
The woman sneered at Altair for a moment then wiped the look off her face quickly under the glare that Altair sent to her in response to her sneer. The woman didn't want to lose out on valuable resources for the orphanage because of her attitude. Thus, she decided to be a bit more amiable as she walked closer to Altair.

When she was a few steps away and could actually see the quality of Altair's clothes, she was glad that she decided to change her attitude. This was because she could figure out, with a glance, the quality of Altair's clothes. It immediately spoke of her being from the upper class and she quickly swallowed any rude words or even vaguely rude words she was about to spout.

Instead, she chose to flatter her, "I thank you from the bottom of my heart," she said while bowing respectfully to Altair. This drew very strange looks from the two boys who had grown up under her care. She continued, "There have been children in the past who wanted to take the gold for themselves after agreeing to our request. If you honor your word then you are a much better person than they are."

The two boys immediately understood what she was saying. It was true that the last time that they could remember God's Hero coming around, the people who helped them inflate the numbers of the orphanage wanted some of the resources the orphanage got in return. This caused them a lot of problems and made it, ultimately, not worth it to request help from others again.

However, Rusty believed in Allie's judgment. Allie seemed to have this way of telling bad people from good people just by talking with them for a short time. It was very strange to him that she could easily identify them so quickly.

Since Allie had told him that Altair was a good person, he decided to trust her on that. With that information and God's Hero's suddenly arrival, he made a split second decision to try and find Altair to drag her in for another gold square for the orphanage. She met the right age of someone still in the orphanage. Furthermore, she was from the upper class, so a single gold square probably wasn't much to her.

Altair sighed lightly at the abrupt change the woman displayed to her. Since she wanted to get this over with so she could go and retrieve her satchel asked, "What do I need to do?"

The woman quickly straightened back up and replied, "Not a whole lot. All of the children will gather here in the front of the orphanage for the priest and the priest will count our numbers. Once he is done, you may leave." She made an obvious look at Altair's clothes as she added, "We'll have to make sure your clothes are concealed unless you're willing to change into something less obvious though."

Altair shook her head immediately, "I'll stay in my clothes." It had been a long time since Altair wore the old clothes of the Kingdom but she had not forgotten how they were. They were incredibly itchy and stiff. The clothes she was being offered would probably have holes in them and come complete with a strange stink.

Altair had no intention of wearing such things. Since Rusty was taller than her the orphanage should have other children around his size that could adequately stand around her and conceal the quality of her clothes through them just being there.

The woman didn't seem affected by Altair's immediate refusal. She merely nodded towards her in response and turned to Rusty. She then stated, "Go and fetch the other children who went out looking. Get them all back here quickly. We don't know when the priest will arrive."

Rusty threw a glance at the other boy and left the room. The other boy followed quickly after him and went a different direction than he did when he went outside.

The woman didn't seem to pay them any attention as she turned back to Altair and said, "We don't have much in terms of comfort but make yourself at home. Once the children get back I'll have a few of them watch for the priest." Altair's only response was a blank stare. The woman's brow twitched slightly to that, but she continued on, "I still have some cleaning to do. I'll be in the back if you need me."

Altair finally gave a response to her. It was a single nod and nothing more.

The woman then left the room without another word. She didn't want to risk her temper offending Altair and she didn't want to give the person from the upper class any reason to find fault with her. So, she decided that being out of sight was the best approach.

Alone in the room, Altair moved to sit on one of the damaged chairs. The chair immediately tilted slightly to one side as the legs on it weren't even, causing one of the legs to rise up while another landed flat on the ground. It told Altair that someone was leaning back in the chair too much, which resulted in this situation.

Either way, it didn't bother her too much. She let her attention wander towards the problem with her emotions and considered if she would have enough time to even find out the reason before the curse claimed her. She had learned a lot already, so she held a sliver of hope that it wouldn't take too long for her to determine the condition of her brain by using her Mana once she knew enough about how it worked.

Time passed in a blink for Altair as she wasn't paying attention.

Soon, all of the children had returned to the orphanage. They clustered together on the opposite side of the orphanage as they still remembered how soundly Altair had treated them like dolls. Some of them still had scrapes here and there, others had bumps from where their own friends had hit them.

Once Rusty returned with the last child of the orphanage, he turned his attention to Altair and approached her willingly on his own. There was one thing on his mind that he was sure was also on everyone else's minds as well.

His approach caused Altair to open her eyes and look at him. The moment she realized who it was she closed her eyes again in an obvious show of her not wanting to talk with him.

However, he was not deterred. He said, "I heard from Allie that you have this food called a kewkay. She said it was the most delicious thing she's ever eaten." Several of the children on the other side of the room swallowed hard. They had all eaten the same things that Allie has eaten and when she described the cookie as being something that she could eat every day for every meal, their imaginations couldn't help but run wild. Even if they couldn't eat it, they at least wanted to see it so they would know what it looked like on the street. Then they planned to get some of them through various means.

Altair didn't look up when she said, "Allie will get the rest of them before I leave. What she chooses to do with them is her own choice." Altair wouldn't need them. She could always get more back at the mansion. Although she was reluctant to give away the candy cookies, she was sure that she could get more of them there.

Rusty smiled at the other kids and they smiled in turn as well. They didn't know how many of those cookies were available but they knew that Allie was generous to her friends. They were expecting to be able to at least see what a "kewkay" looked like.

After several moments of silence in the room, mostly because none of the children wanted to talk with Altair there, a child ran into the building and shouted, "The priest is coming! The priest is coming!"

All of the children that were lounging around immediately shot to their feet. They all began to move to one side of the room and clumped up into a cluster. The side they did so on was the opposite side of Altair, leaving her out in the open where her expensive looking clothing would be easily noticed at a glance.

The woman from the back room came running out while wiping something onto her apron that left a yellow mark on it. She saw how the children arranged themselves and frowned. She then said, "You dolts! You need to surround the girl so that her clothes aren't obvious to people who enter. If they see that she's wearing nice clothes they will know immediately that she isn't an orphan!"

The children looked at Altair and, with great reluctance, moved to surround her. Smaller kids were in the front and Altair was surrounded by the tallest kids. One child, whose height came up to her chin, was standing right in front of her to obscure her clothing as much as possible.

Soon the sound of horses came into the room. It caused the clamor of everyone inside to quiet down immediately as they waited with tense expressions.

Only Altair narrowed her eyes as she heard the horses approaching. 'That's odd. Priests don't use horses for travel…' Priests never travelled far from the Holy Church. They would always stay within a certain area and, thus, had no reason for a horse.

As she thought those words, four horses passed by the building in two rows of two each. They were pulling a very extravagant carriage that had the Holy Church symbol on it. The carriage was surrounding by men dressed in silver and blood red armor with full helms on them. The symbol on their crests was a bird rising from fire.

Altair had never seen such a crest before. However, her heard started to race as she felt a sense of unease pass through her body. The unease she felt grew as she watched the knights wearing full plate armor step up around the carriage.

'Priests wouldn't need an armed escort in their own town,' as that thought crossed Altair's mind her eyes widened slightly. She started putting the pieces together in her mind immediately at the strangeness of the situation. 'That bastard came to this town while I'm here. Now I see a carriage with an unknown crest on it that was escorted here…'

She bit her lip lightly as she disagreed with herself, 'It can't be. How could he track me when I can't sense any lingering Mana on me?'

The door to the carriage opened and all of Altair's muscles tensed up immediately. She was ready to act without a moment's hesitation, although even she didn't know what she would do when she acted.

The person who stepped down from the carriage was a gorgeous woman with cropped fair hair that was tied into a ponytail. She had blue eyes with a piercing stare and was dressed in light plate armor that had the same crest as the others and was colored the same blood red.

Altair let out a light sigh of relief when she saw a woman stepping down instead of that bastard. Her muscles relaxed and she chided herself for being paranoid.