Learning The History

"This," the old man said with a conflicted expression. He went silent for a few moments before the welcoming smile returned to his face and he said, "Very well. It is best for someone to learn about their scourge at a young age. I shall tell you everything."

The old man began at the beginning. It was the same nonsense drivel that Altair had been told when she was growing up. She didn't get any new information as everything that he said were all lies. There wasn't any truth to everything he claimed about how Demi-Humans actually were.

Of course, none of this was what Altair wanted to hear but she couldn't find the time to interrupt him. It was a mind numbing four hours that was wasting.

After the old man had finished speaking, Altair was brought out of her daze and found that she had been led to sit on one of the pews at some point. The old man was sitting next to her with a carefree smile on his face. The other adults in the room were talking with visitors to the church by now.

The old man then said, "Well, do you understand now?"

Altair nodded her head as she quickly caught up to reality. She then asked, "What about the fight with the Demi-Humans? I was told they were still around." She decided to ask for the information in a way that wouldn't arouse much suspicion. She also asked what she hoped was the case rather than what she was told yesterday.

This caused the old man's face to stiffen slightly. "Who told you that nonsense?" His expression suddenly became serious as he said, "I will start from when everything changed, so listen up and absorb it well."

As it turned out, Sief had told Altair the truth.

Ten years ago in the Rebanon Kingdom, they successfully summoned "God's Hero" from the ether. His name was Reeve. Most of the nobles and royalty didn't believe his claims so they went about testing his skill and intelligence. Those who witnessed his true power were thoroughly convinced.

Less than two years later, after passing every test they gave him, they sent Reeve out to deal with the leader of the Coalition in a grand battle. They were able to obtain information on where the Coalition's army was through an informant and, with the help of Reeve, they managed to completely wipe out the army. There were no survivors on the Demi-Human side.

That explained why the Coalition suddenly got cut off from the army. Even the scouts didn't manage to escape. Since the army wandered around and would update the headquarters based on where they ended up at after getting there, it became almost impossible for even the Coalition to find them.

The main strategy of the Coalition backfired.

Then, with the help of the same informant, they managed to trap the Massacre Queen and Reeve killed her in single combat.

After that, Reeve and the, at the time, High Priest Gorn Lightholder led the Human armies and attack the Demi-Human's main base. It was an attack during the day that caught the Demi-Human's by surprise. They slaughtered almost every single person there.

The only people who escaped being killed were the members of the Council of Four. Unfortunately, Gorn Lightholder was a member of the council originally and he was the actual informant for the Human forces. Since he was the informant, the other three Humans had no chance to even defend themselves by claiming to have been captured.

Their pleas went unheard and they were executed in public at the capital.

Following that, with the bulk of the Demi-Humans killed, the rest scattered to the winds and were cut off from one another. It isn't hard to figure out what happened next, but the priest went on with zealotry in his eyes.

To put it simply, they were hunted down and captured. Following that, they were dragged before the masses to show off the success of the campaign and power of Reeve. It was all in order to fluff up more respect and praise for the Holy Church and God's Hero.

At the end of it all, Altair learned that no new Demi-Human's have emerged since Reeve was summoned. Effectively, as a race, the Demi-Humans had been completely eradicated.

Once everything was explained to Altair, she found it hard to keep a sour expression from her face. She couldn't hide her pale complexion though that got worse the more the priest told her. However, nobody paid it any attention, thinking that it was because she was young that she was reacting that way.

Throughout the entire lesson, Altair felt like she was being buried more and more in a dark hole. She felt crushed under the weight of the past that she had missed. While she was learning from the Marnithok family, her people were wiped out with no mercy. The Holy Church had no reason to lie about it as they were the main instigator of entire fight between Humans and Demi-Humans. At the end, she was sure that she couldn't even see the sky anymore.

"There you have it," the priest said while in high spirits, "That is how God's Hero, Reeve, saved us from those vile Demi-Humans!" He then turned an affectionate smile onto Altair, who had basically listened to a hundred years of history in one setting from him. In his eyes, she was a great listener and would go far in supporting the Holy Church, even though she was, apparently, a little too innocent for all of the details.

Altair nodded her head and responded in a voice lacking all motivation, "Thank you for telling me, Father." She gazed towards the door and added, "I should go now, it should be time for lunch. My family will get worried if I don't get home soon."

The old man nodded his head, "Of course, my child. Please, come again and hear more about the recent tales of our hero."

Altair nodded blankly in response and stood up on slightly shaky legs. She felt suffocated as she dispiritedly walked out of the church. She walked down the stairs and onto the main thoroughfare for a short ways before she ducked into an alley.

She walked randomly through the maze for a short time before she sat on the ground with her back to the wall and closed her eyes.

She felt completely defeated. Her entire goal was to fight and help her people as much as possible since she was forced to become the leader of the Coalition. But it turned out that it was all, probably, just to get rid of her. She didn't know if there were more traitors on the Council of Four but it didn't matter anymore.

She was probably the last Demi-Human alive. The Coalition had been destroyed and she didn't think she could fight all of the Humans in the world alone. She didn't even have the energy to do so.

She couldn't motivate herself to take revenge on Gorn who had betrayed the Coalition. She couldn't even muster up the effort to think about dealing with Reeve either. She just didn't find a point to any of it.

"Some leader you are," she told herself mockingly out loud as she felt like she was completely useless. Even though the appointment was probably to get rid of her, she had still believed that she would do everything she could to keep the Coalition going. She had mentally prepared herself to work with everyone and yet, they all died before she could even get back.

Altair buried her face into her arms as she curled up against the wall. Her heart ached for everyone she had failed and she cried soundless tears there for a time. Her second family had been wiped out and were left without even a gravestone for her to mourn at.

"Sorry Maxwell," she said mockingly, "but I guess our race ends with the curse you put on me."

Bells echoed in the distance after a while and Altair sniffed loudly as she heard a commotion coming from the main thoroughfare. There were a lot of cheers and shouts that she didn't put much mind to as she stood to her feet.

'I guess I'll get my things,' she thought to herself as she began walking towards where Sief's home was. 'There's no point in staying here.' She didn't know exactly how much time she had left with the curse that Maxwell put on her, but she decided that she would spend in the Empire.

She wouldn't tell Renald that she failed to do anything about the curse. She would just claim to have done something and that she was fine for the next couple of years. When it did kill her it would come as a surprise, but at least she would be able to live in peace for her remaining days.

She didn't consider for a moment that since she was the last Demi-Human alive that the curse would count doing things for herself as a passable condition.