Welcoming the hero

Kei was awoken by Emma and was given formal attire, he was dressed in an iron chest plate with gold detail of a dragon over a red silk shirt, a black cloak with a hood, and iron greaves over bare legs and Emma braided his hair into a warrior braid. After his morning meal, Alexander announced that they would be going into the kingdom to get Kei custom armor, weapons, clothes and make his first public appearance. They were driven a magnificent carriage made of wood and gold that was pulled by a team of pure white horses. Kei got to see the kingdom for the first time it was a huge medieval city there were shops everywhere they sold weapons, clothes, magic artifacts food, etc it was a shock to Kei who came from modern Japan. As they pulled into the town Alexnder said that it was the capital city named Flameheart which was also the royal last name, the townsfolk gathered around the carriage and the driver announced the arrival of the King and the Hero as Kei and Alexander exited everyone cheered and paid reverence to them. Kei just waved he hated attention and was very awkward around crowds because of his past but the Alexander clearly enjoyed the crowds cheering "The is our Hero Kei Motto a berzerker with the element of wind" said Alexander which brought another round of cheers. He led Kei to the blacksmith first "you majesty and the Hero, welcome" said a burly man who looked like a Japanese samurai to Kei he had an Asian skin tone and a samurai top-knot Alexander introduced Hakaru him as he started taking Kei's measurements for armor "what kind of armor do you prefer?" Kei had no idea and after they talked and he tried on some he decided on a form of light armor it was thousands of thin iron cords braided together flexible when twisted but almost unpiercable on contact and it also was impervious to cuts. Hakaru designed an inner two-piece body suit of it for Kei that would go under his clothes and said it would be ready in two weeks and then they would design his weapon the King paid him 5,000 gold as it was one of the hardest and rarest armor to make the king also explained the money system one gold was worth 20 silver and one silver was worth 10 bronze. They next went to a tailor named Robin he took Kei measurements and they talked about clothing choices Kei decided on a black cloak long enough to touch the ground and with a bronze button at the lower part of the flared up collar but was open from the button down, a white shirt, black pants, and brown leather boots. It was midday by then so they went to a high scale tavern/restaurant all conversation stopped once they went in Kei and Alexander were set at a center table a tall thin lady with blond hair and pointed ears took their order (Kei realized she was an elf). Alexander ordered for both which Kei was thankful for as he still didn't know the written language. After the waiter left a group of three burly guys with assortments of weapons and armor approached their table the biggest and ugliest of the group said "so this is the famed "Heero" everyone's been talking about he doesn't look so tough to me" then he shatters a beer mug over Kei's head Alexander stands up and starts to call for guards but Kei shoots up and grabs the guys neck Kei's eyes have gone white and he is covered in a red aura and his muscles grow to twice there size he gives a guttural yell and throws the guy across the room. His companions draw their weapons but Kei grabs one's sword and crushed it and breaks the other's spear the tavern is in utter chaos people are running and screaming. The guards rush in and try to subdue Kei it takes ten to get him under control but only after they trap him in a net and hit over the head. Kei wakes up in his bed with a splitting headache and sore muscles he soon notices Emma putting bandages on his head "Oh your finally awake" she says as she finishes "you caused quite a commotion in town today but the King solved everything he paid the tavern for damages and the guys who attacked you got thrown in jail" "you've had everyone worried using your skill that much for the first time takes a toll on you Persephone stopped by but I'm not supposed to tell you that" she said with a wink. She picked up a bowl of broth from a table and gave him some then she covered him up and left the room. Kei's headache prevented sleep for some time so he thought of his past. "Look at him" "he's so ugly" "why was he allowed here" these were some things he heard at school he was always picked on and never had many friends he was bullied to the point of getting beat up but he never could defend himself because the teachers would take his side. His only escapes ware anime and manga when he had enough money he would go to manga cafes but he mostly had the library. He had to go at odd hours so he would avoid classmates. And when he could he would watch anime episodes in shops but that was rare he mostly had to read. Now he was in another world with magic, elves and demons he was in a castle with maids he was a hero with powers. He still couldn't believe it, as these thoughts crossed his mind he slowly drifted to sleep.