Jiuwen tried to soothe him, so she explained that maybe the woman didn't know on time and when she found out she must have thought it was better to keep the child than abort him.
"What are you saying?" Zhaolin turned to her. "Have you been pregnant before?"
"Hahaha, no. I was just saying."
He hesitated for a while as thoughts filled his head. "I'll register him in..."
"Zhao why don't we adopt him?" Jiuwen asked excitedly. She had a big smile on her face. "If we adopt him I'll take good care of him. I'll dote on him, he won't miss his mother. What do you say?" Jiuwen tilted her head to the side.
"No." His answer which he thought had been firm and final changed after he met the little baby boy some days later.
Jiuwen had pushed the baby into his arms, he held the boy and wondered why he was so little.