Eyes That Cannot See

Even with her incredible speed, it still took nearly a full day for Fenrir to reach the surface once again. She had to pass through several layers that appeared to be worlds of their own, one of which was even filled with massive creatures that looked like living mountains.

Fenrir realized that the world she now resided in was much bigger than she had expected as, under the feet of people that set their sights upon the heavens, entire worlds existed. She imagined that, if he were here, her Master would explore each of these worlds, uncovering their secrets and saving as many people as he could...

Unfortunately, her Master was not here and, though she wanted to be a good girl for him, it wasn't easy to do so. The negativity in the world influenced her too much and, without anything to balance it out, she would only get sadder and more frustrated every time something bad happened. While it may be possible to find a source of happiness, Fenrir didn't want to as, deep in her heart, the thing that had always mattered the most to her was her Master.


After ascending to the surface, Fenrir noticed several buildings that had been erected around the large pit she had formed. Since she didn't know how long she was gone, it was a very strange sight to see a small community had formed. They even seemed to be building a cover to seal off the large hole she had created, bringing Fenrir to a momentary pause as she considered their intentions.

Without having to ask, it became very clear that these people were hostile towards her as, upon seeing a figure with animalistic features fly up from the abyss, a loud bell began to sound as one youth screamed, "A Demon has risen from the Abyss! Inform the Grand Elder!"

Accompanying the youth's shout, several depots around the hole aimed black metallic ballista toward her, each fitted with fierce-looking projectiles that were nearly 10m in length. They did not even try to identify her before they started their attack, causing Fenrir's face to darken as the aura she kept at bay began to seep out from her pores.

Despite the monstrous momentum they carried, the projectiles fired by the defensive team, which could have even pierced the hide of a weaker Dragon, simply ceased to exist upon contact with the strange aura surrounding Fenrir's body. This didn't deter them, however, as one senior member of the team shouted, "Load the Sacred Silver Bolts...!"

While the teams began to carry out the man's order, Fenrir's ears had twitched in response to his bellow. Before he could even drop his arm, the area where the man stood was now a spherical void. It had happened so quickly that the surrounding disciples hadn't even seen Fenrir's shroud devour the man. In fact, they couldn't even see her figure any longer...

To the horror of the defensive team, they noticed that the depots around them would randomly vanish into thin air, leaving behind no traces of the people that once manned them. Some tried to flee upon seeing this but, just as their flight response kicked in, all thoughts ceased as, in an instant, they too joined the departed.

In less than a minute, Fenrir had killed the entire defensive team but, rather than move on from the scene, she was waiting for the arrival of the so-called Grand Elder. It wouldn't have taken her much effort to seek him out but, in order to restrain her destructive urges, she did her best to remain as calm as possible by entering into a reactive state rather than proactively destroying everything...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'This world never changes...')