The Bandit Chief

A soft shower descended on the forest. Inside the hut, a black cat lazily curled into a ball, its eyes closed halfway. In the darkness, small sounds of grinding teeth chomping were barely audible from a small crack.

Outside, the smell of damp soil hung permeated the warm air. The crush of leaves underfoot and hastily packed tents joined the sound of fluttering wings and monkey hoots as the night deepened.

At the approach of the imposing figure wearing a dark cloak, the ill-tempered stallion tied to the outskirts of the hideout, emitted a low-pitched breathy sound. The nicker caught the attention of the men who were packing up with haste. All eyes trained on the horse who raised its head attentively towards someone.

Their eyes eventually trailed on the man with an imposing aura who seems to have materialized out of thin air. Tension hung in the air and almost everyone held their breath.

The man walked closer to the horse who continued nickering. Illuminated by the light from the fire, the animal's ears were pointing up while sniffing the man's hand. A hand shot out of the cloak, scratching the animal's neck. Happy sounds of a horse who just received a thorough petting broke through the clearing, catching the men off guard.


The cloaked man took off his hood, revealing his unkempt hair hovering close to his sharp eyes. The flickering light from the fire cast shadows on his face, making him look fiercer with his lips firmly shut. Looking at the men, he nodded back in greeting.

The young man with his hands on the hilt of a sword relaxed his hand. Almost every man let out a deep breath. Looking at the items around the temporary camp, his chilly voice resounded.

"Don't leave any tracks behind."

"Yes, Sir!"

The chief tilted his head toward the only tent left standing.

"Did she cause any trouble?"

"She has mostly behaved."

Nodding, he made his way to the tent. "Don't leave anything behind, we're leaving before daylight."

Before dawn, the rain disappeared and Mina was too bored to stay indoors. She couldn't keep still and her tail kept twitching. She glanced at the open window, and couldn't resist but explore. Without any idea where to head off to, Mina found herself in the direction towards the bandit camp. Taking cover in the darkness, she observed the quick movements of the three men.

A man she had never seen before came out of the tent. Her ears perked up when she saw the man and her tail curved.

With narrowed pupils, she stalked the man from the cover of darkness. She could make out a tall figure wearing a tunic and trousers similar to the other bandits. But compared to those people, this man stood out with his feet splayed outward and his chin up with his back fully erect.

The princess followed behind the man, her hands clasped, fingers interlocked. She stood still on her spot, looking at the scene before her.

"It's time to move."

Mina's eyes trailed back to the man again.

'Leader, he is the leader.' She nodded, finding a comfortable position to continue watching the show. Licking a paw, she looked up to see the man staring at her direction. Tongue out, she abruptly stopped, sensing his gaze.

Without giving him an inch, she stared back unblinking, her front paws stiffened and she felt the fur on her back stand up.



The man's gaze would have made her swoon if she was the old Mina. But right now,

Their gazes locked, and she observed the man's lips set in a hard line, his eyebrows furrowed. Instinctively, she heard herself growl with eyes still focused on the man. The sound was almost deafening, catching the attention of the bandits who were packing all supplies on their mounts.

At the sound, the man broke eye contact, and Mina saw his mouth slightly open looking at the princess.


Her attention drifted to the voice which sounded almost like a whisper before she focused her eyes back on the leader.


The princess nodded in understanding, her dainty fingers smoothening her furrowed brow.

'A man whose words were like gold.'

Looking at the princess, Mina had mixed emotions. The woman is fated for a difficult life. At this age, she could only depend on a man at times like this. While thinking about the bleak future awaiting the woman, she kept her gaze at the chief and the princess.

The young lady, who concealed everything but her eyes, tilted her head up towards the chief. Her hands interlocked in front of her body.

Looking at them, Mina vocalized with a stuttering sound, conveying her excited thoughts. Interesting enough, the solution to her survival problem is right in front of her --the chief and the leader who were now making their way towards a horse.

She didn't receive too much abuse in the woman's company. The princess wasn't such a bully. She pondered whether she should choose the chief as her right-hand man.

He was obviously fit -- she could tell even if he wore loose clothing. The stare-off earlier proved he paid attention to his surroundings. Feeling relaxed, she sat down and licked her shoulder, her mind considering the possibilities.

Ability to provide. Check.

Observance skills. Check.

Love for cats? Unconfirmed.

If he's into cats, he is a viable candidate.

Being a bandit chief's cat didn't sound too bad.

If her goal is to make a name that would go down in history, he fits the tab. If she wants to go, she needs to decide now.

Time is of the essence. The bandits took care of everything with speed, the area which used to be a temporary camp appeared undisturbed. Soon everyone was on their mounts, ready to leave.

But before she could make her final decision, her ears perked up and her eyes narrowed as she stared in the opposite direction.

She knew it then. Something interesting is bound to happen.

Before dawn breaks, she would decide on her best chance at survival and whether the bandit chief deserved her favor or not.