The Setup (1)

Gordon turned his head back to Sarah and spoke with a thoughtful expression, "Rience and Greisy are here at the party. Perhaps Aria can meet them later and we can see how they are." Just because the conversation couldn't go further about the engagement without Renald did not mean that they couldn't see if the children showed compatibility. Renald would likely say the same thing as Sarah if he didn't take this step now while there was the perfect opportunity to do so.

Helena frowned slightly towards Gordon but that didn't stop him from continuing, "If it goes well then you can tell Renald about it and perhaps we'll have a few more parties to see if they really are fit for each other." He looked towards Altair while adding, "And even if nothing comes from it at least Aria will know a few of her seniors that would be able to help her if she needs them when she goes to the academy."

Helena did not agree with how Gordon was pushing for the engagement. It was obvious to her that Sarah didn't feel much towards the idea. She felt that he was acting like a bull in a glass store. There was no need for him to even be there and yet he still forced his way through. This was a side of him that she always disliked and wished he would grow past it.

Sarah picked up the tea before her and slowly brought it to her mouth for a sip. Once she had done so she replied, "Well, there is no harm it I suppose." Sarah knew nothing would come of it so there was nothing to really lose in doing so. She also wanted to watch this cute adopted daughter of hers try to act like a noble. In her eyes she was very stiff in her movements still but they were passable for the time being. She was sure it would be amusing to watch her interacting with other children.

Altair had finished her food by now and was looking out over the rest of the room. She didn't want to hear the scheming of these people who treated her more like an object than something sentient. She avoided any straight stares towards anyone as she looked over the room. She had figured out how she could invite someone to her table with a gaze while they were eating. She wanted to avoid doing so because that would just lead to more noble chatter and she would probably have to speak with them as well. The less she talked the more likely she would be to pass this test.

Among the crowd of nobles that were talking with themselves there were some who were still trying to get the attention of people at the table. One of them was a girl that Altair recognized. It was Celestine who was staring straight at her. Altair could easily tell by the way she was standing that she was waiting for an invitation to the table like all the rest but she also knew that Celestine was probably expecting some kind of invite because she was the one who probably got her into this entire mess.

Unlike Altair, Celestine's formal dress wasn't as constrictive. Her dress had a shorter skirt that wasn't layered and it was obvious that she could move around a lot easier than Altair with just a glance. It made Altair slightly jealous just seeing it as she was sure it was more comfortable than what she was wearing.

She thought about what would happen if she invited Celestine to the table. Her hope was that she would be able to escape these people and do something more interesting. This was one of those famous noble parties she heard a lot about in her own world, after al. There had to be something interesting to do here.

She definitely didn't want to dance with anyone and suspected that if she stuck around one of Sarah's friends would ask. She suspected that Celestine invited her here for some reason and that it she was probably waiting to spring it to her. She valued the unknown over a formal dance to these peacocks that were just waiting for some excuse to bore her.

Thinking that far and hoping it was the case, she gave Celestine a meaningful stare. She didn't know exactly what kind of look was needed to invite someone so she just gazed at her with a cold expression that she thought was neutral.

Celestine noticed the look that Altair was giving her and felt a little puzzled. It did technically fall into the category of being invited to the table but it also seemed to dare her to come. She wondered if Altair was holding a grudge because she had hit her so hard at the end of their sparring match. Still she had her own plans and they were at a noble party so it was incredibly unlikely that Altair would actually do anything, or so she hoped.

She still remembered how barbarous her words and actions were to her and her brothers visit. Altair did look to be very docile and obedient at the moment which surprised Celestine. She was sure that Altair was sloppy in etiquette. That was the whole point of this arrangement in the first place. Deciding to continue with the plan, Celestine strode up to the table confidently.

All of the adults at the table looked at Celestine as she drew close. They didn't notice that Altair had invited her to the table yet. Helena and Gordon were puzzled by this child who was approaching. Helena and Sarah knew who she was due to her famous family and Sarah knew she was here because of Altair.

The Ladrian family was a very well known and respected military family in the Ordin Empire. They have consistently performed well for over two thousand years and had firmly established themselves as allies to the Emperor. There have even been many marriages between the Emperors family and theirs over the years.

As Celestine reached the table she respectfully curtsied toward everyone while saying, "Thank you for inviting me, Aria." She then looked towards Gordon and Helena and continued, "I am Celestine Ladrian. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Celestine had seen Helena and Gordon talking with Sarah at a distance. She knew who both of these big shots were. It was practically impossible not to know them. She even looked up to Helena as a role model and wanted to be like her in the future. It was the whole reason she asked her brother to help her train. She wasn't as dedicated to her training because of her family. If it wasn't for Helena's existence then she would probably be a lot worse than she was now.

But she couldn't just idolize Helena here. Even though it was rare that she would be able to meet Helena like this it was probably the only time she would be able to see the show she wanted to see with Altair. If she waited much longer chances were very good that Altair would become as capable as herself at noble etiquette and once that happened there would be no more show. Besides, since it seemed Altair's mother knew Helena there was a decent chance that they would meet again since she was now Altair's friend.

Gordon's brow lifted slightly, "Oh? So you're Greg's daughter." He smiled warmly at her while asking, "If I remember correctly you're a seventh year now. How is your combat studies going?" Gordon worked closely with Greg Ladrian as he was on the same starship as him. Greg constantly bragged about how great his daughter was and how his son was the best thing since sliced bread. Gordon had met Greg's son but never had the chance to meet Celestine, so he was curious about his friend's daughter.

Celestine's face stiffened when slightly when she heard her father's name. She knew about how much her father talked about her and it made her uncomfortable to know that people she would probably never meet were hearing about her embarrassing stories. "It's going well." She loved her father but wished he would stop telling everyone about her…

Helena gently asked, "What's your grade rank?" She had also heard the same stories but from a complaining perspective as it was relayed from Gordon. She was more interested in the personality of Celestine than anything else. Her own daughter seemed very skittish the last few years and she wanted to find girls around her age that could help bring her out of being so scared all the time. Even though Celestine was two years younger than her daughter it was still close enough.

But Helena was famous in the Empire. She couldn't let just any girl become friends with her daughter even if their family was well known. She needed to make sure that they had a certain degree of strength on their own otherwise it would be pointless. Her daughter would probably not be able to get along well with someone she had to protect all the time.

"I'm only at rank fifteen," Celestine said while dismissively waving her hands, "It's nothing that impressive." The truth was that she had deliberately chosen to avoid any of the ranking matches since the start of the year. She had been learning the military combat style from her older brother for almost two years now and didn't want to get discovered as having learned it when she wasn't supposed to. She didn't even know what the punishment was for doing so and didn't want to find out either.

A grade rank ranged from rank one to as many students as there were in that year's grade within each respective academy. The top student was ranked at rank one while the last rank student was at the bottom. A person's grade rank was dependent on their studies and combat ability. It was slanted more towards combat than it was towards someone's academic achievement, however.

"Fifteen isn't that bad," Helena said while tilting her head in confusion. There was an average of eight hundred students per grade so even being in the top fifty students was exceptionally good. She wondered why Celestine was being so modest about her achievements when she was still so young. It would have been normal to be proud of it but she seemed to think it wasn't that good.