Special Existence

"If I did what does I traveled back to an earlier time, what does that mean?" Mina asked in utter confusion.

'If there was no way for a soul to travel back to another time, what happened to me?'

"There are many possibilities," Devin looked as if he was preparing to list a hundred things without getting impatient. Unlike Kino, this person could explain things better but he seems to be too long-winded which made Mina feel frustrated, to say the least.

"Could there have been some error in the network and I was catapulted back in time?" Mina suggested. It was a logical explanation after all. Devin started at her with the same look Kino gave her before hitting her with a stick.

"No. Not possible. No errors were detected. I was in the control room all this time."

"So, WHAT?!"

Mina grabbed a bunch of hair and pulled it upwards. This person was starting to gnaw on her nerves.

"Hmmm...errors never happen but then again, we never know. " Devin said thoughtfully. "What was it like to be in a cat's body?"

'Why won't he just answer the question, this is annoying!' Seeing him looking on patiently, prompting her for an answer, Mina gave up and answered truthfully.

"Like a cat. Faster. A different field of vision. More interested in some things than others."


"Small moving things?"

Devin suggested and Mina couldn't help but nod. She was about to launch a barrage of questions to prod him to reveal more when the man spoke again.

"It seems like you've adapted quickly. Some souls retain the abilities they had in their original form even if they enter another body," Devin explained.

"If your soul molded right into that shell, that means you have extraordinary abilities."

'So his questions have some point after all.' More curious than annoyed, Mina went on to ask.

'I never thought possessing a body can be that complicated! Horror movies are all wrong!!!'

Before Mina's thoughts could wander she remembered something important.

"Wait, I was inside some forest with a friend and we were trying to figure out how to travel through time."

Devin questioned Mina with a look and she continued explaining.

"This friend - a mouse. He remembered being transported 10 years into the future and we were trying to figure out how it happened. We ended up in one part of the forest and some unusual things happened."

"What did the mouse tell you?" Devin asked.

"The mouse told me he wanted to bring his wife back from 10 years ago and we were trying to do that." Mina couldn't see the sense in concealing anyone from Devin. If there was someone who had all the answers, it might be him.

"Is that everything the mouse told you? Are there unusual things about this mouse?" Devin prodded.

"This mouse only thinks about food! Food! Nothing but food!" Mina complained before she remembered something more important.

"I saw the mouse lying inside the place where he traveled through time."

"How did the mouse look when you saw him?"

Mina tried to recall the moment before she fell into the portal. Tarou was covered partially with half-eaten plants. The mouse appeared to be unconscious and Mina had no way of knowing if the animal was badly hurt. She looked up to Devin not knowing how to describe the scene.

"The mouse was lying inside the log. Before I could get to him, I was transported to a cold, cold place."

"Hmmm..." Devin clasped both hands in front of his body and walked around the pod. Mina was amazed how Devin could avoid bumping into the glass but she kept mum and waited for the man to speak.

"Your account is too vague, it would be better to watch what happened." Devin finally said.

"Whoa!" Mina couldn't help but exclaim in awe. "You actually monitor the world? Do trees have CCTV cameras or something? Or is it in the cloud or..."

Before Mina could add anything else, Devin cut her off. "There is no such thing."

"Oh..." Mina couldn't conceal his disappointment.

"But," Devin said with a hint of mischief in his eyes, "you were there and you can show us what happened."

"Me? What about me? Who's us?" Mina asked in succession.

"Yes, you. Your memory of these events are vivid enough." Devin clarified before adding, "By us, I mean you, me, and Kino who never left this pod."

"Kino? But Kino's..."

Before Mina could finish her statement, Devin grabbed something beside him and took off what appears to be a sheet, revealing a monkey's naughty face.

"Since you're still here," Devin said while looking at the monkey, "you should help her project her memories." At Devin's suggestion, Kino's face brightened up. He hugged the man with both hands and gave Devin a big kiss on the cheek before exclaiming.

"Buddy! You're the best!"

Mina could only shake her head while looking at the scene before her.