Chapter 119 "Be My (Fake) Girlfriend"

Wait. Instead of altering her information...He could just made fake identity for her!! Tan Hua would use her girl appearance right so he could just made up fake identity for her!

It's a good idea! How come he didn't think about this before! Now the plan had been settled, next...let's tell her about this. She had the right to now after all.

"Ehem. So Tan Huo actually I have a favour to ask you" Nan Shen put down the tea cup on his hand after he coughed a little to opened up a conversation with Tan Hua.

"Ah? again?" Tan Hua who thought Nan Shen wanted to talk about his problem but he talked about wanting to ask for something from her, couldn't help but rolled her eyes feeling annoyed.

She thought boss was ready to tell her what happened to him!! But he suddenly wanted to ask for a favour from her??