Chapter 13

Client`s House.

Alex had seen some disturbing things over the years and has experienced pretty much all sorts of abuse and threats in his relatively short life. It wasn`t new for him to feel utter fear, disgust or something in between now. He could now even suppress it when he just so happen to sense it from time to time. However, that doesn`t mean that he liked the feeling of it one bit.

Or when he sees it on someone other`s faces.

It was just his second day of being a Devil and mere hours after Alex had a meeting with his longtime friends Sona and Tsubaki and, after his classes, a shouting earing that his President and King gave him for 'conspiring with her rival'. By the point when Rias gotten to the explaining why Alex must always listen to her and only her, he was mentally booking himself a next meeting with Sona and her Peerage. He actually wondered with whom she worked in that Student Council.

However, his mental booking had to be cut short because Rias gotten to the actual point of this meeting. The true purpose of this meeting was to sort out the contracts for each of the members of her Peerage, including herself. Since Alex was fairly new into this whole thing, Rias has decided to find him a job, befitting his own skill and talents. However, that wasn`t yet coming to life as there weren`t as many contracts of his sort, but, she did find him a contractor. It was actually one of her regulars, but Rias had to deal with some personal matters of her own and Akeno had a different job this night, so, just out of curiosity, she handed this particular contractor of hers. Alex, obliviously, shrugged off and decided to go with the flow and took it.

And now, he started to have some second thoughts, as he made it to the client`s house, which turned out to be a very rich businessmen`s penthouse, decorated in modern style. Alex had figured that Rias` specialty were rich guys. At first it seemed that everything was looking rather well, until Alex noticed that the one who summoned him wasn`t somebody who he expected.

Instead of a wealthy businessman/woman, Alex laid his eyes on a little crying 8-year old boy, whose hands seemingly were burnt by something. And the way that kid was looking at Alex. Black seriously never thought that he had to see these eyes once again.

Eyes full of absolute terror and fear. This kid… Alex`s mind flashbacked to the times of his own childhood. This kid was looking literally like him back then. Same fear, same terror and same pain.

Something very bad was going on here. Something really fucked up…

Alex kneeled to the crying boy and spoke caringly.

"Hey, hey, don`t worry kid." Alex knew that if he kneeled too close, he would back away in fear. "I won`t hurt you. I promise, you`ve got nothing to be afraid of me."

"Y-you… A-are you seriously g-gonna protect me?" Boy`s voice was strained with fear and pain, along with crying.

Alex firmly nodded.

"Yes, kid. You`ve just summoned your own personal archangel." Alex smiled a little to him, looking at boy`s hands. "Now, tell me what happened to your hands?"

"M-mama and p-papa… Th-they…" And then, Alex saw that the door behind boy shut open and revealed a sophisticated couple who walked right in.

"Ah… There you are brat" Middle-aged man spoke with anger in his voice. "Just who the hell do you think you are to come in here?! And who the fuck is that?! Get lost, nobody summoned you here, Devil."

"Oh, I think it`s our little boy here trying to play with our own toys, honey." Woman spoke with poison in her voice. "You aren`t this old to sell your soul to a Devil. And don`t think that just summoning him will save you, brat. We aren`t through with your punishment."

Alex couldn't help but grimace at them and their disgusting faces. Those were the same faces that his foster parents had when they were torturing him, but this… This was even worse. Alex could see the familiarities between the boy and his parents. They were blood related and this made everything just several times far worse. These people… No, those monsters were eating their own child, their own blood and flesh. And with them Rias was working regularly? Just goes to show just what kind of a person she is.

Alex rose up and stood between the couple and boy. His eyes were devoid of a everything human. In them was only cold fury and hatred.

"Hey, haven`t you heard the first time, imp?" Man growled at Alex. "Get lost! You aren`t Rias and I don`t need some pesky Devils for disciplining my son here."

"And what did he do to burn his hands like that?" Alex demanded to know. "What right do you have to do something like that?"

"That little brat thought that he could run away from us, because he believed that we didn`t love him enough." Woman laughed like crazy. "That little filth should be glad that I gave birth to him, but instead he decides to run away from us, the richest family in Kuoh and his parents, just because we don`t show him our love like other pesky commoners do. Bah, what a blasphemy, for me to even consider something like that." She laughed even more, Alex clenching his fists.

"That filth`s only purpose here is to gives us a look of a nice family for those idiots around, but he even fails at this!" Boy clenched Alex`s uniform behind him. "That`s why we are going to teach him some respect!" The man pulled out a kitchen knife and started to walk towards both. "Now, get lost or I`ll make you pay too!"

Alex didn`t even move and instead spoke to the kid.

"Hey boy, go hide behind somewhere and don`t come out until I call you." And with that, boy ran towards the closet.

Man was about to run towards him, but Alex was quick to get on his way with deadly expression. Businessman decided not to waste words anymore and simply sent his hand with a knife directly at Alex`s stomach. However, as close it was, it didn't reach the target. Not the intended one, as business man saw that he didn`t cut Devil`s stomach, but pierced right through his hand, blood flowing out of the wounds, but Alex only growled feral. Businessman took a step back, knife berried in Alex hand. Woman looked in shock as Alex simply raised his left hand and used his right one to pull out the knife. Alex dropped the tool on the ground, blood now flowing freely from his wound, but he didn`t care for it. That wasn`t important at the moment, not one bit. Even pain of severed nerves was nothing compared to the feeling of fury and anger.

Alex began to take steps towards the couple, fists clenched together.

"You know, you are just the kind of people I hate the most." At the coldness of his voice, both were starting to shake. "You pretend to be people, you make everyone and everything see you as an elite, but… Inside there is nothing more but arrogance, selfishness and twisted desire to hurt others to get a kick out of it. And because that, because you`ve hurt your own son…" Forsaken Regalia flashed up.

"I`ll make you pay a thousand fold."

Occult Research Club. Two Hours later.

"Your very first contractor, one of my personal regulars, and you just go out and send them both of them out into intense care and reanimation?!" Rias shouted at Alex, who had his hand finally bandaged by Akeno. "Just who in nine hells gave you the right to do something so idiotic?! Do you even imagine what will it cost to our reputation?!"

Alex`s stoic expression slightly changed to one akin to a frown as he listened to Rias ranting at him for what he had done. And he did quite a number on those scumbags: broke every single bone he could find in their bodies, made them regret everything they`ve done to their boy. Alex took his time, breaking them piece by piece, while also making them spill their guts and confess all what they`ve done to their boy over the past three years. And those bustards have done A LOT to him, even more then Alex thought and feared. He was grimly surprised that kid lasted this long without doing something about it. And for all their 'punishments', Alex made them pay.

Each. And. Every. One.

Alex looked up to Rias with a frown.

"You know, for someone who considers herself to be nice with children, you obviously forgetting a very important thing here." Alex rose up, bandage finally in place. "Those 'regulars' of yours have been beating and abusing their own 8-year old son for 3 years. 3 fucking years." Alex`s eyes were now burning with righteous fury again. "Mind telling me just why in the fucking hell I was supposed to do there? Just let them go and torture the poor kid some more, or was I supposed to hold him still while his mother would whip him with a whiplash?! WELL, WHAT I SHOULD`VE DONE IN THAT FUCKING PLACE, PRINCESS?!" Alex wasn`t concerned with other members of Rias` Peerage glaring at him or staring in fear.

Rias didn`t flinch even slightly, but, instead, she simply decided to slap Alex, but, much to her surprise, he caught the hand in the air.

"No servant has the right to raise his voice on a King. Not even in Gremory family." Rias finally released her hand from Alex`s grip. "And on what to do, you should`ve just called me and I would…"

"You would what, resolve everything like a diplomat?" Alex asked her with poison.

"I`ve had no idea of my client`s antics. It`s not my place to pry into their personal lives." Rias was defending herself. "Still, what you did was simply barbaric and…"

"Maybe you haven`t read that little file on me you have on your table." Alex knew that this thing was there. "Let me enlighten you here: I`ve had 4 foster families. 4 families, each of them worse than the other. In the first I was constantly beaten by drunken man just out of spite, while his wife went out her anger on me by whipping me with belt. I was pulled out of there with two broken ribs. I was 5. In second one, my older step-brother and his friends beaten to death a little puppy by a vase that I found in the forest. I saw the entire thing and I still hear that pup`s screams. My foster parents were holding me, making sure I saw it all. I was 7 at the time. In the third one, I was kept in the cage for three days without food or water just because I`ve got C on the school test, and that`s not to mention that I was sleeping on the attic, without even a blanket or whatsoever. I was taken away when it was found that I caught a lung infection. I`ve spent two months recovering from it, and I was 8. As for the 4 one…" Alex stopped on that one, most painful and terrible memories coming back.

Instead of continuing, he simply turned away and walked right out of the club room. Everyone was left with their own impressions on Alex, but all were in solemn agreement that out all of them, he most probably had the worst childhood imaginable. And Akeno with Rias knew just what the fourth one did to him.

And they couldn`t help, but shudder at a mere thought of what Alex went through in that hell.

Because no child should be raped by his parents