Chapter 227 "Another Bet"


Nan Shen heard a bell it means someone was outside his mansion. 

Usually, he would order his humanoid maid to open the door for him instead since he never opened the door but because he still couldn't remember how to use these humanoid maid, he choose to go out by himself. 


"Yes-" Nan Shen was just about to ask who is it and for what business came here when he suddenly went stiff because the one in front of him was his ex-girlfriend, in her boy appearance. 

"Tan Hua?" Nan Shen felt a bit awkward facing someone whom he had broke up with so he scratched his not itchy head as he asked Tan Hua. 

"You. You don't remember anything now but I will not give up! Since you don't remember me, I'll just make you fall in love with me once again!" 

Tan Hua pointed her finger to Nan Shen nose as she declare it out loud. She didn't beat around the bush and immediately talked straight to the point.