Chapter 87 "Hidden Trap"

Lan Yanjin actually already knew Tan Hua wouldn't be able to dress up as a girl in a long time based on his deduction.

Now looking at how this woman look so happy after wearing the dress, she must wanted to take a picture to capture this rare moment.

"! I...I..." Tan Hua face turned bright red when her wish to take a picture with this appearance was discovered by Lan Yanjin.

Fine!! She was indeed eager to take a picture!

"Mn then go ahead don't mind me" Lan Yanjin waved his hand signaling Tan Hua that she could do what she wanted to do.

"Really? Yeah!" Tan Hua hurriedly stood up and was about to take a selfie using her front camera when she realized...her handphone didn't have front camera!!

Lan Yanjin who saw Tan Hua flustered face couldn't help but had the urge to tease her. She looked like a lost baby chicken!

"Hey" Lan Yanjin tapped Tan Hua head with his fist as he turned her head around to face him.