Chapter 153 "Stroking"

Her heart beat for her wig! With Nan Shen blowing her wig wouldn't he saw her real hair underneath?!

Thinking like this Tan Hua abruptly turned her head around but at the same time the hairdryer on Nan Shen hand burnt her right ear when she turned her head around.

"Wuah!" Tan Hua shrieked when her ear got burnt by the hairdryer making Nan Shen immediately put down the hairdryer and blow air to Tan Hua red ear.


"I already warn you not to move around! Now look" Nan Shen blew air to Tan Hua ear as he touch her cute little ear which was red from the hairdryer burnt now.


Tan Hua heart beat faster for Nan Shen now when she felt the cool sensation on her hot ear. Her ear hurt when the hairdryer touch it but then after Nan Shen blew her ear it felt good!

"U-uh brother I'm al-" Tan Hua was about to stop Nan Shen from blowing her ear again when the man suddenly licked her ear startling her to death.