Chapter 190 "Lan Yanjin Dilemma"

Nan Shen explained all that happened back in the town to Tan Hua. The man subconsciously frowned as he spoke since he had feeling this incident wasn't as simple as it was seen.

Someone must be behind all this move and that must came from their company rival! There's no way mere normal people could move to do the protest just for a fashion.

Many fashion company must felt threatened by Tan Hua brand that in just a short period of time, already dominated the fashion industry in the country.

Now the influence even went overseas as many country also welcomed Tan Hua brand to invest there.

"We have to go back fast" After listening to Nan Shen explanation about the situation, Tan Hua immediately thought they had to go back.

The group of people who oppose her brand appeared in many town where she distribute her brand. If this continue, her brand would be in trouble.