Chapter 209 "His Reason"

!! Nan Shen?! 

At this time, Nan Shen just realize that Tan Hua thigh was rather exposed because of her short pants. Seeing this, Nan Shen showed an annoyed expression before his naughty hand moved, startling the poor girl. 

"What are you doing??" Tan Hua face blushed red when Nan Shen hand suddenly landed on her bare thigh. She didn't know what happened but why the heck this man?? 

"What? I can't?" Nan Shen ignore Tan Hua protest as he move his hand, starting to stroke Tan Hua thigh with a blissful face, totally shameless. 

"Well you can you can but not here!!" Actually Tan Hua wanted to say he can't but they're already a couple so might as well gave him permission once in a while.

She didn't dislike it but the problem is, they're in public! Even though everyone attention was on the dolphins, she was still embarrassed if Nan Shen touch her like this!