Chapter 264 "Plan to 'Kidnap' The Doggo"

Let's see what should he do...wait he could find the map of this maze in internet right? Maybe he would be able to see which way he should choose to avoid meeting dead end.

Nan Shen quickly opened his phone to see if there's a map of this place on the internet. His guess was actually right since he did found someone posting the 'walkthrough' of the maze so people could conquer it easily.

"Oh, I'm lucky!" Nan Shen whistled happily when he saw that the right passage leads to a dead end. It means Tan Hua and Lan Yanjin will go back to the left passage sooner or later!

Nan Shen didn't waste time and immediately run to the left passage. The road on the left passage was quite long. At first Nan Shen only need to walk straight but then he had to turn left again since the maze forces him too.

He needed to stay at the other junction to be able to 'kidnap' Tan Hua but this road...why is it so long?! He hasn't found another junction to hide it's still one-way road!