The Naughty Collar

"Ehhh... Ehhh... Ehhh"

Mina couldn't control the coughing sounds after hearing what the man had to say.

"Come on." The man gave her a quick lookover and crouched down as if to pick her up. Showing him her tail, Mina turned her back and walked towards the manor as if to snub the man.

"No thanks."

Mina wanted to give herself a pat in the back when she heard herself meow. The sound came out as haughty as she imagined it to be. Concealing a toothy smile, Mina walked away with a spring in her step.

'He's not even that attractive. Women these days have unusual taste!'

While Mina walked forward she found herself looking behind her subconsciously but she felt something tighten around her collar.

'He's not attractive, stop looking back.'

Stopping on her tracks, Mina pulled on the collar with an annoyed expression.

'What was wrong with this thing? Isn't it supposed to provide guidance only about the rules?'

'What's wrong with this cat? Isn't it supposed to just complete its mission not lust after ancient boys?'

The collar's answer streamed to her subconsciousness and Mina couldn't even understand how it happened. It was like having another voice inside her head.

But not really.

There was no other voice up there. Instead, she immediately knew the answer to her question. It was like having a second conscience.

'Are you alive?'

'I'm just a collar. I exist to guide you through this mission.'

Mina couldn't help but wash her face with her paws as if trying to get rid of an imaginary itch. This collar ... argh!

'Then why would you comment on areas you are not even needed for?'

The internal monologue with an inanimate object which doesn't even talk was starting to get on her nerves.

When all else fails, she will return to the pod and demand that they give her another guide --a less-opinionated one.

'Rule No. 5. Perform missions without delay.'

'I am not delaying anything.'

'Uh huh'

'Hey! Are you actually alive?'

'I am a collar. My purpose is to guide a member of the network.'

'What kind of monster did that Devin gave me?'

Before Mina could roll her eyes because of how intrusive the device was, she felt another thought stream into her consciousness.

'He does look attractive, you can't deny it.'

Mina wasn't able to resist looking back after the collar's urging. She felt like the collar was chuckling in silence so the sound won't be transmitted to her consciousness. As she looked back, she couldn't help but be caught in a trance.

The general walked in an imposing way --like no one has the right to walk on the same ground that he did. The slight breeze made his hair sway and Mina couldn't help but admire the man who was masculine from head to foot.


Her ghost self was twirling inside her cat body.

'Changed your mind? He will welcome you in his open arms.'


'You know you want to.'

'Shut up you annoying thing!'

The meows came out sharper and stricter than she expected and the meows caught the attention of Tarou who continued to scold Barca. When Mina realized that her sudden outburst didn't happen inside her mind, she backed away from the crowd before running towards the room of the old man like devils was on her heels.

'What's wrong with this collar? Is it possessed? Why would a simple rule book be giving unsolicited advice?'

'As long as your stream of consciousness is open, I can communicate with you.'

Annoyed, Mina tried to bite the collar but ended up chasing her tail. I really need to visit that high and mighty Devin as soon as I can.

'You can but you can't deny that the general is attractive!'

Unable to hold back her emotions, Mina deliberately smacked everything in her path by slapping her tail back and forth. Unfortunately, stomping her paws and swaying her hail was not enough to calm her down. She couldn't help but voice out her irritation.


The frustrated sound echoed inside the mansion. The sound was almost the same as a wailing ghost. Two maids who were trying to start a fire to prepare a meal were taken aback.


Sounds of pots falling and shrieks could be heard from the kitchen and two little mice who were planning to steal some food simply rolled their eyes.

"Ghaaaad! These huumaans! It was a mere cat!" the high-pitched squeak was extraordinarily loud and the grey mouse beside her had to place a paw to stop her from saying another word.

"Keep it down. They might catch us." The warning came in small, soft squeaks which fell on deaf ears.

"Cat? Could it be that oddball Tarou's cat? "

More focused on what the other mouse had to say, the other mouse ignored the high-pitch squeaks and thought about what her companion squeaked about.




The maids who finally quieted down was engaged in another round of screaming.

With quick steps, the mice run towards safety with the grey mouse dragging the brown mouse with her. Running outside the kitchen, the two creatures finally had time to catch their breath but a nagging squeak caught their attention.

"Hey, human, walk faster! I can't see Boss."

Hidden behind the shadows, the two mice kept quiet until they heard two pairs of footsteps disappear in the distance.

"Aure, my dear, I smell something weird."

"Kaia, I just heard the oddest thing. Did you hear Tarou order Barca?"

"Some mouse is issuing orders to your pretty booy! Oh, Aure! This is ... an emergency!"

The high pitched squeaks were the only thing that could be heard in the hallway. Aure tugged on the other mouse, but her companion continued to blab.

"Of course, my dear! We still have an ace who can deal with that Tarou -- the Elder."

Afraid that the maids will find them, Aure dragged the blabbing mouse away to safety.