
Without any hesitation in her steps, Fenrir approached the massive Heavenly Moon City gate. There were hundreds of soldiers present, each wearing similarly designed armors and holding spears. The few that looked different, generally having red armor, or the robes of a Cultivator, watched over everything from their posts, high atop the city walls. Fenrir noticed that the strongest person present seemed to be a middle-aged man with sleek black hair tied up into a long ponytail. He was greying at the sides, but his face still had a semblance of youth, even with his cold countenance that caused all the other guards to avert their eyes and lower their heads when he was near.

To avoid any problems, Fenrir had waited until the middle-aged man had left his post before she made her entrance. Even so, the reaction of the guards, and those waiting for entry, was different than she expected. Everyone turned their heads to observe her as she walked up to a chubby man that was in charge of allowing people access to the city. Ignoring the gazes of others, even though they made her skin feel itchy, Fenrir turned her gaze to match the man's and said, "I want to enter the city." in an icy tone.

Breaking from his stupor, the fat man wiped his palms against his trousers and produced a crooked smile as he asked, "Where did this fairy come from? You don't seem to be from around here...are you a Mercenary from another region? What is your reason for coming to Heavenly Moon City?" As he was speaking, the fat man let his eyes wander all over her body and, seeing that she only looked at him with a cold glare in return, he began to feel a little emboldened. From his perspective, Fenrir, while looking intimidating, couldn't be very strong because her cultivation seemed transient and unstable.

Fenrir squinted her scarlet eyes, feeling the desire to pluck out the fat man's for looking at her in such a way. Flexing her fingers a little, a habit she had developed when her hands were still paws, Fenrir said plainly, "My origins are not your concern. My purpose is my own. This city has no restrictions about who can enter, nor are there any requirements to discuss my affairs with a simple guard. Get out of my way, or the next time you decide to eye my body, I will feed them to you..."

Because of her [Absolute Obscurance], given to her by the strange voice when she entered the world, it was impossible for other people to read her Cultivation. However, even gods would feel intimidated under her gaze in the previous world, much less this fat man before her. The moment Fenrir focused her gaze upon him, he began to sweat and tremble while the people who had previously been staring at her turned away, some even going so far as to talk to people they've never met before to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Snorting through her nose, Fenrir tossed two golden coins at the man before walking through the gate without anyone obstructing her path. She had obtained the money by looting the corpses of people she had found within the forests, knowing it would be necessary to gain access to the city and procure a place to rest. As for the amount, that was something she had learned by observing those entering and exiting, which required civilians to pay 5 silver while Mercenaries had to pay 2 gold. In this world, money had denominations of copper, silver, gold, black-gold, purple-gold, and star platinum. It took 100 of the previous denomination to make up a single piece of the higher grade currency, meaning 1 star platinum would be worth ten billion copper...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'Disgusting, filthy, fat pig! How dare other people look at Fenrir's body!?')