Rongbo didn't seem to understand why Xiaocan was so worried and he also didn't want to add to it, but today had been a stressful day for his parents so he was stuck in-between.

"Honey," he used his most soothing tone.

And the way she looked at him told him that if he say anything wrong she might never forgive him.

He turned her to face him completely. "Why don't we call Riuwen, instead?"

She immediately looked dejected and it broke the man's heart.

"He was here earlier, he had come directly to me in the kitchen when you were pleading on Jiayi's behalf..." She shook her head with tears flowing down her face. "He doesn't know where his brother is."

Rongbo flashed her a comforting smile. "Then do this for me, let's go back in the room, I'll search for him."

She nodded and they went back into their room.


Shihuan had called as promised, even showed them the night life.