Chapter 133 "Drunk"

When Po Fu who was watching the two of them from afar saw that the one who drank the juice wasn't Mi Shu but Tan Hua, she instantly had the urge to bang her head to the floor.

What the?! What the hell happened just now??

Why is that other girl the one who drink the juice instead?! That girl if she remember it wrong she is young master Nan girlfriend.

If young master Nan girlfriend had her reputation down because of her drug won't young master Nan be angry?!

Maybe he would investigate about this and she would be doomed! This is bad she better silenced that servant first.

Po Fu gritted her teeth as she went away from the party to ordered her people to silenced that servant so no one would knew she was the one drugging Nan Shen's girlfriend.

That Nan Shen's girlfriend would be doomed for sure!

The aphrodisiac effect Po Fu bought won't work immediately but maybe after an hour or so, the person would slowly felt something wrong.