
With neither side holding any regard for their own safety, Fenrir and Li Shimin charged at each other with the singular intent of finishing their enemy.

Having been empowered by Li Shimin's Golden Core, the flaming saber gained a golden luster that seemed capable of piercing through anything while, due to her overwhelming fury, Fenrir's energy had darkened considerably, forming what appeared to be a tempest of pure darkness.

If someone were to witness this battle from a distance, it would look like the collision between good and evil, despite the truth being quite the opposite of expectations. After all, while she certainly had an affinity with Darkness, those that cultivated Yang Elemental Techniques were the source of many nightmares all throughout the four continents...

With both of their energies reaching the highest point, the tip of Li Shimin's blade began to bore through the shroud protecting Fenrir's body, seemingly intent on piercing directly through her chest. This didn't deter Fenrir in the slightest but, just as she opened her jaws wide to try and devour the saber directly, time itself seemed to slow to a crawl.

From within the void, a figure with tanned skin, blazing blue eyes, and somewhat wild brown hair stepped out into the world in an overly casual manner. It was a man wearing a dark black tunic that had a complex array of runes sewn into the collar, giving it a casual yet expensive vibe. However, this wasn't what Fenrir was focused on and, without her having to will it to do so, the devouring energy around her body began to retract like water being sucked down a drain.

Using a speed that defied time itself, the figure casually raised his left hand and, upon contacting the seemingly unstoppable golden blade, the entire structure shattered like glass. At the same time, all of the energy in the atmosphere, regardless of its composition, seemed to muster in accordance with the man's will and, as if he had never existed in the first place, Li Shimin's body vanished into minute particles of ash so fine that they disappeared entirely within the void.

Though she had withdrawn her energy, Fenrir didn't arrest her momentum in the slightest. She had continued forward, now even faster than before. However, as if there was an impossible distance between herself and the figure, she found it was impossible to get any closer to him as tears began to pool at the edge of her vision. It wasn't until the figure had turned to look at her, a gentle smile on his face that the distance between them seemed to reduce. At the same time, he extended his right hand, seemingly in slow motion, and began petting the top of her head as he said, "I'm a little late...please forgive me..."

With the distance between them no longer seeming insurmountable, Fenrir pounced on the figure, wrapping her arms around his body as she began to cry in a loud and uncontrollable manner. This caused the figure to show a pained look as he wrapped his arms around her in kind before giving the top of her head a gentle kiss and nuzzling in between her large ears.

While Fenrir was venting all of the pent up emotions that had plagued her for what turned out to be seven years, the man wrapping his arms around her was experiencing complex emotions of his own. In truth, it had been nearly nine-thousand years since the last time he saw the petite Vanargandr but, no matter how much time had passed, he never gave up trying to find her.

Now, seeing how much pain Fenrir was in, his heart wept alongside her but, as it had been a very long time since he had shown any genuine emotions, he continued to smile comfortingly while, in the sky above, a massive palatial structure formed into existence. Several figures began to leap down from the edge of the continent-sized landmass, including one fiery-haired girl riding on the back of a massive red dragon. Unlike the perpetually smiling figure, she allowed her emotions to show fully and, with tears in her eyes, she dove down to the duo and wrapped her arms around them both, the most sincere and heartrending apology she could manage escaping her lips...

After what seemed like several hours, Fenrir ultimately cried herself to sleep and, after learning what she had gone through, the figure turned his eyes skyward. There were literally hundreds of people in the air around him, including a woman with vermillion hair and an eye that blazed like the sun.

With the same casual smile as before, the figure turned toward the woman, saying in a calm tone, "I do not like being lied to. Those fools decided to hurt one of my important people...they will need to be replaced. Find whatever God thought they could get away with this farce and bring them to me in chains..."

Despite the calm on the man's face, an overwhelming aura seemed to descend, not just upon the surroundings, but the entire world. Those that had powerful cultivation noticed that they could no longer muster any Qi outside of their body. Some were no longer able to even sense it and, despite their best efforts, the energies in the atmosphere were now beyond their means to manipulate.

Without showing any sign of perturbance, the woman with the blazing right eye just smiled in response as she, alongside several dozen other female figures, seemed to fade from existence. A few moments later, the heavens above seemed to tremble and fracture as the man, still holding Fenrir in his arms, wrapped her tightly in his embrace and said, "Let's go home..." in a soothing voice. As a result, even though she was still unconscious, Fenrir's tail began to gently wag as she instinctually nestled further into her Master's embrace...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'Master...I knew you would come for me...')

(A/N: I hope everyone enjoyed this short side story. This is the official end of Fenrir's Journey as it was never intended to be a long term project. I only wanted to write something to relieve stress in between chapters of EPIC but, as people really wanted world-building and proper explanations, I lost my motivation xD. It is hard to treat something seriously that was only supposed to be a 'for fun' side project. Thus, in order to prevent having to flesh out an entire wuxia novel while writing a main series that is already near 1300 chapters, I needed to bring it to an end before things go out of hand. I hope you enjoyed the way things concluded and, while these are non-canon events, know that I did sneakily place a few spoilers here and there for the astute readers ^_^~!)