Chapter 192 "Threat"

He wanted to know who was the owner of this brand and how to get this brand under his company!

Tan Hua: Σ(゜ロ゜;) hell?

"What?!" both Mi Shu and Tan Hua was taken aback when Lan Yanjin question was about the owner of Luvré brand.

How the heck she could answer this?? The owner is her! But she didn't want anyone to know about this fact. Aside from that, Lan Yanjin also knew she was a girl...if he knew...her brand would be in danger of bankruptcy.

It's bad!

No one could knew the owner of Luvré brand was a girl before the brand could gain stable position in the business. Otherwise her business would fail!

"I refuse to answer" Tan Hua gulped her saliva nervously as she refuse to answer Lan Yanjin question.

"I see" Lan Yanjin shook his head hearing Tan Hua answer. He knew this girl was stubborn so of course he had prepared another plan.

Tan Hua saw Lan Yanjin expression was calm even after she refuse to answer and couldn't help but get a bad feeling about this.