Not So Secret

Mina glared at the monkey who was clasping both hands together while looking at her. 

"Ahhh... Serket, you say..."

Mina's eye's followed the monkey who walked with both hands and legs on the ground. She couldn't help but notice Kino's shrewd appearance. 

"Buddy, I didn't know you're interested in gossip."

As the kiss squeak sounds continued, Mina could feel her the increase in temperature in her ears. 


Mina ignored her annoyance with Kino's taunting instantly and placed her full focus when the monkey communicated with smacking sounds. 

"How should I put this..."

Kino was just a few inches from Mina and she could smell his wet fur but she was more interested in learning more about Serket than nagging an orangutan. 

"These days I've been missing my stick. This place... Stingy creatures! I've been putting up with walking all this time and now, they took my stick away!" 

Mina couldn't help but back away from the monkey who was making big gestures with his hands.

"They say it's dangerous!"

Kino took a step closer to Mina and placed both hands on his head. Mina could only follow the monkey's erratic movements. 

"It's just a stick!"

The monkey was about to extend a hand towards Mina. The unexpected movement caught her by surprise and she couldn't help but fend off the monkey by slapping his hand away. 

Even with her paws retracted, she felt the moment her paw got in contact with the animal's skin.

What if she annoys this monkey and he gives her a hard time?

Mina wanted to take her paw back, but Kino was quicker. The monkey's grip tightened around her paws and looked her in the eye.


"You're my savior!" 

Releasing her paw, Kino turned around and all Mina could see was his furry back. 

"Help me scratch my back."

Mina's eyes bulged. 

"Here, here." 

Kino pointed on a small portion in the middle of his back and Mina 

What's wrong with this monkey?

His hands are so long!  He can reach his back! 

"Kino, what do you know about Serket?"

"That lethal scorpion?"

The question piqued Mina's curiosity and all she could do was observe Kino whose fingers were pointing at a spot on his back.

Mina stared at her paws and started scratching. 

"That Serket, she stings without mercy." 

Kino continued to point to a different place.

"Don't mix things up. Serket is just an annoying bird."

Mina made a face as she spoke. Kino remained silent for a while but before long, she saw the monkey's fingers point to another section on his back.

Mina tried to hold back her temper. This monkey may prove useful when she becomes human again.

And, she didn't want to burn bridges this early.  

Seeing that Kino was just looking outside the pod while scratching his head, Mina continued.

"She likes to hoard the spotlight"

Mina did not stop scratching the monkey's back while trying to juggle his memory. 

"And is giving the general a hard time."

"Not to mention narcissistic."

The scratching became more intense as Mina spurted one line after another. 

"Serket, she's???"

Kino winced as he asked great difficulty, but before he could continue, Mina spoke again. 

"She's a parrot, a parakeet perhaps, with an atrocious color."

Mina took a step closer to the monkey and continued attacking his body. Her chirp-like meows were growing louder and although the noise was not sinister, Kino couldn't help but distance himself from Mina who continued to meow her grievances.

"Her wings --those wings -- the color is so blinding."

"It will hurt your eye." 

Mina spat the lines in a series of passionate meows.

"You need industry-grade goggles."

With each line, Kino took a small step away but Mina was quick to follow him and her paws never stopped scratching the orangutan's back. The monkey's expression turned completely black when he noticed that they circled the pod.

"You'll be repulsed with that bird!"

As Mina's paw came in contact with his back, Kino felt a sharp pain. This time, he took a big step forward. 

"That's enough scratching, Buddy."

The monkey winced and turned around to study Mina, his eyes losing their previous myrrh and looking ready for business.

"Are you are envious of Serket?"

"Of who?"

Kino raised an eyebrow while smoothing his back. Mina returned the monkey's stare before starting another tirade. 

"How could a wonderful creature like me be jealous of that... that bird?"

"So, you're not jealous?"

"That's not the point!" 

"I scratched your back, now you scratch mine! What do you know about Serket?"

"Serket you say?"

Kino dragged his words and stared at the world below.


With one hand on his chin, he turned and engaged Mina in a staring match before finally speaking.

 "Did she appear as a bird now?"

Kino's hands rested on his chin.

"She had a preference for being a scorpion you see."

"Are you sure you're talking about ...Serket?"

"Yes. Why else would those people hold a meeting with her?"

"That's true. Hmm... Then, the rumors may be true."

Kino had a thoughtful look on his face while pondering over things.

"I'm not sure if I should be telling you this."

Mina hissed but before she could lash out, Kino continued again.

"Serket can take on different animal forms."

"Serket? You mean that... that bird can..." 

"It's not exactly a secret. That's her punishment."

"Punishment for?"

"She violated some rules and got that straightlaced Jadon in trouble too."

"So she severed ties with the Network?"

"No. But she's on probation and," Kino looked at the pod's entrance before gazing into Mina's eyes, "according to the grapevine, she can't use her human form."

Mina gave Kino a blank look.

"Fine!" The monkey had both hands in the air and mumbled.

"Why am I always the one explaining everything." 

Mina raised a paw and licked it while eyeing Kino. 


"Since Serket can't stay human, she has no choice but to jump from one form to another. She can't stay on one form for too long or she..."

Kino sighed and gave Mina a serious look.

"Or she might get too used to her form and forget ... some things."

"Is that..."

Mina's thoughts were all jumbled and it took her a few seconds to compose her thoughts. 

"If I remain like this for a long time, I would start acting like one?" 

"Weren't you already starting to act like one?"

Suddenly bewildered, Mina could only give Kino an alarmed gaze. 

"You... you mean?"

Kino nodded. 
