Chapter 108 "Leaning on His Shoulder"


Tan Hua head fell to Nan Shen shoulder when she had just fall into her deep sleep making Nan Shen who was back to watching Ren Yuan and Mi Shu, flinched out of shock.

L-little Huo??

Nan Shen body stiffen when he felt Tan Hua head on his shoulder.

W-what's going on?! Why the hell little huo's head suddenly on his shoulder??

"Little h-" Nan Shen was about to shoved Tan Hua head on his shoulder but when he saw Tan Hua was sleeping, he suddenly stopped. little huo is asleep! No wonder little huo suddenly leaned on him....

Nan Shen sighed in relief after seeing what actually happened. He thought little huo was acting strange when he felt little huo head on his shoulder. It turned out little huo fell asleep.

Nan Shen thought since little huo might be tired he could lend his shoulder as a pillow for a few minutes until little huo woke up.

But...plan would always be plan.