Chapter 164 "First Step"

Nan Shen left Tan Hua in her room as he went back to work with this irritated feeling. Up until now he still didn't know what makes him this irritated but soon he would know the answer.


1 month later.

"Big bro help me with this..." Tan Hua had fully recover and now aside from making design she had been learning about how to manage business from Nan Shen.

"This one? You click here..." At this moment Nan Shen was helping Tan Hua to learn how to made document and such since the girl never did so before.

"How? I still don't understand..." Seeing Nan Shen beside her Tan Hua heart beat faster for a while even though she had been living with him for a month already.

Somehow Nan Shen looked way more handsome than usual!

"Duh let me help" Nan Shen stood behind Tan Hua who was sitting on his chair facing a computer in his house. The girl was making business document but she still need help in many areas!