Chapter 173 "Summer Fashion"

He really was proud of this girl improvement. This girl really worked hard for the last 2 months to learn anything she could about managing business.

Such a hard working girl! That's the girl he fell in love with. ( ̄ω ̄)

"Okay big bro! Good luck with your work!" Tan Hua waved her hand as she sent Nan Shen off from her room before she lay down on her bed while staring at her room ceiling.

Summer vacation huh...she was too busy with her brand that she forgot she had a mission. She had to make Nan Shen bent! Wait it's not like that.

She mean...she had to make Nan Shen fell for her! Even though she was still in her boy appearance. Actually she wanted to ask Shen Ling for help as well as asking him to go to this summer vacation together.

But she just remembered Shen Ling was super busy with his career! Just three days ago he went abroad to do photo shoot for several magazines.

Ever since he became a model he rarely stay at Nan Shen house and would work all day long outside.