Songyan watched as her brother stood beside her protectively, and smiled. Let's get this over with.

"Shiya, why are you just standing there? And my brother standing here?"

Cui Yao hissed, "Song..."

"Songyan. Songyan. Songyan. Can y'all just let me be?" Songyan turned to eye Cui Yao. "Seems you aren't satisfied with just sitting down, do you want to wheeled around? Hunh?" Songyan then giggled. "Better stay out of this."

"Shiya, i heard that back then in school you were the number one pretender. You pretended to be happy when Xueyan came in and started having marks higher than yours. You pretended not to notice her, but actually sent those two bitches, what is their name again... Whatever,  after Xueyan. Now again, you want to start from where you stopped... What does that make you?" Songyan grinned. "A bitch! A cunning fox! A witch!" Songyan took bold steps closer to Shiya.