Chapter 122 "Necklace"

"Huff done!" Nan Shen drew back his hand immediately as he looked to Tan Hua new appearance with the necklace with satisfaction. A trace of genuine smile could be seen on his handsome face.

The necklace he choose for Tan Hua looked very good on her! He is satisfied.

Nan Shen smiled when he saw how good the necklace was when Tan Hua wore it now. Even though the pendant look out of character but it still reminded him of her image, a golden retriever. It's cute!

"Em big br- honey? A necklace...?" Tan Hua was still stunned when she see the necklace on her neck. So when Nan Shen came closer to her, it was for the sake of putting on this necklace on her neck?

"Yep you will absolutely need jewelry. That necklace suits you!" Nan Shen chuckled as he gently stroke Tan Hua head, afraid of messing it up before the party started.

When Nan Shen hand landed on Tan Hua head, Tan Hua suddenly felt her body temperature raised up a lot. Now she felt hot all over and her face must be red too.