Chapter 44 "The Real Punishment"

Nan Shen kept walking in steady pace with the same smile on his face but when he came even closer to Tan Hua place, his smile changed into an evil grin.

Heh dumb doggo you dare to nearly spill out my secret don't you? You even nearly kill me with necktie and make me drink sour coffee!

Just wait till Mi Shu is gone....I'll punish you by my own hand! 😈

"Oy!" Nan Shen stopped in front of Tan Hua as he looked down to her.

"Mmh?" Tan Hua subconsciously raised her head but when she did...she nearly peed herself.

Nan Shen put his hand over the wall trapping Tan Hua while beside her, was the bookshelf. This position somehow made her felt uneasy.

On Nan Shen side, when he saw Tan Hua raised her head...he suddenly felt like an arrow pierced his heart.


....Pfft!!! H-how could this boy be this cute??!! 🤣

Nan Shen couldn't help but chuckled when he saw Tan Hua being frightened to death. The way Tan Hua raised her head was so cute like a dog waiting to be scolded by its master.

Really. This boy is like the reincarnation of his deceased dog!

"Mi Shu ask whether you are willing to meet alone with her tomorrow. Just nod if you agree and shake your head if you don't" Nan Shen hit Tan Hua head gently as he once again pinched Tan Hua cheek.

It felt so good to bully this doggo. Hm! So satisfying!

Tan Hua actually wanted to refuse the offer very kindly as she felt it would be troublesome to be involved with the female lead but when she was about to shook her head...she saw Nan Shen wearing that devil smile.

His face was smiling but he looked so scary! It was as if he was saying "DON'T REFUSE!" even though he didn't say anything.

Well Nan Shen indeed thought like that. Don't you dare refuse goddess Mi Shu offer you brat!

"" Tan Hua finally could only nodded her head weakly as she gave up to Nan Shen scary smile.

Momma!! Why second male lead-sama had to be this scary??!!

"Oh! You agree! Good boy~ Now give me your phone" Nan Shen without Tan Hua permission, suddenly reached out his hand and...


He searched for Tan Hua phone on her pants pocket.

!!! BOSS!! T-TOO CLOSE!! Dangerous! Dangerous!!

Tan Hua head felt like exploding. Nan Shen was too close! Not only that, he even do a body search without her permission!

This is sexual assault! She wanted to sue this devil!!! Call my lawyer please!

"Hup. Got it" Nan Shen retracted his hand after he got what he wanted.

....???!!!! What is he going to do with her phone??? This is stealing! Someone catch this thief for her!! 😭😭

Nan Shen walked away from Tan Hua place as he press the button on Tan Hua phone. Tan Hua didn't lock her phone at all (she didn't know how) so Nan Shen could quickly opened her phone.

"Ck. What an old phone..." Nan Shen mumbled to himself as he search for Tan Hua contact person. The phone Tan Hua owned wasn't a smartphone like Mi Shu and Nan Shen owned.

It was a simple Nokio flip phone which was very cheap and outdated nowadays.

"Gimme your number Mi Shu" Nan Shen looked at Mi Shu with sincere eyes as he prepared to save Mi Shu contact number to Tan Hua phone.

"Ah it is" Mi Shu quickly gave her phone number to Nan Shen so he could save her number at Tan Hua phone. After that, for some reason Mi Shu quickly left the office leaving only Tan Hua and Nan Shen alone inside the office.

As for Wu Yin who was making coffee earlier? He had been waiting outside the room until the coffee had turned cold.

"Now now Mi Shu had left....isn't this time for punishment?" Nan Shen walked again to Tan Hua place and pulled her only to cornered her to the wall.

Tan Hua hand was being handcuffed at the back of her body so she couldn't remove the gag on her mouth nor did something to defend herself.

This time she was finished!

"Hmm how do you want me to punish you?" Nan Shen lifted Tan Hua chin with an evil grin in his face.

Tan Hua very did wanted to have her heart went BATHUMP! BATHUMP! from excitement but her heart went BATHUMP! BATHUMP! from fear instead!!

"Mmh mhh mnnhhh!!!" Tan Hua shook her head desperately as she blinked her teary eyes trying to plea.

Boss! Don't kill me! Don't make me do bungee jumping without rope! Don't drown me in river!

Nan Shen smirked as he took off his handkerchief from Tan Hua mouth "Ukh so it's covered with your saliva"

Nan Shen threw away his handkerchief to the dustbin very casually.

.....but the next second he pick it up and put it down on his table.

This handkerchief is a brand which Mi Shu designed. It would be a pity to throw it away. Let's just ask Wu Yin to wash it later.

Now now...what should he do to 'teach' this doggo...😈