The First Party (2)

Walter looked back at Altair as he said, "She's just too cute. Where did you find this adorable child?" He started speaking quicker the longer he spoke as he continued, "Why, my wife would love to have a daughter as cute as she is. And look at this dress she's in? Did you pick it out? I swear your fashion sense is on full display here. It truly brings out her innocence when coupled with her hair. Why, I haven't seen a girl this adorable in my entire life. When I heard that you had adopted a girl I wondered what kind of child you had picked up and I am not disappointed. As I would expect from you, she is beyond perfect in at least looks alone." He took a deep breath before he turned his head back to Sarah, "Would you mind if my son married her?"

Altair fought very hard to keep her expression neutral through his entire tirade. She didn't know if he meant anything that he said but that didn't matter to Altair. It all felt like his words stuck to her like slime. Since she had discarded the idea of princes and knights in shining armor and true love, she found the idea of her being complimented in the way he was doing now utterly disgusting. As for him wanting her to marry his son, she would rather die on the spot. Just because she was stuck here did not mean that she would be tied to this world.

Sarah looked at Altair, which caused Walter to look as well, and asked in a playful tone, "What do you think, Aria? Would you like to marry Walter's son?" It didn't matter what Altair said because Sarah wouldn't actually let it happen. Altair was too valuable to her to give away to anyone.

Altair knew that she couldn't respond the way she really wanted to. She had to act like a noble because all of this was a test, or so she had been told. She spoke tonelessly, "I am humbled by your compliments but I must refuse."

Sarah didn't miss a beat as she turned back to Walter, "There you have it."

Walter laughed loudly while moving to pat Altair on the shoulder, "No need to be so serious."

Altair took a half step back to prevent him from touching her, "Please do not touch me." His words along made her feel disgusted. She didn't want to find out how his touch felt either, even though most of her body was covered with multiple layers of cloth.

Walter didn't seem to mind as he only continued, "I was told this was your first time at a party and merely wanted to help you relax. I am sorry that I made you uncomfortable, child. But, what I said was also true so I hope you'll have more confidence in yourself."

Altair's heart felt cold from his words. She wanted to believe that Walter didn't see through her but she felt that he had. She knew that Humans like this were the ones she had to be most careful around. They could pick up on things just from subconscious use of body language and their ability to pick apart what you said and see the true meaning within moments.

Walter glanced to his side and saw several families had lined up and were waiting for his greeting. He then looked back at Sarah and said, "You should go and enjoy the festivities. I still have people to meet, but once they are all here I shall come and catch up with you." He then turned to Joshua and added with a grin, "I expect that you and your sister will have a lot of fun tonight." He then turned and walked towards the nearest noble family that was waiting for his greeting.

Sarah tugged Altair back towards her and whispered to her, "Careful. You slipped back to a commoner for a moment there." Sarah then pulled Altair along towards a hallway while Joshua quickly ran up next to them and said, "Mother, I'm going to go find my friends. If anything comes up, send me a message." Sarah nodded in approval towards him and he darted off down a different hallway.

Altair bit her lips at Sarah's words. She knew what she was referring to but she really didn't want that Human to touch her. She looked at Sarah from the corner of her eye and wondered why she was fine with this woman touching her.

Nothing came to mind and that concerned Altair. She should have been able to come up with a reason why she was letting this woman touch her. She knew that the alien feelings that she kept feeling about her couldn't be trusted so when nothing else appeared to her she felt something was off again.

Sarah pulled Altair along to a massive room that was filled with scattered groups of people gathered around each other. There were tables strewn about the room with different types of food atop them and several butlers walking around with trays of food and drinks that would go around to the groups and offer their services. A soft music filled the air that seemed to drown out conversations at a distance.

When Sarah entered with Altair they drew all eyes on them. It was only natural because of who they were. Sarah had not been to a noble party in years and the rumors about her new adopted daughter were all baseless. This was their chance to finally get some solid information on this adopted girl and to try and forge ties with the Marnithok family through Sarah.

Of course Sarah wasn't the only rare person at this party. Helena Marshucarl was also there. Helena was known as the Hero of Dunthur, nicknamed the Blaster due to her phenomenal Inborn Ability that let her dominate in personal combat. She was the most famous woman in the Ordin Empire. Girls all over the Empire wanted to be like her due to how well known her name was. Of course, her powers paled compared to a Mecha in widespread combat so she didn't believe she was anything that great.

Still, Sarah noticed Helena in the middle of a group of women who were busy throwing any and all compliments at her as if they were trying to stick to her themselves. Her expression didn't change at all when she saw her and she felt only a twinge of annoyance in her heart. She used to compete with Helena for the hand of the one she loved back in her days at the academy. But those days had passed and she had lost. She used to hold it against her but now she felt that fate was on her side. With Altair in her hands there was a far higher chance of the Marnithok name becoming bigger than the Marshucarl name if she played her hand well in the future.

Sarah walked with Altair towards the food as she knew that Altair was probably getting hungry at this point. It had been almost five hours since they ate breakfast at this point and there was no time for food in between all the preparations.

Seeing that Sarah and Altair had entered the room and weren't socializing with anyone, several nobles had walked over to try and speak with them.

One man, his arm being tightly clung to by a woman with attractive features, came over and haughtily said, "My, if it isn't Sarah Marnithok. A pleasure as always to see you again!" He threw a fleeting glance at Altair as he said, "And what a lovely daughter you brought with you. I knew that the rumors about her being a beauty couldn't have been false. Why-"

"Excuse us," Sarah interrupted with the same warm smile as usual, "But my daughter and I are famished. We simply must partake in the food here before we speak about other matters. I apologize for you having wasted your time in coming over here." She then tugged Altair along and walked by the game whose expression turned unsightly at being brushed off before he could even finish.

Altair gave Sarah a curious look. She was hungry but she had expected to be hungry for most of the day because of what she knew about nobles. She had gone without food for long periods of time back on her own world. However, it had been a long time since then and she was always fed when she asked for food so her body had gotten used to consuming food at regular intervals. Thus, she was having a hard time enduring her hunger at this point. Her heart still felt a slight warmth pass through it at her words though, even though she didn't want to.

Sarah caught the change in Altar's expression from the corner of her eye and said, "Careful Aria, everyone is watching. Now is when you need to perform at your best. I expect great things of you still and we are only just now getting started. I hope that you won't trip up here."