The First Task

Mina spaced out after hearing Devin's confusing conclusion. Before she could ask anything, Devin snapped his fingers and Mina felt something tighten around her neck.

Mina couldn't help but touch her throat when her hands grazed on a small thing attach to the choker. The sound of a small metallic thing hitting another metal caught her attention.

"Is this —a collar?"

Kino who has been sitting in one corner couldn't hold back his guffaw when he saw Mina's exasperated expression. The monkey couldn't help but share his opinion while studying Mina.

"You will look fully domesticated when you get back to your cat body."

"All I need is a bow, and I'd be the perfect birthday present right out of a pet shop!"

Mina's complaint didn't affect Devin, who looked pleased with his handiwork.

"You'd need that collar to get in and out of this place at will. Otherwise, you'd continue to leech off energy from Jadon to access this place."

"Who's leeching off energy from that guy?"

Devin calmly studied Mina who was pacing around the pod while being all worked up. Ignoring her, he explained.

"The collar should be helpful in many ways. I will leave that to you to figure out."

"What happens now?" Mina inquired while fiddling with the bell.

"You need to find the place where you got trapped, it can help up figure out what happened in my absence. For that, you'll need Jadon's help."

Mina listened to Devin's instructions until an idea curbed her enthusiasm.

"O....Wait!" Eyeing Devin with suspicion, she couldn't help the direction where her thoughts veered towards.

"If you have control over life, death, and time, why don't you give me power. A wand? Fairy dust? Or something to put things back in order."

Kino slapped covered his ears and closed his eyes when she heard what Mina had to say. Devin's lip curled upwards in amusement while looking her in the eye as if she was some interesting specimen. All Mina could do was stare back at the two of them.

'Didn't they even think that it's possible to put everything back in order when they intervene?'

"Have you ever heard about free will?"

Mina believed in democracy and she was no stranger to free will. She gave Devin a look that screams who-doesn't-know-about-that-and-now-what?"

"Rule No. 51 A in the Meerkat Network rule book states that no agent is to interfere with the free will of any living creatures. We can't compel anyone to follow our mandates."

'Rules? Being part of the network means being subject to these rules too!'

"The collar should warn you if you are in danger of violating any of the network's rules."

Devin walked from one side of the pod to another while studying her. Mina could feel her knees weaken as if she's facing a terror teacher who is about to shuffle name cards and choose a student to answer a question.

"As for the methods you suggested, I'm sorry to disappoint you but those things are not possible. We can influence human minds but it takes energy to compel a single person to believe you. But changing the mind of a whole nation will require too much energy loss and we can't afford that."

Before Mina could say another word, Devin continued.

"The agents from the Network mixing in with regular humans have excellent skills in politics - that's the best way to control the minds of any kingdom. That means, you, my newest recruit, needs to heed the current laws of the land while doing your mission."

"The old man and the rest of the network's agents should provide you with the guidance you need to blend in with this era. They should know what you are when they see that collar.

Mina couldn't even get a word in as Devin continued to issue commands.

"Oh, if you could inquire where my little disciple went, I would appreciate it!"

'He thinks he's all that great! They can't even deal with the issue of that ancient realm.'

"Hey! Why do you get to call all the shots? At least give me something to work with. After all, I am doing you a favor."

Devin studied Mina as if he understood what went inside her mind. Before Mina can issue another complaint, Devin cut through the chase and reprimanded her.

"Don't be impulsive. The world you entered is not like the modern era. Doing that will put the other agents in danger."

Mina rolled her eyes. There were way too many rules in the afterlife. This was way stricter than being alive. Before she could continue to berate Devin in her mind for being too stingy.

"Now, where were we?"

'Isn't he done yet? This guy was too dense! Argh!'

"The place where you were you almost died of heat loss - find out what happened there." Devin issued the order calmly as if he was just asking her to pass the salt.

Mina cringed. She could still remember how it felt like to be trapped in that place.

"You have the Network now and our people will naturally be involved."

Mina felt some relief when she heard what Devin said.

Annoyed at being cut off and ordered around, Mina's annoyance flared.

"Are you done? Would that be all your majesty?"

Devin didn't even flinch when he heard Mina's sarcastic reply.

"Yes, that would be all. Now, do your job. There are people waiting for you on the other side."

With these words, Mina couldn't help but think about Tarou. That worrywart was probably fretting like a mother hen right now. The image of her little friend came to mind. Mina felt a warm sensation envelop her body as she slowly slipped out of consciousness.