I Didn’t Mean to Hurt You

Tang Zui saw the fearful look on her face and sneered. He clutched her face. "So now you are afraid, huh? I thought your heart is made of stone!"

'She had the guts to drive while intoxicated when she was still underage, and after the accident that killed Little Ning, she immediately left the country without remorse. Years have passed. But Little Ning never received the apology she deserves!

'Hehe, someone like this should live the rest of her life in fear and agony.'

Gu Mian did not know what he was talking about at all. She merely thought that he was referring to that incident on the cruise, when she almost killed him on impulse. 

She had already found out that her family were the ones who arranged for her to stumble into his room. It was indeed not his fault that she lost her virginity, because he was also drugged that night.

"Lie on your chest. I don't want to see your loathsome face!" Tang Zui ordered coldly.