Chapter 57 "I Peed on It!"

"W-wait Boss I can't give you the bedsheet..." Tan Hua pushed Nan Shen away as she talked in quite a faint voice.

"And why is that?" Nan Shen raised his eyebrow coolly waiting for Tan Hua answer while still having his hand at the edge of the bedsheet.

This boy is so suspicious but let's hear what he will say shall we?


Tan Hua gulped her saliva nervously before she shouted "Because I peed on it last night!!!! I wet the bedsheet!!" Tan Hua finally answered when Nan Shen hand was just about to tug over the bedsheet.


Nan Shen: ....WHAAATTT??? (」゚ロ゚)」

Nan Shen nearly slipped and fell when Tan Hua said that in a super loud voice as if it wasn't her who said that.

W-what? What this doggo said? He peed on his bedsheet?! Is he a doggo??!! (╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\

" are you a doggo huh??!! How can you wet my bedsheet?! Ukhh" Nan Shen wobbled as he tried to calm his mind.

No wonder this stupid doggo act suspicious!! Turns out he wet the bedsheet!! Oh my God...this doggo peed anywhere he likes...he should pee at the right place!

Seems like he as this doggo's master had to train him harder! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

"Y-yes and I wet my pants too so...let me borrow your bathroom! I'll wash it real fast!!" When Tan Hua saw Nan Shen was getting distracted, she quickly ran away with a SWOOSHH! leaving behind the dumbfounded Nan Shen.

...what? That boy ran away just like that? What did he say? He wanted to wash the bedsheet? Then...he won't be able to take a bath!! (」゚ロ゚)」

Nan Shen dashed to the bathroom and wanted to dragged Tan Hua out but she already locked the door from inside.


"Tan Huo!! Oy oy just let the humanoid wash it or use washing machine!! I have to take a bath!" Nan Shen hit the door a few times with his fist but the doggo inside choose to ignore him.

She won't get out after the stain on the bedsheet was cleaned! Of course now she had to clean up her pants too...hhh..

Tan Hua looked at her surrounding to find soap for cleaning clothes. She had to do this fast before Nan Shen smash the door and exposed her.

....but no matter how hard she search, she still didn't find laundry soap!! There was only shampoo and body soap! That's all!

Tan Hua clearly forgot that Nan Shen was a nouveau rich man. How could he have laundry soap in his bathroom? It was impossible!

Tan Hua had the urge to cry. Is God playing with her? Eh wait the God himself was already become human and free-loading in her house.

Arghhhh why was she so unlucky?! No laundry soap how could she wash this bedsheet and her pants then?! (╥﹏╥)

Tan Hua was having a mental breakdown along with the noisy knock over the door, she nearly went insane.

But who was Tan Hua? A cockroach who could always find a way to survive. Even if she was a BIT stupid. She was a 'creative' person you know?

That moment Tan Hua suddenly got inspiration out of nowhere. Who said she couldn't wash the bedsheet without laundry soap? All she need was soap!

anddd there was soap here! Nan Shen's body soap!!

Tan Hua face brightened as she grabbed Nan Shen's body soap. Nan Shen use a liquid body soap so for Tan Hua it made her easier to wash the bedsheet.

After all, this was the first time she ever wash something with her own hands! Tan Hua begin with opening the water tap making BRSHHHHH noise from inside the bathroom.

Nan Shen who was still knocking the door from outside, stopped when he heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

Aishh that doggo was so stubborn. He might already started washing the bedsheet ︶︿︶

Nevermind then....he just have to wait. Hopefully he won't be late to go work.

Nan Shen shook his head as he went to the sofa inside his room. He sat down lazily and started to read business magazine.

Inside the bathroom....

Tan Hua didn't know how many soap she should use to perfectly cleaned both the bedsheet and her pants so she just use as many as she could!

Aside from that she need brush to cleaned the blood stain...Shen Ling have taught her about that before but she didn't find brush here....

Ah wait wait isn't toothbrush a brush? She could use that!

So Tan Hua very innocently took Nan Shen's toothbrush and used it to wash the blood stain.

10 minutes later...

With much difficulties Tan Hua managed to cleaned the bedsheet perfectly without leaving behind any blood trace and now she had began to wash her pants.

Of course she took off the pants she was wearing and started to wash it

In the end Tan Hua finished washing her pants too.

"hh..." Tan Hua wiped the sweat on her forehead as she stood up and was about to went out from the bathroom....when she realized something.

....she didn't have her pants on!! Her pants was wet now so how could she go out??!!!