Chapter 213 "Blackmail Material"

It's punishment time! 

"Penguin dance? but I don't know how to do that" Tan Hua face blushed red as she try to goes back on her word. She would die from embarrassment if she had to do a penguin dance while being surrounded by penguins!! 

She had feelings that Nan Shen would took a video of her doing penguin dance and somehow blackmailed her with it. This is bullying ah! 

"Here watch this video you can imitate it. it's very easy" Nan Shen could saw straight to Tan Hua plan so he didn't waste time as he gave his phone to Tan Hua. 

He had search up the video before so Tan Hua won't be able to make use of this excuse for not being able to do penguin dance. There! He gave her the example. 

Lalalala~ Lalalala it's penguin dance 🎶

"T-this…" Tan Hua watched the video with her eyes opened wide. The video turned out to be a video for kids! This penguin dance is a kid dance! Not to mention the song was very lame.