn't in pain. Since that was the case, she didn't want to spend any time dealing with formal gunk since she knew how long it took. She spoke in a stubborn tone as she stated, "I want breakfast first."

Sarah's expression beamed as she quickly said, "Then we'll eat together while picking out a dress for you!" She then reached out to attempt to pick Altair up but Altair dodged away and said, "I can walk on my own."

Sarah's expression turned sad while saying, "I see. You are growing up as fast as a girl would." Her face then turned completely around as she added, "Well then, come come! We need to get you ready for the party today!"

Sarah's maids quickly fell in to surround Altair and she felt like they were there to prevent her from running away more than they were to escort her. The maids lead Altair towards the door while Sarah turned to Stacey and said, "Make sure that Aria's room is spotless by the time she returns from the party. Don't forget to replace the bed! We can't have her sleeping on something that's been bled on. She's our princess, after all!" She turn turned on her heel and walked after her maids, leaving Stacey to her duties who regretted not being able to see Altair dressed in formal wear again.

Altair was taken to Sarah's room and immediately upon arrival several of the maids pulled out sections of a closet that was hidden from view with clothes that would fit Altair among them. Some of the maids also quickly left to fetch food for them.

Altair looked over the dresses that were on waiting to be put on display and her expression darkened. There were at least forty of them out right now and the maids were still bringing out entire rows of them. The designs were varied and extravagant on most of them. Almost all of them also looked almost impossible to defend yourself in. They were all types that she despised and she wondered how she was supposed to choose from this mess of bad choices.

Sarah paid her no mind as she looked over the dresses briefly before suddenly turning to Altair, "You haven't washed up yet, have you?" Altair gave her a flat look but said nothing. Even if Altair said anything to deny it there was still blood on her clothes so it was obvious that she hadn't cleaned herself yet. Sarah quickly proposed, "Well then, let's bathe together before breakfast! I'm sure you'll feel much better once you're clean."

Altair frowned slightly as a warm feeling spread through her body. "I can wash myself." The bath was her last sanctuary that she had to herself. She wouldn't just give it up because of some convenient timing! She knew that if she gave it away once then it was as good as giving it away permanently.

Sarah didn't hesitate to say, "I didn't say you couldn't. But it will be faster to bathe together so let's go together."

Altair considered protesting further but found that she couldn't bring herself to object again despite readying herself earlier. She felt like she was drained just trying to resist Sarah's idea.

Sarah ended up taking Altair to her own private bath and bathed with her. Altair was used to this kind of treatment from the trip to this planet. What she wasn't prepared for was how outmatched she was by Sarah's assets. It sparked the jealousy within her and put her in a bad mood as Sarah rubbed her skin raw in the tub.

When they were out their food was already waiting for them. Altair and Sarah ate together in relative silence. Relative only on Altair's side because Sarah would constantly speak about the various dresses she prepared for Altair today. She even had some of them brought forward while they were eating to explain why that dress was better than others.

All of it went over Altair's head. She didn't care at all about wearing noble dresses or parties. She even wanted to return to bed and just bury herself in the covers. She also knew that wouldn't be able to get away at this point so trying to act on that idea was pointless.

The food that was prepared for Altair was delicious as always and was the only thing she had to look forward to today. She ate as slowly as she could to savor it for as long as possible and to put off the hell she knew was waiting for her. She just didn't expect that Sarah would get tired of waiting for her and have her maids practically drag her from the table to try on the first dress.

Sarah used the excuse of "There's never enough time when preparing for a party" to dismiss Altair's complaints.

To Altair, the first dress that Sarah had put her in was a lacy and frilly nightmare that dropped her mood to the floor. Sarah believed the dress was almost perfect for Altair but she couldn't deny that there might be something better so she had her maids swiftly undress Altair. Before they started putting Altair into a new dress she stopped them though and said, "We should really pick out some cute underwear for you before we get to the dress. I'm sorry I got ahead of myself and had them choose out a dress first." She quickly motioned for the maids to go and fetch the underwear box she showed Altair earlier while Altair looked at the floor.

Altair took a deep breath as she mentally prepared herself to be miserable. She wanted to resist but had a feeling that it wouldn't make a difference. So she stood where she was and waited for her fate.

The maids returned with the box and brought it to Sarah. Altair didn't even get a chance to see what her options were before Sarah pulled out a pair of bunny underwear. It had a fluffy bunny tail on the rear on the camisole looked like a rabbit's head. She then held it up for Altair to see and said, "This is adorable! I think this is perfect for today's party, don't you think so Altair?"

Altair looked up and her faced paled when she saw them. 'Why does it have to be a rabbit?' She couldn't believe her rotten luck. She believed that Sarah had chosen them randomly and nervously asked, "C-Can you pick another one?"

Rabbits were a symbol of fertility and maturity in the Rebanon Kingdom. They were also symbols that were completely denied to all Demi-Humans due to the rate of their deaths. It was considered poor taste and a grievous insult to give any female in the Coalition anything rabbit related as a gift.

They were basically promises that could never be fulfilled to them.

Sarah gave her a look that seemed to ask her what she was thinking, "What are you talking about? This is perfect for you today." She handed the underwear to a maid next to her and said, "Change her into these then let's continue."

Altair sighed heavily as she was handled like a doll. Before she knew it she was wearing the abominable clothing and couldn't help but feel how much of a farce this was. She told herself that she needed to talk with Renald later so that she could avoid this type of situation in the future.

For the next several hours Altair was a doll for Sarah's amusement. She was changed into dozens of different dresses, all of which she disliked, before Sarah finally settled on an overly lacey pink dress with several layers of skirts that went down below her knees and covered her shoulders. By that point Altair had dead eyes as she stared off into space. Her hair was also tied up into a childish style that matched her dress.

"Alright," Sarah said, bringing Altair out of her daze. "We should go now that we're ready. I'm sure your brother is tired of waiting." This caused Altair look at her with an odd expression. She didn't know that brat was coming but she couldn't feel any worse then she already felt about today so she shrugged off the news.

Sarah had already changed into her own beautiful dress that she seemed to belong in. She moved freely and happily as she grabbed Altair's hand and pulled her along. Before they left the room she turned to Altair with a serious expression and said, "Remember Aria, this is a formal event. Don't forget your training as this is a test for you. If you pass this test then that will be one less subject you have to study and you can devote yourself to other things with the time you'll have free."

Sarah then turned away and pulled Altair out of her room with her.

Altair considered what she said as she was pulled along. She would be able to study the subjects she liked more with that time. That thought reinvigorated her as she started walking according to what she was taught behind Sarah.

Sarah couldn't see how Altair changed how she was walking but she did hear it. This brought a sly smile to her face.