Learning Experience

After finding her footing, Fenrir had stopped for a few moments, absolutely silent as the tense atmosphere around her became even more so. She had her head down, eyes glimmering blue as a very subtle blush reached her cheeks. For the first time, Fenrir was glad that her Master wasn't in this world since it would have been very embarrassing for him to see her slip. Though he would have undoubtedly praised her for pushing her limits further, it still made her feel giddy imagining her Master laughing at her mistake...

As if to take advantage of this slight lull, Geng Chao stayed standing on the air and said, "It seems these old eyes of mine have grown hazy with age...you know, young Fenrir, if you stayed here at the Heavenly Moon Sect, we could teach you how to control your power. At the very least, I'm sure we could teach you how to stand on the air without issue, hahahaha~." Though Geng Chao had intended his remark in good spirit, the temperature in the air immediately dropped several tens of degrees as Fenrir's eyes locked onto him.

Fenrir had spent the moment of silence trying to figure out what other abilities she didn't have access to while in her 'Devouring Shroud'. None of her external magic had responded to her and, though she could still influence the Elemental Energy in the air, it was all absorbed by her shroud. It seemed that the trade-off for using the very powerful ability was the cost of nearly all of her other skills. However, Fenrir believed this was a fair trade and, instead of shaping the energy around her as ice, she began trying to change the shape of her shroud itself. Since she had already experienced it during her previous attacks, Fenrir knew it was possible...

Geng Chao realized he had made a mistake and cursed himself for forgetting the rather 'wild' nature of the girl below. He quickly evaded to the side as three hypersonic wolf maws came barreling towards him. They were still connected to the devouring energy, however, and began to chase after him very quickly, leaving tendrils of pure devastating in their wake. The Sect itself was also suffering a great deal of damage, as the chaotic energy and freezing temperatures were quickly reaching a degree that most Disciples wouldn't be able to tolerate.

Knowing things were essentially irreconcilable at this point, Geng Chao was seriously considering giving up an arm or a leg just to try and appease the voracious woman below. He needed to buy time to get the news out to the other Sects about how dangerous she was or it may be too late to stop her once she figured out the true horror of Devouring Laws. Within recorded history, those that had been able to master the use of such Laws were almost invincible existences, requiring great power and artifacts from higher realms to oppose directly.

While these thoughts were racing through his mind, Geng Chao dodged another one of the wolf maws with relative ease, only to find another maw break off from the 'tendril' and home in on his position. At the same time, all of the other tendrils 'exploded' into hundreds of smaller wolf heads that began to surround his position. Geng Chao's eyes widened in horror for what felt like the first time in more than a century as the Devouring Energy formed a sphere around him. He mustered up the majority of his True Qi to try and break through one of the thinner membranes but his connection with external energy was completely cut off. This meant he needed to use his own reserves to break through, something that would cripple his Cultivation progress for many years to come...

As this outcome was better than outright dying, Geng Chao mustered up a large portion of the True Qi in his Golden Core and tried to shatter through the surrounding sphere. The protective aura around his body managed to shield him decently enough as he charged forward and, for a brief moment, Geng Chao harbored hope that he had escaped. At this moment, however, the 'hole' he had made gained jagged edges like teeth...and clamped down on him, separating the upper half of his body as his remains within the sphere were broken down...Golden Core included...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'Don't you laugh at me...!')