Chapter 48 "Work Smart, not Work Hard"

At this time all the cells inside Tan Hua brain began to spinned and get to WORK MODE.

Tan Hua was actually a smart girl, if she was in her work mode. Otherwise how could she be a successfull designer if she didn't have brain?

She was just dumb and dense and clumsy and....

Nah. Enough.

Tan Hua was dumb only when she wasn't doing her work. Now that her mind was challenged by this impossible mission...the lazy cells inside her brain were triggered.

Energetic Cell A: Little B! Tan Hua is facing an impossible mission now! It's been a long time since she activated's our time to shine now!

Lazy Cell B: Yeah little A, let's think of a solution! Tan Hua need to bring two big boxes at the same time with that little energy she has! What should she do?

Dumb Cell C: how about borrowing a cart?

Grumpy Cell D: you dumb dumb where the hell you can borrow a cart?! Is this a supermarket or office?!

Wise Cell E: stop stop guys we only have 3 minutes left! Start thinking!!

Genius Cell S: ....ah! I have an idea!

When genius brain cell S got an idea, Tan Hua instantly got enlightenment.

Ah! Who said she have to use tools? She have THAT way!

Tan Hua cheerfully went outside the room. Then when she saw someone around the place, she grabbed that person hand and dragged him inside.


"Yo bro! Help me carry these boxes please! Boss Nan is waiting!" Tan Hua very casually dumped her task to a pitiful passerby.

Yeah. That's right. Her genius plan was to ask 'help' from other people! In other word...she was dumping her responsibility to others!

This was a very good idea! She was indeed a genius! Hahaha you gotta work smart bro not work hard! 😆

The pitiful passerby who got dragged by Tan Hua initially wanted to refuse but then Tan Hua 'cleverly' threathen the passerby that this task was given by boss Nan and if he didn't help her, he would offend boss Nan.

The passerby had simple mind, he didn't want to offend his boss so he very smoothly fell into Tan Hua 'trap'.

The passerby then carried the two boxes with level MAX difficulty while Tan Hua was mumbling her favorite song in good mood.

Hah! This mission impossible turned out to be so easy! Easy peasy!

Tan Hua told the passerby to leave the boxes right in front of Nan Shen office so that she won't be suspected by Nan Shen of having others to help her.


"Ughhh for God sake so heavy!!" Tan Hua carried the boxes as she entered Nan Shen office. She had just carried the boxes for like 10 seconds but her back was already drenched in sweat.

Oh f*ck so heavy!! She couldn't imagine if she had to carry these all the way from the document room. She would probably already turned into zombie.

"H-here boss..." Tan Hua put down the boxes with a loud THUD! sound as she slumped over the floor while having her tongue sticked out like a tired dog.

She was really tired!!

"Oh good you are fast. Now...before having lunch break, sort out the documents you bring earlier. If you haven't finish by 12 pm then you can't have lunch" With an evil smile, Nan Shen pointed his finger to the two large boxes full of documents.

Tan Hua: 😯😲😱

WHAAATTT??? She had to sorted out these documents?! This many?! what the hell??!! (」゚ロ゚)」

The documents must be around hundred and she had to finish it before lunch break?! But it was 11 a.m now, so she only had 1 hour to finish all of these???!!!!

SHE WOULD DIE!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Tan Hua body froze on spot as her legs were rooted to the floor. She was so shocked that her heart nearly stopped beating for a second.

"What? Don't want to? Then no lunch" Nan Shen took a brief glance at Tan Hua pale face and suddenly felt energetic.

As expected. He needed to see this doggo suffer for him to work faster than usual. Hahaha! This new toy was actually useful huh? 😈

Tan Hua grumbled as she sat down on the floor while started to open the boxes. She want to have lunch! She didn't eat breakfast so if she couldn't eat lunch she would die! She would be a dried zombie then!!

But...easier said than done.

The documents inside were sooo many and confusing that Tan Hua mind already spinned like a fidget spinner.

Omg...she had to sort these documents? Like organizing it? When all these random type were stuffed inside the same box?

Huhuhu 😭 boss Nan really was evil!

In the end Tan Hua did sort the document as fast as she could but sadly when the clock hit the 12, like when Winderella's magic disappear...Tan Hua soul also wanted to disappear into nothingness.

She....had only finished a quarter of her overall work!!


It's...lunch break!! T-then...this lunch?! 😫