Chapter 340 "Until Forever and Ever (THE END)"

Tan Hua's heart stopped beating for a second there when she saw the blonde young man standing on the altar, waiting for them to come. 

That young man...why did she feel so familiar? She never met this man before…

Tan Hua tried to see more clearly as the face of this blonde priest couldn't be seen clearly from behind her veil. Tan Hua's little movement was noticed by Nan Shen who was calmly leading the girl to walk to the front.

"What's up?" Nan Shen whispered to Tan Hua as he saw the girl was trying to do something with the veil covering her face. What if Tan Hua accidentally stepped on her dress or something? That would be bad! 

"No.." Noticing Nan Shen also knew what she was going to do, Tan Hua quickly stopped her plan. She could see the priest's face clearer when she approached him anyway. For now, let's try to not step on her dress and embarrass herself.