
Since she lacked the charisma to draw people to her side naturally, nor could she see the auras of people to discern if they were 'good', Fenrir knew she would have to use force to get her point across. Just as Eva had taught her in the past, Fenrir decided she would become strong enough that any decision she made would compel others to follow her orders. Even if they only did so out of fear, it would still be better than the current state of the world. Presently, there were too many hypocritical and arrogant people, especially the various girly men who seemed to live at the expense of others. Their 'pride' was one of the greatest farces Fenrir had ever seen, as the truth of the matter was that the men were just vain cowards who tried to elevate their own status by putting other people down...

Though she knew that not everyone would be like that, or else this world would have destroyed itself, Fenrir could tell it was the 'norm' just based on how everyone acted. She didn't know how her strength stacked up against the pinnacle powers in the world, but a large Sect that had thousands of members was lead by people that were weaker than she was. As they had been in existence for more than a thousand years, it meant that they were either adequately strong or that 'stronger' people simply didn't care to interfere with them. However, considering how that woman, Wen Xiulan, acted, Fenrir believed she had to be decently powerful to avoid having her own body tainted by the arrogant girly men of this world...

Thinking of Wen Xiulan, Fenrir decided she would return to the Heaven Moon Sect to obtain information. Though she had plenty of places where she could venture to increase her strength, Fenrir wanted to learn about other large Sects and how the balance of power on the continent was truly divided. If she learned that any particular Sect was full of cruel and evil people, that would become Fenrir's current 'goal'. She would work to increase her strength until she was able to kill or cripple the cruel and vicious people that had risen to the top of the world by using other people as a stepping stone.

It would take a long time, by Fenrir was confident that people would begin to change how they acted if she went around killing and crippling anyone that lived at the expense of others. If she met any kind or capable people along the way, Fenrir would put them in positions of power and, even if she had to do so by fear, Fenrir would change this world through action. Eventually, her Master would either reach this world to save her or she would reach a point where she was able to return to his side. In order to do that, Fenrir needed to greatly increase her strength until there was nothing in this, nothing ANY world that could stand against her!

Fortunately, though she would never forget Eva's advice that 'there was always something stronger', Fenrir had her devouring energy to rely on. Even if there were things that could resist it, that only meant her control and understanding of the energy wasn't strong enough. Since Devouring Laws, according to her Master and Eva, were some of the most powerful in existence, Fenrir knew she had a major advantage. Just the fact that she could turn anything into her own energy gave her advantages that other people could only dream of obtaining...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'Even if I do not devour everything, I can still devour all of the riches and resources that the bad people keep for themselves...')