A car revved into the Xiao's compound, driving directly onto the fresh lawn grass, and leaving a black tire trail on it.
It was none other than, Xiao Shiya.
Behind her car, was another car following up.
Xiao Shiya slammed the car door shut, waiting for the other car with her hands on her waist.
Chen Qingnuan and Cui Yao got down from the second car. They walked up to her with unhurried footsteps. Looking up at her face, she looked wrecked. She must have not slept a wink. She also had tear marks on her cheeks. Her hair was in a mess, she seemed like she had just lost her senses, or even run out of a mental hospital.
"Did you two watch the news?" Shiya asked interrupting, Qingnuan. "DID YOU‽" Shiya yelled at their silence. "Then I should take it as a yes, then?"
Qingnuan and Yao shared a look. "But we..."
"But what?" Shiya wasn't giving them room for explanation. "BUT WHAT‽"