Xueyan swirled around, it was so sudden and unexpected that Fangxi lost her balance.

The environment became as silent as a grave yard. 

Fangxi head spinned, was she going to fall? She felt her eyes pop out of their socket.

Yin Anhao mouth was wide with shock. 

Deng Yue tried to maintain her composure but her eyes didn't go with her plan. It widened with every turn Fangxi made till she finally fell face flat. And she sprang up from her chair.

Sand immediately filled her eyes as dust filled the sky.

She opened her mouth to scream, "Mmm... Mmm..." She tasted sand and the scent of dust filled her nose. Fangxi started coughing and spread more dust.

Mei Han immediately came forward and pulled Xueyan some steps back, using the scarf to put the dust away.

Huang Mingfe watched from the sideline.