Burn (2/2)

While others would have been able to intervene, Wen Xiulan quickly noticed there was something wrong with the current situation. She had suddenly sensed several powerful auras in the area so, without any hesitation, she moved like a phantom into the arena while shouting, "Members of the Devouring Moon Sect, we are under attack...!" as she moved to intercept the unknown man's flaming claw.

Rather than withdraw, the man tried to move into a position so that Gong Xinyue was between him and Wen Xiulan but he severely underestimated the latter's speed. Before his eyes could even fully widen, he felt an icy cold sensation spread through his body as a jade-white palm pierced his chest without any hesitation.

As she didn't need to guess why her Sect was being attacked, Wen Xiulan had no interest in the words of their attackers. All that mattered was that they were enemies and, if they failed to come out ahead, the number of victims on their side would only increase. There was no reasoning with those who had malicious intentions as the only outcome was an even greater tragedy.

After killing the man, Wen Xiulan looked at Gong Xinyue and, seeing she was still in shock, gave the girl a light slap on the face before stating, "If you do not want to get caught up in the conflict, you need to move. Regroup with your friends and seek shelter. You are in the way here...!"

Having been brought back to her senses, Gong Xinyue tried to say she would fight as well but, at a speed much faster than her perception could follow, two blazing figures shrouded in crimson flames attacked from Wen Xiulan's flanks. This caused the later to send out a wave of frigid air as two icy loti bloomed from her hands, blocking the surprise attacks and causing the two middle-aged men attacking her to wince slightly as they quickly pulled back.

Using her Qi, Wen Xiulan flung Gong Xinyue out of the arena at a speed much faster than the girl could manage on her own. Fortunately, the same Qi that sent her flying also cushioned the impact, allowing her to pass through several walls before being thrown out into the city proper without any injuries.

Gong Xinyue felt ashamed to be discarded so readily but, feeling the intense clash of Qi inside of the arena, she knew her own power was negligible compared to those fighting within. This caused her to bite her lip with a layer of moisture building in her eyes as she turned her back and joined the crowd in fleeing. She swore to herself that she would become stronger so that, in the future, her weakness would not hold back others.

Without realizing it Gong Xinyue's hair began to dance behind her back and, rather than the usual silky black, it began to turn vermillion in color. The very tips even began to ignite, turning into a stark red flame that drew the attention of a few disreputable Cultivators who were charged with stopping any members of the Devouring Moon Sect from fleeing...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'What is this feeling...?')