Chapter 203 "What's Your Answer?"

"S-so...w-when you say you love me...its me as my true self?" Tan Hua head was spinning around when Nan Shen explained everything to her.

How he knew she was a girl but still helped her making her own brand. How he had keep it a secret so one else knew about this...

"Yes I love you and I want you to know" Nan Shen gulped his saliva nervously repeating his confession. He had explain anything to Tan Hua, he had promise he won't tell anyone about her secret...

So please what is your answer?? Could it be Tan Hua would say she didn't like him...or maybe she love Shen Ling instead...or or worst case ever, she said she had a feeling for Lan Yanjin...

If he think it again how could Tan Hua had feeling for him when all he did to her was a bad thing. He bully her...tease her...he didn't treat her like a princess...