Chapter 3

Hyoudou Residence. 4. 20 am.

There have been quite a lot of bad nights in Alex`s memory when he couldn`t get a good normal sleep. Usually, it was because of pain, inability to stop crying or something of this kind. However, eventually he had got over it and moved one, learning how to sleep practically everywhere, from a concrete floor in the middle of a forest to literal rocks without any sleeping equipment. But still, there was one single condition which had prevented him from getting a normal healthy 5 hours sleep for him. Just one single thing that ticked him off the most.

Sharing his bed with someone he hadn`t invited.

When Alex and Issei had finally gotten into the house of Issei`s parents, all of Alex`s belongings were already there and kid`s parents gave him a spare room to live in. At least he has gotten some privacy, which was a plus. Unfortunately, as it turned out, they`ve also informed him that now Alex was living permanently with Hyoudous as their ward, resulting in Alex literally losing his small apartment and, which pissed him off even more, his allowance. Black seriously began to think that Rias was not only trolling him, but downright mocking him. He made a mental note to thank her for this fuck up, along with try to find at least a semi-reliable source of money. Good thing that he had a laptop with the access to Internet, giving him ample of opportunities to get himself a job or work as freelance linguist. As strange as it may sound, but linguists are actually quite versatile and have a wide range of practice, aside from simple translation. After a short dinner, Alex head to the bed to get some sleep. He was never a long sleeper, needing around 5-6 hours to rest up.

First 3 hours were alright, and then Alex felt that someone has breached his personal space and territories, which he held quite in high regard and couldn`t allow anyone to get in without his permission. Only Kuroka is allowed to sleep with Alex, all because she was, and still is, the closest and dearest friend that he has, despite the fact that he hasn`t heard from her in a past month, which is something that troubles him, as they`ve been able to stay in touch even when he was in orphanages and in that private school. And after their stay in Ural, Alex pretty much engraved in his memory the feeling of Kuroka being near him. That`s how he was able to identify that it wasn`t her in bed, but rather someone else. Someone, who has just recently managed to mess up with his life.

Alex`s deep stern gaze was upon the sleeping Rias Gremory, who was lying absolutely naked in his bed and using his right hand as a pillow. If it was any other guy, he would be having the nosebleed of his lifetime. Alex, however, was completely different, as for him, concept of personal space, independence and territorialism were of highest value. And right now all of those were being invaded by his new master. And what happens with those that invade Russian personal space and territory.

Same thing that happened with Hitler and Napoleon.

After gently and carefully releasing his hand from Rias` grasp, Alex made took a single breath and performed Russian ultimate move against the invaders: Kick out of the Motherland. And in the next second illustrious Rias Gremory was on the floor, rubbing her head after she connected with the floor, brought into the real world. She quickly rose up and shot a killing glare at Alexander, who by this point has rose up and started dressing up. Sun was rising and he pretty much wasn`t going to sleep. Might as well go out on a training route for today. Gremory was burning through Black with her stern glare.

"Hey! Why would so suddenly do something like that?!" Rias demanded explanation.

"Funny, I was going to ask you the same." Alex turned around and looked Rias in the eyes. "I may be new to all your Devil`s shenanigans, but I doubt that getting in bed to someone without their permission, getting naked and using their arm as a pillow isn`t something that is practiced among the nobles, or am I wrong?"

"You know, most of the boys would be blessing Satan for that." Rias complained, huffing and crossing her arms underneath her breasts, hoping to get Alex`s attention through her seductive figure.

Unfortunately, he didn`t even flinch and simply turned to the door and opened it.

"I`ll be on a training. You`ve got 2 and half hours until I get back and I really would prefer not finding you here." Alex informed her, turning and facing his King. "And don`t ever do something like that. I hate it when someone invades my personal space like this."

"Or what? I`m your King and I`ve got a right to do whatever it pleases me with my bellowed Servants." Rias informed him with a seductive voice.

"Next time, I`ll simply throw you out in the window." Alex promised to Rias, stepping out of his room and heading down stairs towards the exit.

[Mind if I ask you something?] Galeran clicked in Alex`s mind after his sleep.

'Go ahead.' Alex stepped out of the house, closing the door and starting his jogging.

[Were serious back there? About throwing her out in the window?] Galeran curiously asked his host.

'Yes, I will. I really hate it when someone`s doing stuff like that with me.' Alex answered, gaining the distance from the house. 'Why would you ask? Does it bother you that your host is so territorial?'

[Heh, not in the slightest. Being territorial is one of dragons` primal traits, so it only makes me a bit happier to be with you. My kin can`t stand when someone is invading their space or messes with our mates and hatchlings.] Galeran chuckled. [By the way, I`ve also noticed that you weren't really paying attention to the fact that she was fully naked in front of you. I mean, most of the young man of your age would, at least, stop their gaze on her assets just for a couple of seconds or more.]

'Sorry to disappoint, but I`m not like most young men of my age.' Alex informed his partner. 'And I`m not fixated on girl`s appearance as much as that perverted idiot or his friends. I prefer to know the girl and have her utmost trust before seeing her naked, otherwise that`s simply disgusting.'

[Hmm… Sorry for asking, but, aside from that redhead and her friend, have you ever seen girls naked?] Galeran asked with curiosity in his voice. [Just out of curiosity.]

'Yes, one girl. I`ve seen her naked quite a lot of times and she is the only one with whom I`m comfortable sleeping together.' Alex confessed, continuing his run. 'Her name is Kuroka. She practically saved me when I ran away from my foster parents in mountains. She may`ve been a bit older than me, but I always found her company… comforting and it was really sad for me to leave her when the tourists have stumbled on me.'

[She must be really special if you allowed her to get into your personal space.]

'Yeah, she is one amazing girl.' Alex smiled at the memory of her. 'No wonder she stole my first kiss back when I was 12.'

[I`ve just checked your memory about that girl. I must say… Nice.] Galeran approved. [So, what`s the plan for today, partner? Today is Friday and you`ve got 5 lessons and then you`ll have to go to that Old School Building.]

'First of all, I need to learn as much as possible about Devils and my powers as one of them, along with how to prep myself for the future, so I`ll play along with that princess for now.' Alex continued running, passing 1.5 km. 'Also, I`ve gotta find myself some job through the Internet. Perhaps, I`ll have to go back to translations of documents and files online, that will earn me some money. Without my monthly allowance, I`ll have to get a reliable source of money fast. Don`t want that princess to control me through my wallet.'

[Good idea.]

And with that settled, Alex reached the training place and started his real prep up.

3 hours later. On route to the Kuoh Academy.

After his training exercises, a quick shower and a breakfast, Alex was now on route towards the Kuoh Academy, along with Rias and Issei, who has been sending him killing glares without even stopping for a second. Rias, sore for what her second Pawn has done to her, purposefully had a breakfast with everyone, stating that she and Alex stayed up all night studying and fell asleep together, causing Black to boil up with irritation and wishing to throw that damned girl off the cliff, and Issei to kill Alex for, supposedly, getting a golden opportunity to sleep with her and therefore witness all of her beauty and seductiveness. Seriously, just some minor memory manipulation and people will believe anything, even if there are logical plot holes in fake stories that Rias makes up.

The Academy was in the vicinity, but Issei would simply stop boiling up in his righteous perverted fury and muttered out loud.

"Damn you, just one day as a Pawn and he get to suck up on those perfect orbs through the entire night!" Issei said with voice full of hatred and anger, oblivious to sheer stupidity of his words. "Just remember that I`ve came before you and I`ve been a devil longer then you, so you have to follow my orders and respect me as your Senpai."

"Yare yare daze…" Alex simply growled, getting totally annoyed by this point. "Do you even hear what you are saying? If you are curious, then here is how it went down: I woke up, saw her in bed, kicked her out of my bed and left the room for training. End of story."

"Liar! I know that you totally didn`t kick the President out of the bed, but checked her out!" Issei accused him. "No normal guy would refuse a chance like that! No one!"

"I did, and I`m far from any 'normal' guys." Alex informed him, speeding up to gain some distance.

"Don`t tell me that you didn`t enjoy the feeling of me being so close to you?" Rias flirtatiously asked her second pawn, knowing that Issei is listening.

"Not in the slightest." Alex said in ice cold voice and moved pass her. "And just so you know: I won`t be aiming for the bushes." Alex said

That got a loud gasp and a growl from Rias, making her red with anger and frustration. Alex merely went on ahead of those two, not wanting to be seen in the presence of the top beauty of the academy and top pervert as well. He may`ve not cared much for his reputation, but right now, he really wished not to get involved in rumors about him being in three-way relations with those two. He knew that a lot of people in the Academy would gladly spread those kinds of rumors. As he reached the gates of the Academy, Alex could hear the students discussing him out in the open.

"Oh, that`s the new guy that we got in our class."

"He looks kinda angry today. Call me crazy, but I think that makes him even hotter."

"I`ve heard that he`s now a part of ORC. Damn that pretty boy! Why does he gets to be in the same club as top chicks?!"

"Yo, Alex Black?" Alex turned his head to see a blond guy with short hair coming to him, dressed in school shirt and pants. "You are that new transfer student from Russia, right?"

"Yeah, that`s me." Alex answered. "Is there something wrong? Because I would like to get going. My first class starts in 15 minutes."

"Sorry, buddy, but a Student Counsil President would like to have a word with you." Guy retorted. "Don`t worry, she has covered up for you, so today you`ve got only three lessons."

Alex`s eyebrow shot upwards. Now that was something really interesting. Just who was that Student Council President and why was she so interested in Alex? And why did she send after him a Devil, because Alex`s enhanced senses and energy scanning, that he learned from Galeran was, were telling him that this dude was a Devil.

"Oh, and the name`s Saji Genshirou. I`m Student Council`s Secretary and one of the top guys around, so you better remember the name, pal." Saji boasted around, not impressing Alex in the slightest.

"Whatever, just lead the way. I`m curious to meet that President of yours." Alex neutrally responded, following Saji.

After a couple of minutes walking and seeing how nobody was in the vicinity, Saji decided to start up a small talk with a fellow Pawn.

"So, how does it feel to be a Devil, pal?" Saji carelessly asked Alex who was following him.

"After being killed by one and being forced to serve another for possibly the rest of eternity?" Black coldly asked back, making Saji nervous. "By this point in my life, I just accept whatever shit is being thrown at me."

"Man, you really are cold. By the way, is it true what you`ve just said?" Saji curiously asked him.

"Yes." Alex simply stated. "By the way, is that President of yours is Devil too?"

"Um, yeah. Don`t you know who is the President of this school?"

"No, I`ve got in this school only a couple of days ago." Alex reminded. "Why did you assume that I know who is the Student President?"

Before Saji could answer, they`ve reached the doors of Student Council`s meeting room. Saji simply opened up the door and pointed to go inside.

"See ya later, pal." Saji only said and left for his own class.

Alex simply shrugged this off, feeling like he was about to meet someone important and entered, closing the door behind. Black made a few steps inside the room, seeing it as a big conferential room with a table and seats, made in the same style as the furniture in ORC. Seemed like it was a fashion statement. Alex noted that seats were made out of a quite comfortable material, nice for the touch and soft. After some analyzing the room long enough, Alex suddenly heard a very familiar voice, talking to him from the position of a window.

"Bishop at a5." A feminine voice said in firm and strong voice, but without notes of amicability and some humor. "My Knight and Rook were holding the center, my Queen was already in the position to take out your last Rook, but a single Bishop at a5 has destroyed all of my hopes on winning that tournament."

Alex turned his head towards the source of that voice and saw the girl`s figure looking out in the window. She was dressed in the female`s school uniform, had a black short haircut and was apparently wearing glaces, as Alex managed to notice the holdings on her ears through her hair. After the source of the voice, Alex actually chuckled a little, knowing now who the Student Counsil President of this school was. She really had an authority and powerful presence in her, along with the ability to influence those that are around her. Alex decided to reply.

"Granted, most of the game you`ve held the advantage over me in time and in one move. I can assure you that it was the most intense match I`ve had in my life and no has ever managed to put me in such position before." Alex praised his chess rival, making the girl turn to him and look at him with a small smile on her face. "It`s been some time, Sona Shitori. I wouldn`t have guessed that you were the President of this school."

"It has been awhile, Alex." Sona greeted him. "And please call me Sona. Out of all the people, you certainly have earned the right to call me like that." Sona placed herself in the head seat of the table, offering Alex a seat as well. "Please, make yourself comfortable."

Alex accepted the offer and seated himself in the chair. He looked at the girl that sat next to him and smiled to her. He and Sona have met when he last participated in Steinitz's tournament. The competition in that year proved to be rather simple and he was actually bored most of the games, until he had a game against Tsubaki Shinra, who proved to be a rather good player and made Alex`s day much better. He and Tsubaki have met up afterwards and both congratulated each other on their games, despite the fact that Tsubaki lost against him. Alex was a beast in chess and global strategy games, but he always deeply respected his opponents and Tsubaki proved to be someone who could make him play serious, so it was no wonder that he acted friendly towards her and they`ve established a friendly relationship quite fast, even with Alex`s distrust in people. And when the finals came in, Alex had to faces off someone of the equal skill and mindset that has been going through the competition just as easily as he did. That was Sona, Tsubaki`s best friend and Alex`s unofficial rival in that tournament. And their game was something to behold, as both have demonstrated the highest skill they could, defending, attacking and countering each other at every possible angle. But, in the end, Alex has proven that he was still the champion of the Steinitz`s tournament and someone to be respected by Grandmasters, as he managed to put Sona in Zugzwang and force her to surrender the game. That would`ve resulted in developing a bitter hatred and rivalry between the two, if Alex hadn`t admitted right after the game that if he hadn`t discovered that move, he would`ve forfeited the game because he would`ve lost in 4 moves and explained in details how he would`ve ended up like that. After this, he and Sona have entered a very close friendship and Alex honestly considered her to be one of the closest persons in his life and someone whom he fully respected. Sona was intellectual, respectful, quite charming and beautiful even in her no-nonsense position, and she also genuinely cared for others and especially her friends, as was the case with Tsubaki and Alex. And because of that he didn`t really care that Sona was emitting the same energy as Rias, indicating a High-Class Devil. Alex knew that even if Sona was a Devil, he could trust her, as he knew the real her, through their talks and their games, through which one could read another one without saying a word to each other.

Alex was the first one to talk.

"Glad to see you, Sona." Alex honestly said. "If I had known that you were a Student Counsil President of this academy, I would`ve paid a visit the first day."

"I honestly must admit that I didn`t expect to find you transferred to Kuoh Academy." Sona admitted. "I`ve heard that we`ve had a new transfer, but I only learned yesterday when I saw your file from Tsubaki."

"Is she also a member of Student Counsil?" Alex asked Sona, receiving a nod. "I see. I`ll have to pay her a visit once I get a chance. It sure has been quite some time."

"No need to rush, Alex." Alex turned his head to the new voice that entered the room and he saw that it was Tsubaki. "It`s good to see again, Black King." Tsubaki addressed Alex by his unofficial title in chess community, sitting at Sona`s left.

"Likewise." Alex responded. "By the way, should I thank you for two free lessons today?"

"Sorry for that. With our graphic and school activities, I simply couldn`t find a better time for us to have a talk." Sona apologized and explained. "I`m sure you are aware of the fact that Kuoh is actually a dominion of Devils, right?"

Alex simply sighed at this one. And here he was hoping just to catch up with his friends, but alas…

"Sona, if you are going to ask me about my sudden transformation into a Devil, then do ask right away." Alex calmly responded. "Hitting around the bushes is really not your style, Sona."

Sona looked a bit surprised, but quickly regained her composure and looked at her friend and asked him right away.

"Very well, Alex." She agreed to that. "I`ve received a message from Rias that you are now her second Pawn. However, I would like to know the details of how did you become the Devil in the first place, if it`s alright with you."

"I see." Alex nodded to that one. "Alright, if redheaded princess didn`t tell you, I will. After my first day in school, I was on my way to the apartment when I suddenly got blown away towards the wall because of the serious magical explosion. That explosion really was a fatal one and I would`ve passed away, if it wasn`t for this." With that Alexander has activated his Sacred Gear, mentally saying the name of it and revealing his Forsaken Regalia to Sona and Tsubaki.

Both girls looked shocked, observing how Alex`s clothes have changed and were now replaced with a Sacred Gear set. Both didn`t know what exactly this one was, but they could tell that it was a high-level Sacred Gear for sure. Tsubaki was the first one to recover from the shock and ask.

"Alex, is that a Sacred Gear you are wearing?" Tsubaki asked, receiving a nod from her friend.

"Yeah, it is." Alex answered, flexing his hand in the gantlet. "It`s called the Forsaken Regalia. It`s a Sacred Gear with the ability to absorb the energy from enemy attacks and send into the holder`s body, boosting his own powers and strengths." Alex explained.

"Forsaken Regalia." Sona repeated the name. "Yes, I`ve heard rumors of this Sacred Gear existence and it`s incredible potential. It`s rumored to be the only Sacred Gear capable of overpowering Longinus-class Sacred Gears. Even the True Longinus might be no match to it if mastered properly."

"I`ve never heard of such Sacred Gear." Tsubaki commented. "However, it does sound familiar to Saji`s own Sacred Gear, the Absorption Line."

"Pardon the interruption, but did you say the Absorption Line, young lady?" Suddenly, a voice of Galeran came from Alex, startling the girls. "That would explain why I`ve felt the presence of Vritra all of a sudden. Seems like one of his Sacred Gears have found its way to your servant, Lady Sona."

"This is Galeran, also known as Northern Storm Dragon, or Northern Emperor Dragon" Alex introduced him to Sona and Tsubaki. "He is the sole reason why I didn`t die completely before I was brought back as Devil."

"I see." Sona understood. "You have my thanks, Lord Galeran, for saving my friend`s life. I`m also pleased to make your acquaintance, Northern Emperor."

"The feeling is mutual, young lady." Galeran responded. "However, do not assume that my host`s conditions and circumstances are pleasant. I believe that you weren`t informed that Alexander was actually attacked by High-Ranking Devil from 72 Pillars and killed by him?"

That was something that neither Sona nor Tsubaki could predict and both gasped in surprise, not able to find a good response to that one. Usually, it was relatively normal for them to hear news about humans being attacked by Stray Devils, but someone of the nobility just attacking and killing Alex? This was something out of the order for sure. Now was Sona`s turn to response.

"Lord Galeran, are you certain of this? And Alex, could there be a reason to why would you be even targeted?" Sona asked both of them.

"We are confident in that. And I can state that the attacker was not only of the 72 Pillars, but he acted alongside someone who has a high expertise in creation of magical traps and explosive waves, but was reincarnated, which we assume is actually a Queen of that Devil. As for the noble Devil, I`ve sensed that he had a very strong affinity with one of four natural elements. According to my knowledge, there are only 3 houses in Devil`s society that possess such affinity in their blood: House of Leviathan, House of Sitri and House of Phenex. And I`ve also sensed that you, Lady Sona Sitri, have this kind of affinity." Galeran explained.

Sona immediately decided to defend herself, but Alex raised a palm and stopped her in her tracks.

"Sona, if Galeran had sensed that your energy was the same as the attacker`s, we wouldn`t be even talking right now." Alex said to her. "And I know that you wouldn`t attack me if I hadn`t provoked you." With that said, Alex deactivated his Sacred Gear.

"You do know me well, Alex." Sona admitted with a smile. "But, yes, I do have a certain affinity with water, because of my blood as a Sitri. However, I can assure you that me nor my House never had any ill intentions in your regard. In fact, I`ve actually seen you as good candidate to become a member of my Peerage. Provided you`ve agreed of course."

"Well, that`s actually interesting to know." Alex admitted. "Unfortunately, I`m now a Pawn in service of Rias Gremory, forced to serve her and tolerate her shenanigans, interventions in my life and, most annoyingly and worst of all, stopping myself from accidently killing her another Pawn Pervy Pants, while now also living under the same roof." Alex sighed to that one.

"Sounds like Rias is already playing her game." Tsubaki commented. "By the way, weren`t you given an apartment with a monthly allowance from educational ministry? Why did you move in with that Hyoudou?"

Alex only sighed to, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Hm, looks like Rias is trying to make you as dependent on her as possible, along with trying to establish a working relations between you and Issei Hyoudou." Sona deduced. "Typical Rias. She never wastes time on half-measures."

"Ugh, don`t remind me about her." Alex groaned. "It`s bad enough that she`s literally trying to take control over my life, but she also believes that I can be her personal stuffed animal to cuddle with at nights."

Sona and Tsubaki looked at each other confused, before heiress to the Sitri realized just what Alex meant and her cheeks became a bit red at the mere thought of Rias cuddling naked at night with Alex, possibly even trying to seduce him with her looks. And that very thought seriously aggravated Sona, as really hated when Rias was trying to get her hands on what Sona liked.

'If she so likes to cuddle with people, then why no cuddle with that her first Pawn and leave Alex to someone else?!' Sona angrily thought to herself before responding to that.

"And, if you don`t mind me asking, how did you respond to that?" Sona was doing her best to hide redness on her cheeks which was growing larger.

"I`ve kicked her out of the bed." Alex bluntly responded. "You both know how I hate it when someone invades my personal space."

Now that was something that neither of the girls saw coming. Just a mere thought of Rias Gremory, the jewel of Gremory Clan, little sister of current Lucifer and one of the most beautiful ladies in Underworld… being kicked out of the bed by a guy, while trying to get him through her looks. If the nobility were to hear about this… Sona and Tsubaki couldn`t help but laugh out loud at this one, gaining curious look for both of them. Once both had calmed down, Tsubaki was the first one to talk.

"Sorry, it`s just something that we couldn`t see coming. Rias is considered to be the most beautiful girl in Underworld and her status as an heiress to Gremory has certainly added a few pluses to her as a beauty." Tsubaki informed. "To hear that you`ve kicked her out of the bed is simply… Wish I could see that."

"Well, pardon for not filming that. If she tries to repeat that, I`ll be sure to send you a video of a certain crimson haired princess flying out of the window." Alex promised them, causing them to laugh again at the thought.

"I`ll be looking forward to it." Sona admitted between laughs, but quickly calmed down. "But, seriously, what are your plans now, Alex? Knowing you, there is no way you would be sitting without something to do."

"Well, first of all, I`m going to buckle up with my Forsaken Regalia and get stronger myself as well." Alex said firmly. "If I want to get some payback for what happened to me and a chance at gaining my freedom from Rias, sitting around without training my ass out isn`t an option. I`ll also have to find a reliable source of income for myself, because I`ve got no intention of letting Rias to control me through my wallet and by stationing me with her personal pervert. As for my attackers, until I`ve gotten better in controlling my Regalia and haven't strengthened up, there is no point in looking for them. Besides, I`ve got a feeling that once they catch a wind of me being alive, they`ll try to take me down again."

"Hm… sounds like a very reasonable plan." Sona admitted. "And I might just help you with something. My older sister is one of Four Great Satans and manages the foreign affairs between Underworld and human world, so there is a lot of documentation going through her office on different languages. Her office always welcomes a professional help of a linguist and they pay up quite well. If you want, I`ll be happy to appoint you there as a freelance linguist."

"Sounds like my kind of expertise." Alex smiled to that one. "Thank you, Sona. I promise, I`ll pay you back for that."

"No worries about it." Sona smiled to him. "Now, about those attackers…"

Suddenly, a door slammed, revealing to the trio Rias Gremory walking inside the Student Counsil meeting room with a stern scuffle of her face. She clearly must`ve heard that Sona has borrowed Alex from the classes to talk with him and that must`ve set her off, as she was a holder of Alex`s soul and his King. So, it should`ve been appropriate, in Rias` opinion, to first ask her permission for that, ignoring the fact that Alex was acquainted with Sona and could make his own decisions. After Rias has walked closer to the table, Sona spoke up.

"Rias, mind telling me why are you storming this room in the middle of my meeting?" Sona diplomatically, but strongly demanded an answer.

"I`ve just been informed by Akeno that you`ve freed Alex for two first lessons and is having a discussion with him. Without my permission on that." Rias pointed at that one with force, making clear that Alex is basically hers.

"As a Student Counsil President, I do have the authority and a right on having a personal meeting with a student of this academy, regardless if the said student is a member of your Peerage or not." Sona reminded Rias of the status quo in school. "And Alexander has also recently transferred here, so it was only natural for me to inform him of several important details about this academy and its policies."

"Don`t try to play smart with me, Sona." Rias warned her friend. "I`m well aware that you and Alex are acquainted with each other, but that doesn`t change a fact that you should`ve first asked my permission to speak with him and then…"

"Yare yare daze, princess." Alex rose up, shutting Rias up with his favorite phrase. "We are just catching up after not seeing each other after a couple of months. I may be basically your slave, princess, but that doesn`t mean that you can control with whom I can speak or not. If I want to speak with my best friends, then I`ll do so without your say so." Alex turned to Sona and Tsubaki. "Sona, Tsubaki, it`s been nice seeing you. I better go on my next lesson. See ya." Alex waved to them and simply exited the room, leaving Rias shut for a couple of seconds.

Her expression then soon turned towards Sona and her Queen, both of who she was eyeing with a glare.

"Tell me, Sona." Rias demanded. "Just how close are you to Alex? That goes for you too, Tsubaki."

"I don`t think that you are in a position to actually ask me or Tsubaki of that, Rias." Sona adjusted her glaces. "But, I`ll answer on your question. Alex is one of my closest friends and one of the few people whom I highly respect for their intellect and independence."

"Really? Because from what I`ve seen, Alex is anything, but friendly or even reasonable." Rias noted. "I highly doubt that he has a lot of friends. Especially among Devils."

"True, Alex isn`t the most sociable person in the world, but he does have a few friends." Sona defended her friend. "Tsubaki and I are among them because we`ve had a chance of meeting him before that incident and we`ve earned his trust and respect. Something that you clearly lack in this department."

"Is there a point that you want to make, Sona?" Rias continued to glare at Sona.

"There is, Rias." Sona was now answering on Rias` glare with her own. "Let me make this clear. I know Alex and I know that he is someone who has been through more treachery and backstabbing then even some of the Devils. He clearly knows when he is being played and used and has absolutely no trouble with looking through masks of the others. If you think that you can earn his trust through the same means as with your first Pawn, then you clearly underestimate Alexander. He`ll never respect someone whom he doesn't trust, and his trust is quite difficult to earn."

Rias simply huffed and turned around and was about to leave, until Sona`s voice has stopped her.

"By the way, Rias." Sona drew Gremory`s attention. "I just remembered that on the same day as Alex was attacked you`ve been visited by your fiancée and his Queen to discuss the terms of your marriage. Alex has told me that he was attacked by a High-Ranking Devil with the affinity to one of the four elements of nature and by a reincarnated Devil with high expertise in setting magical explosions. Don`t you find quite strange that all of those details so well match up with Riser and Yubelluna?" Sona asked her friend.

Instead of answering, Rias left without saying a word. Sona took as answer of its own and turned to Tsubaki.

"Tsubaki, start digging up on Riser and his possible connections to Alex and his past." Sona ordered her Queen. "And have Tsubasa to keep an eye on Alex and report to me if anything happens."

"Sona, are you suggesting…"

"I`m not suggesting anything." Sona shut her Queen. "However, all of these details line up way too well to be a coincidence. And Rias` reaction also speaks for itself. We both know how much she doesn`t want to merry Riser and her last option might just be a Rating Game. And Alex possesses one of the most powerful Sacred Gears out there... Until we learn more about Rias` plans and Riser`s possible connection to Alex, if it even exists, we`ll just have to observe."

"And if there will be something?"

"Then we`ll make sure to protect our friend."