Chapter 20

Grigori`s HQ Reception Terminal. Switzerland.

Lucifer`s white magical circle appeared in the hall before the small group of Grigori officials, led by Baraquel, along with Cuhullin and another member of Grigori`s Task Force. They were waiting for the arriving group from Devils, as per orders from Azazel. Naturally some of them were feeling tense, as this was practically the first official visit from Devils ever since the ceasefire was announced. And this one was even more important, as it was led by Serafall Leviathan, one of 4 Devil Kings and the one that was responsible for the foreign affairs, handing all the diplomatic business and managing the dealings with the world of humans and Heaven as well. A guest of this level had to be met by someone of highest rank, so Baraquel was assigned to lead this reception group.

Alongside with Serafall, were arriving several other notable figures, some of whom were not welcomed as much as the others and were troubling to thought. With current Leviathan were arriving her little sister and future head of House of Sitri, Sona Sitri, who was brought here as a participant of the meeting due to her part in the crisis. Alongside with one heiress was arriving Rias Gremory, Sirzechs Lucifer`s little sister and heiress to the House of Gremory, but also the one troubling element and someone that wasn`t welcomed due to certain actions that she and her family have taken. Alongside with them was coming Akeno, Baraquel`s daughter and Rias` Queen. Baraquel personally looked forward to meeting his daughter, as they`ve finally reconciled when Alex have brought her to meet Shuri and thanks to him, Akeno and her family were able to reunite. And now that Shuri was finally out of the rehabilitation center and was now living in their own small and comfortable house, in which Baraquel was looking forward to have a family dinner with his wife and daughter. And the one that practically all of the personal and higher ups were looking forward to see. Alexander Lucifer, son of Lucia Lucifer and the leader of Grigori Azazel, one that was long thought lost and dead, but was found and returned home where he belonged.

Within the high ranks Grigori, everyone knew about Azazel`s wife Lucia Lucifer and who she was, but they didn`t shun here away and accepted as her own. When Baraquel learned about what really happened to her and just through what kind of hell she was forced to endure, he had nothing but pity for her. It didn`t matter to him that she was Lucifer`s youngest daughter, because when he first saw her when he was on a mission alongside with Azazel, he saw not a proud daughter of Lucifer, but a broken and tormented girl who looked like she just went through hell. They took her in despite the fact that they knew of her identity from the beginning and nurtured her back to health. Unfortunately, her powers were completely gone and she could never even perform the magic in her life. Despite that, soon Azazel and Lucia fell in love and married with a son coming along. Alexander was born soon after their marriage, but, due to his mixed origin and blood of the two strongest being in the world, his powers were sealed away for good, but that didn`t even bother his parents as Baraquel saw how they loved him. For Azazel, Alex was actually his first child and, understandably, Azazel had to man up and grow up as a person to take care of his family.

Azazel dearly loved Lucia and his children, treating them as his greatest treasure and he cared for them like they were more than life for him. Baraquel and Shuri saw it clearly, as they were the god-parents for both Alex and Lucina. And they also saw the despair and suffering Azazel went through when he learnt that his wife was murdered and his son seemingly burnt alive in their house. It was a nightmare for everyone, especially for Azazel, who kept searching for his kids and those that hurt him. He eventually did find his little daughter Lucina, but Alexander… Everyone simply let go of the hope to see him again, assuming that he died with Lucia. If it wasn`t for Lucina, Azazel would`ve went rampant on Devils and Angels alongside with them for taking away his family, but with Lucina he had to give his all to her as she lost her big brother and mother. For the next 8 years, wounds have begun to heal slowly, but then Baraquel brought to Azazel rugged, scarred and thin to bones boy with black hair. That was Alex, Azazel`s son and Lucina`s brother, long thought be dead. That brought greatest joy to both of them and many others, as the long lost son was now back with his family.

Over the years, Alexander managed to become a integrate part of Grigori and its members, forming strong bonds with many Fallen Angels and their allies. For all of them, he became an important part of their lives and they treated once broken boy with care and love. So when the news about his assassination by the hand of High-Ranking Devil came in here, many of the Grigori were infuriated and enraged by it, Azazel included as well. Things were escalating when 4 Satans contacted them on the matter with Kuoh`s group of Fallen Angels and brought to them 4 Fallen Angels renegades, 3 of which were punished for their actions and their leader was sent as a servant to the one that captured her. And that someone was none other but Alexander himself, who with the prisoner sent a message to stay calm about him, as he was going to get away from his trouble his own way. That managed to calm down the people and they decided not to do anything. And then came the Rating Game and all the followed consequences, announcing Alexander Lucifer as Rias Gremory`s fiancée. That was a shocker, but they had their own trouble that needed to be settled, such as crisis with Gilgamesh and Necroa Scepter, which Alexander managed to settle as well. That crisis was the reason to bring Alex back to the Grigori and have a meeting with a Satan Leviathan. Plus, Azazel wanted to see his son as all of his powers were finally unleashed and he became a Nephilim, something that couldn`t be overlooked.

Baraquel and his entourage looked as a familiar figure of Alexander Lucifer stepped out of the portal. While his white hair was confusing a little, but everyone could see that it was their friend and brother in arms. Alexander looked up to the group and smiled.

"Well, that`s one welcoming committee." Alex chuckled, stepping forward to Baraquel. "Hey there, Baraquel."

Baraquel smiled to his former pupil and named son, hugging him.

"My boy, I`m so glad to see you." Baraquel said to him. "Everyone here was on their edge with you putting yourself in all those trouble. Azazel was worried about you after that Rating Game and now with Malaya and Zouken."

"Things really were hectic with me recently, but I`m sure you know about it." Alex stepped back and looked at Cuhullin, dressed up in his official battle attire. "Hey, bro. Never thought that you would end up as a welcoming party man." Alex extended his hand to Lancer, who accepted it with a smile.

"Well, I did take part in that whole damned crisis, plus I do look well with the ladies." Cuhullin retorted. "Big man ordered me and some others for our gang to act as bodyguards here for our guests. He doesn't want to cause any sort of trouble."

"Well thought out, but aren`t I gonna need a protecting in here as well? I`m a part of Devil`s group arriving too." Alex pointed out.

"You aren`t considered to be a threat, so there is no reason to put a guard to you." Cuhullin`s partner stepped in and spoke. "After all, a former strategic commander of our Task Force is still considered here as part of our team."

Alex turned to see the speaker and nodded to him. Before him stood a young man with white hair, dressed in his own special battle gear, consisting of the black leather armor and three red pieces on his arms and waste, covering his body. Alex knew well enough this guy to consider his friend and a trusted ally. He and this guy have met here in Grigori when Alex was just assigned as a commander and coordinator for this task force, whilst he was his second in command and main assistant in handling things. While he was no hero descendant, he was strong and fast enough to keep up and his abilities always put him in his own league. Most of his past was covered in shadows, but what was known made him good enough for this team and to be qualified enough to be in the top best fighters in Grigori, as he was the strongest practitioner of Projection in history, who also so happened to have taught Alex about the ways of combat and tactics, along with some Projection as well.

Alex smiled to his friend and extended his hand.

"Archer." Said warrior shaken the hand of his friend. "Long time no see. Hope you are doing well."

"As well as anyone who basically works to protect the world from falling apart." Archer commented. "I`ve heard about how you`ve handled Gilgamesh and Zouken. Well done, now we can stop worrying about that damned Necroa Scepter for good."

"Which reminds me, just what punishment you have judged Gil, I wonder?" Alex asked his friends.

"We`ve taken into the account the fact that his brother was kidnapped and he was forced to work against his will. Your own report and word have soothed up the whole thing as well." Archer explained. "As his punishment, he was fully restricted from the usage of Gate of Babylon and assigned as our reserve fighter under the direct command of Azazel. In other words, Azazel holds the keys on his Babylon and is able to order him around."

"Sounds good enough." Alex admitted.

"Alex, while I don`t mean to be rude, but I`m surprised that you`ve came alone." Baraquel pointed out. "Where are Lady Leviathan and Akeno… I mean the rest of the group." Baraquel let his tongue slip.

"Don`t worry about it, you`ll see her soon enough, old man." Alex assured him, turning to the opening Sitri portal. "There were some complications with Rias, so while Serafall and the rest stayed to fix it up, I`ve decided to go forward and teleported right away. Sorry I couldn`t bring Akeno along, long range teleports are still a little hard for me to pull out."

"Not to worry, just what sort of complications happened there, if you don`t mind me asking?" Baraquel inquired.

Alex simply sighed and spoke up.

"Well, a week ago Rias and I`ve got into a very serious conflict, which resulted in me basically promising to break up this marriage through defeating her in an official Rating Game this year." Alex began to explain. "On that same day, I`ve got a visit from her dear old brother and father, who berated me for treating her like that and reminding me that I`m basically owe her and her family all that I have and I must act accordingly as her fiancée. I believe you can guess how that worked out."

"Heh, it must be not very comfortable to be a fiancée to little sister of current Lucifer." Archer commented. "But in full seriousness, Cuhullin and Arturia told me about your situation and how you got basically manipulated into it, but are seriously going to fight her just to end an engagement?"

"Yeah, I will." Alex confirmed. "But for me to fight her, I need to build up my own personal Peerage, as per rules of Rating Game. Even with me being a Nephilim, I still have to abide to those rules and currently I only have two Pawns in form of Raynare and Ravel Phenex, whom I had to take to let Kuroka become my Bishop without any serious trouble and pardon her of crimes. And even so, I can only really count on Raynare and Kuroka, which isn`t bad, but still not enough for a successful Rating Game."

"So basically, you need to form up your own attack force, just like all the other Devils do, right?" Cuhullin asked him serious and curious at the same time.

"Yep, except members of my Peerage end up not as Devils, but as Nephilims with the abilities of both Devils and Angels, basically making us the mix of two with all the best qualities of the both." Alex explained. "Now I need to find the right people who would accept the offer of becoming Nephilims."

The portal finally ended his stabilization and was now functioning, allowing the group of Devils to come on the other side, led by officially dressed Serafall Leviathan and followed by Sona, Rias and Akeno. Lady Serafall was the first to speak up out of the three.

"Lord Baraquel, I thank you for your patience and this welcoming. I hope that we haven`t caused you any serious trouble." Serafall diplomatically spoke.

"Not at all, Lady Leviathan." Baraquel dismissed. "I was merely catching up with Alexander and no problems were caused. We`ve been informed of a delay due to personal matters."

Rias visibly scoffed at that, while Sona remained silent, but Akeno glanced at her father, who smiled to her. Alex decided to speak up.

"I`ve decided to go ahead and take care of the welcoming." Alex explained to Serafall and others. "We will be escorted to Azazel by Baraquel, Cuhullin and Archer." Alex pointed at the said man. "We`ve got nothing to be worried about, I can assure you."

"Well, isn`t that simply wonderful." Serafall happily exclaimed, turning to the girls behind her. "Ladies, why don`t you introduce yourselves to our escort?"

"Lord Baraquel, I thank you for your welcoming. I`m Sona Sitri, heiress to the House of Sitri." Sona introduced herself. "It`s a pleasure to meet you."

"Feeling is mutual, young lady." Baraquel nodded to her, turning with a serious eye to Rias. "Lady Rias, it has been some time."

"Yes it was, Lord Baraquel." Rias responded coldly. "And I personally would like to avoid pointless conversations with the likes of you." Akeno felt insulted by that one.

"Rias, if you still wish to regain the shards of past friendship, be a good girl and don`t insult my father like that." Akeno threatened to her, turning to her father and a bowing to him in greeting. "Hello, father. I hope you and mom doing well."

"Yes, we do, Akeno." Baraquel smiled to her. "Shuri has been released from the rehabilitation center and now she is our new house. She has been anxious to see you again, dear."

"Wait, what`s going on?" Rias asked confused. "I`ve thought that Akeno`s mother was murdered. Why are you talking about her like she is alive?"

"Well, because she is alive and well." Alex said like it was an obvious thing.

"But… But people die when they are killed!" Rias was shocked to hear that.

"I would attest to that one, especially considering that I`m the one who brought her back from death." Alex carefree stated, turning to Baraquel. "Baraquel, I think we should get going. Azazel must be wondering where the hell are we."

"Good idea." Baraquel agreed. "Lady Serafall, Lady Sona, Lady Rias, Akeno, if you would, please follow me to Governor General. He is not too far away and I was ordered to bring you to him once you arrive."

"Very well, lead the way and we`ll follow." Serafall exclaimed and everyone followed behind Alex, Archer, Baraquel and Cuhullin and the guards.

As the group was passing through the hall way, Cuhullin remembered something he wanted to ask Alex before.

"Hey bro, I`ve been meaning to ask you about something." Cuhullin spoke to Alex out loud.

"Sure, what`s up?" Alex asked.

"You`ve said that you are looking for volunteers in your little army to beat your bride`s ass, am I correct?" That brought out an opened growl from Rias, but everyone decided just ignore it.

"In the nutshell, yes." Alex confirmed. "What, do you have some suggestions, Cu Chulainn?"

"Can I join up?" Cuhullin asked his friend, surprising some and Alex as well. "Don`t get it the wrong way, bro. I ain`t looking for the eternal slavery, but I do know that things are always nice and tidy around and that`s not to mention that things are usually pretty interesting around you."

"Not to be rude or ungrateful, bro, but why do you really want to join up with me?" Alex asked seriously his friend. "You don`t owe me or anything, so what give?"

"Heh, you are just as selfless as ever, eh?" Cuhullin chuckled. "Dude, I and Diarmuid freaking owe our lives to you. If it wasn`t for you, we would still be hunted down by Fionn`s descendants and would never have a normal life. I mean, seriously, to swear destroy all descendants and families no matter the time is pretty messed up, but those bitches were hunting down my mom`s family for centuries, but thanks to you and your old man we`ve managed to put an end that. I would be one ungrateful dog if I didn`t pay you back. Plus, no one understands the beauty of the Irish ale just like you and I do, right?" Alex actually laughed at that one, drawing the questioning looks of the girls.

"Alex… You drank Irish ale?!" Sona asked him shocked.

"Well, when I turned 16, Baraquel decided that it was time I got my drinking policy in place, so that there wouldn`t be any future problems." Alex recalled, drawing a faint smile from Baraquel. "Turns out, I can really hold my liquor with practically anything, most probably my mixed heritage`s perks. While I don`t prefer to douse into alcohol, I do have my preferable drinks in each area. For vines, I prefer Caucasian red vines. As for something stronger, I`m more of the whiskey person, but I don`t drink too much. And when it comes down to beers, well, Irish bread ale is my favorite for all times."

"I see, that`s actually sounds reasonable." Sona admitted. "Although, I would recommend you trying out French vines."

"Already tried, didn`t work with me." Alex dismissed. "I`m more fond of Caucasian and Abkhazian vines." Alex noted, turning to Cuhullin. "Well, bro, I`ll consider it, but I don`t want to force anyone into my group."

"Bro, there is a bunch of people here who would be glad to join up with you." Lancer pointed out. "I mean, seriously, the better fighters of our team are already on board with the idea, once they`ve heard that you`ve got your own Peerage set now. Arturia herself was asking out little lady Sitri her about the conditions to join up in your Peerage before our departure."

"She did?" Alex looked curiously at Sona.

"Yes, I had hoped that I would be able to secure myself a very powerful Knight, one that would wipe the floor with Kiba, but…" She sighed in defeat, getting a chuckle from Cuhullin.

"Sorry, little lady, but our Arturia ain`t some simple Knight." Lancer informed her. "She is also known among our little community here as Queen of Knights, all for her great commanding abilities in the field and fighting abilities. Seriously, with her Divine Excalibur, she is nearly unbeatable in a duel or even when she is outnumbered, and that`s not to mention her Balance Breaker. And she is also the top field commander on the missions. The main reason as to why she gave up the command to Alex is because he was the one who taught her how to win battles through wits and mind. In short, if Arturia was fighting seriously back then against your little scrawny Knight, she would`ve dealt with him in no time without using Divine`s full power."

Rias looked shocked to find out that compare to Arturia, against whom Kiba was fighting well, in Rias` eyes, her Knight was so largely outmatched. And then there was a mention of her own Balance Breaker, which meant that Divine Excalibur that she was wielding was her Sacred Gear and it had an even more powerful form. That was most certainly something to consider, but what she didn`t know was the fact that Alex and Cuhullin knew all about Arturia`s Sacred Gear and what her Balance Breaker was capable of. Sona also was surprised to find out that Arturia was this good. If she had the chance to get her in her own Peerage, then Sona was certain to have gained the advantage against Rias and her Peerage, despite much of turmoil going on there. Issei alone was the major trouble with his Boosted Gear and a Balance Breaker that he could sustain for 2 hours straight. And then there was also the fact that all of his parameters have skyrocketed through the roof as he was now a Red Demonic Dragon, whose ferocity and strength in battle was well known even nowadays, as this sub-species was maybe rare to come by, but even Tannin himself was of high opinion about their battle prowess.

"Aside from Arturia, there are few others that wouldn`t mind joining up with you." Cuhullin continued. "Scathach, for instance, was very anxious to your arrival and wanted to ask you all about joining your group, and, I really should`ve mentioned this earlier, it took A LOT of effort to convince her not to go to Kuoh and causing a freaking rampage there. I mean, man, she looked like dead when she found out that you were killed there, but once she learned that Devils resurrected you as one of them, it took Medea and Arturia a whole hour to calm her down, and you know how it often goes…" Cuhullin sent Alex a knowing look and turned to Devils. "Be thankful that she wasn`t assigned to Arturia, or you wouldn`t find any Devil`s body. She doesn`t fail to kill her targets and when it comes down to Alex`s protection… Oh boy, I pity those that crossed your path, bro."

"You make it sound like she is some kind of older sister of Alexander`s." Sona noted. "Or a lover…"

"Alex, is there something I should know about you?" Rias looked at him critically.

"A lot, and I`ve got no desire to share any information at all with you." Alex answered to her, turning to Sona and Serafall and deciding to share a bit of history. "Unlike most of the descendants here, Scathach isn`t only a descendant of the famous sorceress and trainer of Cuhullin ancestor, but she is also a granddaughter of Morrigan, Celtic Goddess of War and Life. She was raised by the said goddess ever since she lost her parents during the battle with an Evil Dragon. I`ve met her when I was 14. Leaders of Grigori were visiting the leaders of Celtic Mythology, and I was a part of their group. Azazel and the others were mostly talking about the policy and I was given the freedom of movement around the place, so I began to explore the place and soon I`ve ended up followed by a shy purple haired girl who was interested in an outsider who walking in the gardens of her grandmother. Once I noticed her I`ve managed to get to know her, despite the fact that she was shy and scared of outsiders more than Asia, but we managed to get along quite quickly. The summit went for over 2 weeks, and all this time I spent with Scathach, who grew… quite fond of me, to say the least. And when it was time to depart, she promised that she would always be there whenever I need her help and she would train to protect me from all dangers. I didn`t take her seriously at first, but then two months later she appeared with Morrigan here and she became an integrate part of the task force, as a part of Celtic Pantheon`s aid to fighting against the terrorists. So, afterwards, she and I stayed together like glued, until my trip to Hong Kong and, afterwards Japan."

"I see." Sona nodded to that one. "She must be a very fond friend of yours."

"Yep, she sure as hell is." Alex said with a smile, getting a snicker from Cuhullin.

"Bro, you really aren`t going to tell them?" Irish hero asked his friend. "I mean, it`s not like this is going to be a secret forever. After all, you both are full grown and the only thing that stops you both from tying the knot is your consensual agreement."

"What is he talking about, Alex?" Serafall got curious.

"Yes, what are you two talking about?" Rias was demanding as ever, causing Alex to sigh.

"Something that I would like to not to talk about." Alex said simply stated.

"Really, is this a sensitive topic to talk about for you? Or there is something about Scathach that could compromise you and Grigori? Or…"

"Lady Rias, personal information regarding members of Task Force is restricted and fragmented. If Alexander doesn`t see fit to inform you about a core member of your group, then you won`t get any other information from anybody else." Archer cut in. "Also, if you plan to spend your time her without any problems and return in Kuoh rested, I personally recommend you not start up any unnecessary conflicts while you are here. Otherwise, there will be consequences for that. That goes for all of you."

"And just what kind of consequences are we talking about, if you don`t mind me asking, Archer?" Sona asked the red dressed warrior.

"Unlimited." Was all that he said as the group reached the doors of an opened veranda, through glass which could be seen the famous Governor General, reading something on his IPad.

Baraquel stopped there and turned to the others, facing the entire group, save for Alexander, who was gazing on his father, who he haven`t seen in quite some time. Leader of the Fallen Angels spoke in his usual tone and voice.

"Pardon the stop, Lady Serafall." Baraquel spoke, surprising everyone. "However, Governor General Azazel has explicitly ordered me to let Alexander in first once he arrives here. Again, I apologize for that I hope that you can wait for some time here is the reception, until Azazel asks you to come in."

"Why is Governor General so interested in my future husband?" Rias chinned in demandingly, drawing accusing glances.

"I`m not allowed to share this information with the outsiders, orders of Azazel." Baraquel said, turning to Alex. "Alex, whenever you are ready…"

Alex nodded to that one and turned to Serafall and Sona.

"It won`t take long and… you may be shocked." Was all that Alex said before stepping forward and opening up the door and stepped into the veranda.

Alex closed the door behind him, knowing that Devils are looking closely after him and Governor General. This was going to be it, the day when all masks come off and no secrets will stay hidden from that point for long. He knew well that one day he will be forced to tell the others in Kuoh the truth of his lineage, not his mother`s, but his father`s. There was always a very solid reason of self-defense and protection that prevented from blabbering about it, plus Alexander has learned that less is known about him was better, even if it were some of his allies. His reincarnation as a Devil didn`t change it, instead prompting him to be discreet about his identity and careful about the words he shares, as he would be immediately used as a bargaining chip against his father if Devils were to learn about Alex`s real connection with Azazel. Even now, it would still be of merit for them, but Alex already guessed that his old man knew about it and simply decided to not give a damn or has a plan of his own to counter their actions. Anyway, here he was, looking at his dad who was in his researches all over again.

Alex simply chuckled, drawing the Fallen Angel`s attention, forcing to look up and widen his eyes at whom he just saw before him. Lucifer simply spoke.

"I`ve gone for several months, and you still haven`t moved a muscle?" Alex smiled to the leader of Fallen Angels. "Is this research of yours that so immersive?"

Azazel regained his composure and chuckled at that one, putting away the IPad and standing up, walking to his son.

"To be fair, it is quite interesting to learn about what my former boss` trinkets really capable of." Azazel smiled to his son. "But, it`s not as interesting as seeing your kids grow up and make their own way in life. Now that is something worth spending a life watching."

"Really? No hard feelings, but you do realize that you sound like a first-class stalker right there?" Alex noted out, smiling and laughing heartly.

"What can I say? All parents are stalkers when it comes to their kids." Azazel came closer to his son and simply pulled him into a parenting hug, tears coming out of his eyes. "Damn it, Alex, you`ve got me worried all over you. Do you not care for my blood pressure, because it has been really high nowadays?"

"Blood pressure? You aren`t that old, dad." Alex joked, hugging him back. "And I`m really sorry to be such a pain in the ass for all you here. Things have been really crazy recently."

"I`ve heard all about it, kiddo." Azazel said caringly to his son, stepping back a little and looking at him. "Well, I`ll be damned. You look like a younger version of Lucifer, which is expected considering that you are his Heir."

"And you aren`t the very least concerned about it?" Alex asked out of curiosity.

"No. If that`s the path you`ve decided to walk on, I can only give you all of my support and be a damned proud father about his son doing what he does best." Azazel simply stated and pulled his son into another hug. "Your mom would be so proud of you, Alex."

"I know that she is." Alex responded, hugging his dad back. "There are a lot of things we need to talk about."

"Oh, I know and we will, later today, but for now." Azazel turned around, with one hand hugging his son and waved to Baraquel to let the guests in, who were looking quite shocked and surprised by such affection the two have shown to each other, save for Akeno, who was simply giggling.

Rias, Sona and Serafall stepped into veranda and walked forward towards father and son. Akeno decided to stay behind and catch up with her own father. None of the girls could fault her for that in any way. Serafall was the first one to speak up.

"Governor General Azazel, we thank you for your invitation in the residence in of your organization and for your hospitality you`ve shown us thus far." Serafall diplomatically spoke, Azazel smirking.

"Nah, it`s nothing. Consider it as my apology for causing you some trouble with several of my men and girls acting out on their own accords." Azazel dismissed it. "Also, this is my thanks for taking care of my kid here. I`ve heard that you and your little sister have took care of Alex and helped him out a bit in his first days as a Devil. Consider yourselves honored guests here and indulge yourself in whatever entertainment you find interesting, I`ll cover all the bills for you."

"Thank you, you are very generous, Governor General." Sona thanked Azazel. "Lord Azazel, do you mind me asking you something?"

"Sure, spill it."

"Pardon my curiosity, but we all caught how you and Alex were behaving just now." Azazel chuckled at that. "Do you mind us asking how close are with Alex?"

"I would like to know too how close are you with my future husband." Rias chinned in, bringing a scowl from Governor General. "I believe, you have been informed of our engagement?"

"I was, much to my own disbelief and displeasure." Azazel seriously retorted. "You Gremory sure know how to mess up someone`s life and make it look like everyone is happy. And I used to actually respect your older brother, but not anymore, especially nowadays after what you and he pulled out with Alex." Azazel critically looked at Rias and then turned to confused Sona and Serafall. "Sorry for that. Answering your question: my relations with Alex are the most closest you can find." That seemed only to confuse them more, so Alex decided to take the initiative.

"Azazel isn`t just my benefactor." Alex spoke with a smile. "While Lucia Lucifer was my mother, you`ve never actually asked me for the real identity of my father. Well, now you get to meet him. Ladies, I present to you the Governor General of Fallen Angels, one of the smartest people on this planet and, most importantly, the number 1 most badass father of yours truly- Azazel." Alex introduced the audience to his real father.

Now, that was a real shocker for the ladies. Because…

"WHAT?!" Was their collective response, causing Alex and Azazel descending into uncontrolled laughter.

Azazel`s Personal Cabinet. Late night.

It took ladies almost a full hour for them to process the entire thing and then it took Alex next hour to finally explain the whole thing all over and with full detail, making sure that they wouldn`t have to ask about anything twice. Azazel did help out to his son, knowing full well about girl`s confusion and how it would affect the relations between the people. Alex went full course explaining the reasoning behind his deceit and actions to conceal his real identity and lineage. In the end it drew several independent reactions. Serafall was surprised and shocked, of course, but ultimately understood and said that she found it very cool how he basically played a secret agent of sorts, looking at him like fan girl. Sona admitted that all his reasons were good and was cool with it, even respecting Alex more for being even smarter then he looked. As for Rias, that was the girl that threw a hissy fit and went on to explain just what it really meant for her, Sirzechs, family and entire Devils` society to have son of Azazel as its member and a relative of Lucifer, not even bringing in the factor of Alex being an actual Lucifer`s Heir and a leader of House of Lucifuge.

When all this political talk was brought up, Azazel actually got irritated and annoyed by Rias, stopping her in her tracks and saying what he really thought of that. And Azazel was serious about it, saying that he would never even allow someone to pull his son and daughter into the politics against their own will, not to mention using them as a bargaining chip or a tool. Governor General expressed his full dismay about Rias` affair on making her his son`s bride and how it was ultimately handled behind everyone`s back. He even brought up the fact that it was House of Phenex that killed his wife and attempted murdering his son. By that way point, Azazel had more than enough reasons to go from armed neutrality to the arms in a moment`s notice and pay Devils for doing so much bad to him and his family. Serafall was actually terrified at the prospect, as Azazel was right in his regard and offered him the official apology to him and listen to all his demands and offerings. Governor General was appeased by that and decided to as he wanted for now: Serafall and Sona were offered a week of recreation and rest here, Akeno was offered the same as well, along with full right to be with her family and come here and be as long as she wants, Alex, which went without saying, was welcome with open arms to stay here for as long as he wanted to. Rias, however, for her attitude and overall negative coming from her, was ordered by Azazel and Serafall to go back in Kuoh and stay there, in order not to sabotage the negotiations. And after that, he decided to call it a day and allowed them to go to their respective rooms/portals, while Alex and Azazel went to his personal cabinet, where Alex has told his dad everything that has happened with him: discovery of Forsaken Regalia; training with Sona and Galeran; getting a mansion; learning of his seals and who killed his mother; training and reuniting Kuroka with Shirone; beating the hell and killing Raiser, along with reconnecting with the spirits of mother and grandfather(Azazel actually believed it without a question); learning of the Lucifer heritage; solving another crisis; losing Forsaken Regalia and becoming Nephilim; becoming a father of two cute little girls; getting laid and getting two wives at the same time.

You can imagine what Azazel`s reaction was…

"Damn." Azazel said, drinking up another glass of whiskey. "That`s all I have to say. Just… damn."

"Believe me, I sometimes have to check if I`m sane or not." Alex toke a sip of his own whiskey. "So far, I believe I`ve managed to retain at least 30% of my sanity. The rest… Neh, I guess I won`t miss it."

"Good to know that you keep an optimistic view on things." Azazel chuckled. "Now, I actually wondered about you and those two lovely Nekoshou ladies…"

"Somehow, I knew that it would be the first thing you would ask me about." Alex chuckled, sipping more. "If you are going to ask me about our arrangements, then I`ll say that they are not simply some girls for me. They are my wives, my life-long partners and lovers, those that I not only see as attractive ladies, but also as those that I love with my full heart and would give my heart to see them happy. And if someone wants to mess with them and my life, then I`ll beat the living hell out of them."

Azazel listened to that little monologue and once he ended, he looked seriously at his son, poured more whiskey to them and brought the drink up.

"After hearing something like that, I`m left with nothing but pride for you, son." Azazel said with a smile. "For your wives and your future little kittens."

"Yare yare…" Alex chuckled and answered to the brought up drink with his and both drank. "Well, I already have two little kittens to take care. Sorry I didn`t bring them to meet their grandfather."

Azazel sobbed a bit at hearing this. He theatrically wiped the tear and spoke.

"My son already has two adorable daughters…" Azazel`s lower lip was shaking. "I`M A GRANDPA NOW~!" Azazel began to cry manly tears at this fact. "I`M SO PROUD OF YOU~!"

"You and Lucifer would get along just famously." Alex chuckled, Azazel getting his cool back. "By the way, he actually approves of you as his son-in-law and asked me to thank you for all that you did to mom."

"To be honest with you, if the guy was still alive, then I would be fucking terrified with the prospect of having him as my father-in-law." Azazel admitted, getting a little serious again. "Now, I`ve also noticed that little Sona and her sister eye you with unmasked romantic interest. And Raynare spoke that she and a few other ladies are also after you. Mind to tell me your… policies on that regard?"

"You know me and my policies, dad." Alex reminded his father. "I`m honest with them and with my feelings about them. If they love me, I accept that and try to recuperate their feelings if I feel the same, but if this is one sided, I do try to smooth it out and end it without major heartbreaks. As for the specific girls you are asking me… Sona is smart, intellectual and understanding. She was my first supporter and trainer and I can`t help but admire her smarts and determination, along with be charmed with it. Tsubaki is the same in many aspects, but she is also romantic and caring, if not a little pervy at times. I like her for support and care she gave me in early days and how she stood for me with Sona all this time. Raynare and I get along and I understand how she lived and how much in common we have. I can`t help but be drawn to the troubled soul, just like with her and Akeno. Baraquel`s daughter is a seductress, but also emotional and loving. She went through hell and it still reflects her, just like it does with me. Serafall is childlike, upbeat, but also understanding and caring, not to mention optimistic. It`s really refreshing to see someone so… alive in the midst of this chaos. Kuroka saved me from darkness and void and gave her heart, along with Shirone, whom I do love for her support and care as well as how I can`t let go of her as I she and Kuroka are now parts of my heart. I love all of them in some degree, I won`t lie about that, but I won`t pursue them if they don`t see me for who I am really and don`t love me for who I am, not what I am. Sounds a bit selfish, right?"

"No, that`s the best way, from where I see it." Azazel admitted. "Still, there is one matter that concerns me about your love life…"

"Scathach…" Alex said simply. "She must`ve been going crazy while I was away."

"That`s an understatement." Azazel remarked. "The girl was terrified for you and couldn`t even get some normal sleep. All the rumors and talks about your death or capture… She heard all of them and was about to snap, if it wasn`t for your letter to me and her. That appeased her a bit, but still… She is here and I think you really need to talk. She really loves you, Alex, more than her own life."

"Damn it, I know that, but…" Alex sighed in defeat. "I… I simply can`t manipulate her feelings like that. I know that she always means well, but I fear that she doesn`t simply knows the world and might slip up with me. I mean, I don`t want her simply waste her life without living all for me."

"I was of the same opinion, but, while you were away in travels, she was also learning of the world and meeting up, trying her feet just like you." Azazel said to him. "She has tasted the life and she really wants hers to be with you. Just talk to her tomorrow and sort things out between you two on your own. Morrigan and I only want the best for both of you and won`t force you, if it`s not what you feel. We did arrange your engagement to specifically be with your consensual agreement."

"I will, thanks dad." Alex sighed. "By the way, where are Vali and Lucina? I was really surprised to not find them here. Are they on a mission or somewhere else?"

Azazel sighed, recalling his constant pain in the ass.

"Unfortunately, I`ve sent them both on a mission the same day you became a fiancée to Gremory girl." Azazel sighed again.

"Whenever you send Vali, that`s when shit is serious, but him and Lucina… What`s been going on while I was away, dad?" Alex asked concerned.

"Remember Kokabiel?" Alex nodded, recalling the name of a battle hungry maniac. "That idiot has been stirring up trouble with Church, going after their Excaliburs. I was informed that he already got Rapid on his hands and he has some serious assistance from several of our missing descendants. Identities still unknown, but I already have a general idea what that idiot`s plan is."

"Another war." Alex muttered. "If he gets this much support, perhaps sending only Vali and Lucina wasn`t as good as one might see. While Vali has his Divine Dividing, Lucina can only rely on her own Light powers and Kokabiel is pretty powerful. Surviving a direct battle with Rizevim is no small feat on it`s own."

"Don`t worry about that, I`ve already supplied my little girl with my latest creation." Azazel proudly stated. "Remember Lorica Inferno?"

"Sure as hell yes." Alex recalled it. "Reinera and her broken Sacred Gear. Galeran and I destroyed it and freed her soul, so I assumed she was now gone as Galeran now."

"As it turned out, she wasn`t. Her last remaining orb was drawn to Vali and Albion, so I`ve managed to study it and, well, rebuild it from the scratch into a whole new Sacred Gear for Lucina." Azazel proudly stated. "Her new Infernal Reign is almost on par with your destroyed Forsaken Regalia, from my estimations."

"Good for her." Alex smiled, recalling what he wanted to ask. "Dad, if I recall correctly, you`ve been researching Divine Dividing, but it ended in a dead end."

"Yes, I`ve tried to research and figure out the principals of its work, but the mechanism is a strange one and I don`t have any basis on it to work from." Azazel admitted. "I still have all the research and notes on it. Why are you asking?"

"Well, while I did lose my Forsaken Regalia and Galeran is gone forever. I`ve checked it just if there was a slim chance." Alex informed him. "But, while it was with me, I`ve managed to research it quite a bit and I still have retained something from it." Alex`s right hand shined, as a dragon`s orb materialized on his arm.

Azazel looked closely at it and gasped.

"A central orb…" Azazel exclaimed. "That thing is basically the keystone of the entire Regalia`s powers. How did you manage to get it?"

"During my first try to perform a Balance Breaker." Alex said, putting perfectly shaped sphere on the table. "I`ve managed to materialize the armor, but it wasn`t stable enough and it crushed from overlaps. This orb, however, survived and I held onto it, researching it bit by bit. It has all the powers of Regalia, but Galeran is no longer there."

"However, that doesn`t mean that this orb is useless." Azazel guessed. "Tell me, are you up for something?"

"I am." Alex admitted. "Something very interesting."