Entertainment Room

The door on the other end of the room had extravagant carvings on it. The carvings went around the outer edge, which proceeded to paint some story. From what Altair could tell, the story seemed to be about some girl's hardship to be recognized by her peers, but it could have just as easily been about the suffering of a girl who wanted to live normally.

Altair had no idea.

She opened the door, which she hadn't seen beyond before, and it swung open soundlessly. The room beyond was instantly recognizable as a bedroom to her. She walked in to examine it further and noticed another door connected to it.

Unlike the excessively sized bed she had in the Marnithok mansion, the bed in this room was a comfortable size that could fit two adults. It, of course, had the same decorated flavor as the other room. It also had two pillows that were easily the size of an adult man, each with a different guy on them that showed off their bare chests with suggestive smiles on them. There was also an out-of-place stuffed bear at the foot of the bed, which looked towards the rest of the best. The bear was easily as big as Altair was.

The dresser had a variety of figurines on them that were posed in a way to show an exciting battle with them all being participants in it. There was a wide variety of them, from women and men to little girls to Mechas and animals, all posed together to create one battle scene. There was even a decorated backdrop to the battle that depicted some city to go along with it.

Overall, Altair found it to be an excessive display. And then she saw a man and woman who seemed to be locked in a more intimate display and couldn't stop herself from staring at it for a few moments.

She then turned around and decided she wouldn't look at it again. She couldn't stop the feeling of envy she felt when she saw them. It brought memories of her childhood to mind when she had shoddy wooden toys to play with. She would have done a lot to have such things in her childhood.

Her view was met with a window beyond the bed. It also had a hot pink curtain that kept all view out. The window was on the same side as the window in the other room. Since that was the case, Altair didn't feel like even bothering to check it. She figured she would only be met with another view of Mana Fog and nothing else.

Thus, she turned her attention to the other door in the room and walked towards it. It didn't have any decorations, unlike the door into the bedroom proper. It was a plain white door and Altair opened it without difficult, revealing a bathroom beyond that was also undecorated. It felt like a mental burden was lifted from her mind at seeing the simplistic and standard design it had, although the bathroom itself was bigger than Altair's bathroom from the Marnithok mansion.

She heard the door to the entertainment room hiss and left the bathroom as it was. Her hunger wasn't bothering her at the moment but she knew that she was hungry.

As she entered the entertainment room proper, an enticing aroma assaulted her senses and caused her stomach to complain loudly. It reinvigorated her hunger and she felt a headache coming on from it.

Din placed the tray at a table that was near the window and went to open the curtains. Altair didn't want to see the Mana Fog while she ate so she quickly asked, "How do I play the shows in here?" She also moved towards the table at the same time, not wanting to wait much longer to eat.

Din stopped in her movements and turned to her with a welcoming smile that she seemed to have a lot. "I see, you want to watch some of the shows my Lady has around. I should have known, forgive me for not realizing this." She bowed respectfully, which Altair waved away at. Din then waited for Altair to lift herself onto the chair before she turned towards the center of the room. She then clapped her hands twice and a massive transparent screen appeared before Altair and Din that seemed to cover the entire room before them.

One look told Altair that this room had a Holodisplay that was at least as good as the one she had in her own room before.

Din then stated, "It's a simple matter of clapping your hands twice to engage the menu. From here, you just read a title from the side to play it or you can search for a type of show that you are looking for." She turned to Altair with the same welcoming smile and added, "Every show in my Lady's library has already been categorized based on what is within the show, so if you don't have something in particular you can search for what the show might have in it as well."

Altair examined the screen that was before her after stuffing her face for a moment and driving the hunger down. On the left side of the screen were a list of titles that she didn't recognize. They were separated from the rest of the screen with a thick bar. The other side of the screen was blank however.

The first several titles were odd to Altair. They were: A Note On The Galactic Towel, The Flight Of The Thradii, Rise Of The Empire, The Union's Dues, The Emperor's Decree… Altair frowned at the boring sounding titles. It reminded her of the history lessons she had taken and, while it was somewhat interesting to find out how the Empire was formed, she wanted to see more on Mechas instead.

However, the entire list that she could see was filled with those types of titles. Thus, she turned to Din after swallowing a particularly large bite of food and asked, "How do I search for things?"

Din turned back to the screen and spoke in a raised voice, "Search: girl's shows."

A bar appeared at the top of the screen that read exactly what Din said. Then, on the left side where the titles were, all of them were replaced with different titles that had flowery names. The right side was still empty though.

Din then turned to Altair and clarified, "That is how. Just raise your voice to do it. Why not give it a try, Dear Guest?"

Altair was inches away from taking another bite when she turned her head to the screen. She then spoke in a raised voice like Din, "Search: Mecha shows."

Din's smile cramped slightly at Altair's choice as the titles shuffled again. The new titles were bizarre to Altair when they settled. Her eyes scanned down the list and she couldn't tell what they were about at all. She stared blankly at them: Mobile Suit Hadrin, Strike Suit Gebral, Infinite Glasteel, Emperor's Guardian, Space Ocean's Cleaner.

Din felt a little disappointed. She should have known that the guest her Lady had this time would be interested in more masculine entertainment. She sighed lightly before she said, "Now, all you have to do is the same thing with the title of the show you wish to see."

Altair looked over the titles after she was told that. She then picked one at random and said, "Infinite Glasteel." Once she said that the list on the left faded and the whole screen was taken up by the title of the show. An imposing theme began to play as the video started to play.

Din then said, "There are further commands you can use as well." She turned to the screen and said, "Pause." The room became silent before she said, "Fast Forward." The show started to play at an accelerated pace. It was hard to tell exactly what was happening but there were many flashes of red and orange through it. She then said, "Pause," and the image froze on the screen of two Mecha locked in sword and sword.

She then went on, "Rewind," the show them went in reverse as you would expect. As soon as it reached the start of the show it played like normal, restarting the imposing theme that had played just moments before.

Altair tilted her head as she wondered what the point of those types of commands were. 'Don't you watch a show to see it to its end? What is the point of skipping things?'

Din turned to Altair and added, "If you want to resume a show that you have paused if you wanted to go to the bathroom or something, merely say 'Resume' loudly and it shall play again from that point."

Altair nodded her head as she returned to eating her food. Din bowed respectfully towards her and placed a bell on the table afterwards. She then stated, "If you require our aide with anything, merely ring this bell Dear Guest and someone shall come to serve you. I shall return to my duties now, enjoy your stay."

Din bowed once more before she made her way out of the room.

Altair focused on eating her food while watching a galactic battle between, supposedly, two sides. It was hard for her to tell as she had no context and couldn't identify either side of the forces that were engaged with each other.