Chapter 27

Familiar Forest.

White circle of the Lucifer family flashed up and out of it stepped out the group of Nephilims and Devils, led by Alexander and Medusa. After seeing that all participants of this expedition were now in place, namely Sona, Tsubaki, Ruruko and Saji, Alex and Medusa concluded that they would proceed without problems.

It has been nearly a week after Alex went to Rias and warned her and her family about the consequences of them threatening to Grayfia and Millicas. In the next day, Alex received an unexpected visit from Zeoticus and Venelana, who wished to clarify the situation and come to a normal and diplomatic solution in this situation, now having Alexander participate as a mediator. Only Alex wasn`t going to go easy on them, not after they have driven Grayfia to the breaking point and threatened her. Instead he voiced what he had in his mind and ordered Gremory to stay the hell away from Grayfia and Millicas, as they`ve openly threatened them both, meaning that they`ve indirectly insulted Alexander, as he was a Head of Lucifuge family. Therefore, Alex has a full right to protect the members of his family and he directly proclaimed Millicas to be of Lucifuge blood and a possessor of Power of Annihilation, instead of Power of Destruction and Gremory`s family powers. Grayfia and Alex confirmed it just the other day and now it was clear that Gremory wouldn`t let this lay easy, as this was a direct confirmation of Millicas being more of Lucifer instead of Gremory. When Zeoticus and Venelana found out about it, they called them deceivers and that their grandson possesses no Lucifer`s blood whatsoever. It was clear that they were despising the fact that Millicas` blood was more of Lucifer and not Sirzechs. They were talking about it like it was a curse and something that would be purged away, as they had no need of it. They demanded to see their grandson that instant.

Millicas appeared before his grandmother and grandfather right next instant, as he actually hid himself nearby and listened to the whole conversation. He came out with shocked and frightened expression, as he heard all that grown-ups said and didn`t know what to make of it. Was he a monster? Or was he someone bad? Was it bad for being more like his mother? All those questions were pouring away from the frightened and crying little boy, as he couldn`t make what to think and whom to believe. Grayfia immediately tended to her son and embraced him, calming him down and telling him that he was no monster and that he was her son. However, Venelana decided to get her grandson to Gremory family and spoke with him, saying that this little thing could be fixed and that his mother was the one who was wrong. She was luring little boy back to Gremory, saying that he was a real prince and that his mother was only a servant, someone that wasn`t even worth to be called a mother, in their opinion. That statement had a strong effect with Millicas, as his Lucifer`s blood clicked in from of powerful wave of white energy and standing up for his mother, saying that his mother is the best and that nobody can insult her or disrespect her, not even his father and grandparents. Zeoticus was shocked and was about to lash out on him, but then Grayfia stood and reminded everyone here why she is the Silver Queen of the Annihilation. She firmly stated to them all, that Millicas is her son and she will fight will her powers to keep him. Alex joined her and ordered Gremory to leave the place this instant, saying that Millicas Lucifuge has no business with them.

After that the things went into a normal way, save for now Sona and Tsubaki being frequent guests in mansion. It became very quickly clear that both ladies have joined on the actions with Alex, as they also were staying over, in his room when the time was on their side. Other lovers of Alex were alright with it all, only if they weren`t going to prioritize him to themselves, that is. Soon, Sona decided that it was time for her newest members to get their familiars and came to Alex and Medusa for it. Alex decided to go along with them, as he was actually curious of something in Familiar Forest, along with providing a substantial defender, as he said that Familiar Forest has become a little dangerous as of late. And so, after fetching Ruruko and Saji, the group moved up here.

Alex looked around and spoke up.

"No offence, Medusa, but this place looks as gloomy as it gets." Alex noted without any ill in the voice.

"Unfortunately, but true." Medusa chuckled, turning the Devils. "Alright, Ruruko, Saji. I shall be acting as your guide here and the main source of information, so I would highly appreciate if you didn`t wander off without me or Alex. Do bear in mind, though, that you can`t force Familiar into a submission. You aren`t the one choosing a Familiar, it`s the Familiar who is choosing you. Masters may say otherwise, but in the end your true Familiar shall be the one that chooses you. Got it?"

"Yep!" Ruruko cheerfully replied.

"Really? Then I am sure as hell that all of the Familiars will want me as their Master." Saji arrogantly spoke. "Just point me to the coolest and sexiest and watch as I take up the reign."

Medusa looked at him without any emotions and then turned to Sona.

"Sona, as much as I respect you, I can`t guarantee for sure that your Servants will get a Familiar." Medusa spoke. "He for certain won`t find any. Not with the attitude like that."

"Yes, I understand and I appreciate you taking time to help us, Medusa." Sona replied, as the group decided to move forward into the gloomy forest.

As they moved forward, Alex decided to speak up with his Pawn. He was curious of how she managed to spend that evening.

"So, Medusa, how was your little interview with that author?" Alex asked directly Medusa, getting a curious look from her. "After all, it`s not every day you get to have a business dinner with J.K. Rowling."

"Aren`t you a curious one, eh?" Medusa shot him a smug smile. "Are you afraid that we eat up your credit card?"

"Please, as if you would ever allow even an extra 100 gramm of your weight slip unnoticed." Alex chuckled. "No, I am just interested how the interview went. I mean, you`ve been waiting this opportunity for two years."

"Well, if you really are that interested, then I shall tell that it went simply marvelously." Medusa smiled widely. "She truly are a magnificent person and a truly great author to boot it up. I`ve even managed to get a sneak peak into her newest work and I really have to hold myself in control, or otherwise, I will spoil it all to my friends in the Facebook."

"Haven`t you already spoiled it up with your photos in Instagram and Twitter?" Alex asked her.

"Oh please. I am a professional intervier, so I know my boundaries." Medusa proudly stated. "But, those photos did get lots and lots of likes and thumbs ups."

Alex just laughed at that one, as this just how Medusa was: a professional journal intervier and a normal socially active girl with lots of online friends in the net and around the world. Alex didn`t mind that at all, as it was helping the girl to sociolize and speak more freely, as she did have some issues about it in the past and was in process of removing these complexes out her system. Lucifer wasn`t somebody to judge, but he was the one ready to help out his friends, even going as far as risk his own neck being cut, which wasn`t much of a payment in his mind for the safety of his friends and their happiness. Like when he and Medea went into a fashion week in Paris, without everyone`s notice, as she wanted to feel herself a normal girl who was head over heals for fashionable cloathing. Or when he promoted her own dresses among the respectful potential customers, earning her a good sum of money and a prestige. Then, there was that time when Alex started training with Arturia, mostly because she felt like she was a loner and nobody wanted to be her friend, so he went out his way to help her out, until he got hooked in on it himself. And it also helped, as Arturia got opened up, as Alex and she were more talking on normal topics and not just swords and chivalry. With every friend and member of his group, Alex always prioritized their well-being over his own and as long as they all were good and happy, he himself was happy, so it was good for him as well.

Of course, that didn`t mean that his friends would simply eploit his kindness and generocity. Nope, they would very often return the favor with some more. Just like when Arturia and Medusa put on hold their rivalry and spent time hanging out with Alex when he was feeling really down. That was one weekend to remember, as they went from one place to another and tried out practically all there was to try. Or there was that time when Alex got into a serious argument with a high-ranking official from Grigori`s Counter Intel, all because that guy belived that Alex was using his position as a son of Azazel for his own merit. Back then, the entire Spec Ops unit, everyone, stood up for Alex and didn`t really cared if they were facing someone who reported directly to Azazel. They stood up for their leader and their best friend. So, in short, for Alex his group is his family and he will crush himself to dust to keep them all safe and happy.

As the group continued to move forward into the forest, they suddenly saw on the road another small group of Devils, led by an aged man, heavily reminding Alex and Medusa of someone from anime or video games they played together. Once the groups came in closer, everyone could see that the new group was one of Rias` Peerage, now shortened by the absence of Issei Hyoudou. Rias was the first one to speak up.

"My, what an unexpected surprise." She spoke in her usual tone. "Can`t admit your defeat, Sona and now you have to resort to the amateurs for help?"

"Correct me if I am wrong, but we didn`t have any competition of sorts about Familiars." Sona recalled. "Oh, and I would watch carefully what you say, Rias."

While the two heiresses were bickering, the Familiar Master looked at the guide of Sona`s group and went straight to her, observing.

"Hm, half-lamia, half-human." He spoke unapologetically. "Strong and high level of power, great agility and speed, not to mention of mystic eyes. A powerful Familiar material indeed!"

Medusa was beginning to get irritated by this man, as Alex grabbed the Master by his collar and dragged him closer to him.

"Listen up, Ash Ketchup—wannabe. This lady here is my closest friend and a trusted person. Not a trophy for you to catch." Alex warned him. "Now, if you want to be useful, then you can start by telling me something important."

"Wait… I know you!" Satoji jumped away from Alex. "You and the Asgardians were here two years ago! And you`ve brought someone with you!"

"Alex, what is he talking about?" Tsubaki asked Alexander, but Medusa decided to answer instead.

"Two years ago, our Task Force was sent to repel an invasion of Frost Giants. Alex served there not only as our commander, but also as a coordinator of Asgardian forces and ours in the combined strike at the invaders. As the result, the invasion plans of Loki, the mastermind behind all of that, were thwarted, but he himself escaped, leaving someone to cover his retreat, whom we`ve captured and brought on the trial before Odin." Medusa explained. "That someone was Fenrir, the God-devouring Wolf and father of all wolves."

Everyone, save for Alex, were stunned to hear that one. They had never expected to hear something so incredible about Alex, but they did believe in it, as there was no reason not to. Alex decided to continue from where Medusa had stopped.

"While Odin and his court found Fenrir guilty in helping Loki and attacking civilians and Asgardians, I actually went out and spoke in Fenrir`s defense, as they were planning to kill him like a beast." Alex continued. "However, that didn`t bode well with me at all, as I could clearly see that Fenrir was actually very intelligent and sentient, along with the fact that he hated working for his father and did so only out of being controlled. So I spoke up in Fenrir`s defense and asked for him to be spared, although with a few restrictions put on him. And, in honor of my help to Asgard and Midgard, Odin agreed, sparing Fenrir and sending him here, in the Familiar Forest, as he was banished forever from there."

"I see. That`s the reason you`ve decided to come here, to see your old friend." Sona concluded.

"A part of it, yes. The rest is to provide you with protection if need arises." Alex reasoned, turning back to the Familiar Master. "Now, do you know where Fenrir is?"

"Of course I do! That big bad wolf resides in a western area, near the river." Master answered. "Ever since he arrived, he has seemingly occupied that zone and wasn`t leaving it since. No one has even dared to venture in this direction, for all know that claws of God-Devouring Wolf shall claim all and… Hey, I was in the middle of explaining!" Sona and her group moved away from the Familiar Master, joined by Asia, Shirone and Akeno, who were a bit tired of the man.

"I take it, Rias decided to get you a familiar, Asia?" Medusa asked the former nun, receiving a nod, while also noting that her walking was a little off and out of pace. "Um, are you alright, Asia? You seem to have trouble moving through this forest."

"W-Well, I..."Asia wanted to explain, but her absolutely red face was telling that it was something personal. "I-Issei a-and I-I, we w-were d-doing…"

"Say no more, girl." Medusa stopped her on her tracks, getting the picture. "Keep your private affairs to yourself, alright?" Getting a nod from the nun. "Though, just from looking at you, I can already say that rumors about Dragon`s vigor and endurance aren`t exaggerated~." Medusa teased Asia a little, getting another red face from Asia and a chuckle from Tsubaki and Sona, while Saji was growling like a beast.

Meanwhile, Alex actually stayed behind and waved them a safe travel, while deciding to go on his own, to meet an old friend of his. Rias, suddenly decided to follow him.

"Don`t think that I shall be left behind and…"

…And in the next moment she disappeared in the portal that formed underneath here feet and it closed up in the next second. Alex, like nothing happened, spoke up.

"Did you say something?" And at that moment, Lucifer burst out in laughter in his spiritual form.

"Hah! Good one!" Lucifer commented. "By the way, where did you send this bitch this time?"

"Somewhere nice." Alex smirked. "I`ve heard that Mount Everest is lovely in this time of the year, considering that it`s reported to be freezing up to -60C there. Sadly, that`s hardly enough for that bitch to freeze."

With that said, Alex continued to venture into the forest and moving through the tree lines, searching for way to reach his old acquaintance and pay him his respects. Truth to be told, Alex has always wondered how Fenrir was doing in here. While he knew that God-Devouring Wolf could, pretty much, hold this entire place in his furry fist if he wished, but Alex knew that this wolf didn`t need this power. Instead this intelligent wolf needed something far different and far more important for him. Freedom from all shackles and to be safe from his brat of a father and his schemes. This wolf was a prideful and strong creature, wishing not to be used in such dishonorable and conniving way. Fenrir was a wolf, a hunter and predator, a warrior of the most primal rules and wiles. He wasn`t suited for the scheming and plotting, but he didn`t also want to see the world end, for he was also a part of it, just like his idiot of a father, whom he had to follow because a runic spells on him. Now, he was basically set free to do whatever he wanted in these forests and Alex wondered just how Fenrir used his newfound freedom.

Alex went through the woods and finally managed to get to the river, in the western part of the place, according to the holographic map that Alex was using through applying his magic into a real map. He reached out to the entire area and scanned it from one corner to another, looking for the strong resonations or direct sources of Asgardian energy. Strangely enough, he didn`t even since it at all, but something was most certainly off. Alex`s own resonation was… feeling strange. As if something else was interfering with the sent out energy and it was… enveloping… someone. Right behind him.

Alex slowly turned around, already on full alarm and ready to draw out his Clarent. And there, right behind him, sitting on his bottom, was a frame of the most powerful wolf that the world ever seen. Fenrir, God-Devouring Wolf, was sitting right in front of Alex, being in a normal wolf size, was simply sitting there and looking at him with a curious eye, while his tail was swinging around.

Alex was the first to break his silence.

"Well, you`ve really startled me, big guy." Alex admitted, hearing a confused growl from the wolf. "Hey, it`s me, Fenrir. Here, you should remember my scent." Alex extended his arm to the wolf, hoping that he would get it back just in one piece.

Fenrir tensed up a little bit, but he did sniff it up, interested if this stranger was whom he knew, since it has been a couple of years and that guy was mostly wearing black and had black features. After sniffing the palm of his hand, Fenrir`s eyes widen suddenly and he jumped right at Alex, pummeling to the ground and in the next second… starting to lick his face, as he recognized the guy who saved him and gave him a chance in this land. Alex was struggling, as Fenrir was much stronger than him, as he didn`t expect the prideful wolf to act so much like… like a canine.

"Okay… Okay, I get it… Can… C`mon, Fenrir, stop it!" Alex finally managed to get Fenrir off him and get up, wiping away the wolf`s droll. "Ugh, man, I too glad to see you, but you could show me your affection in a more… subtle way. Like, simply letting me to pet your head, you know?"

"He couldn`t help himself, for he considers you to be his closest friend and the one he most highly respects." Alex heard a female voice and turned to his back.

There, was walking another wolf, only this one look a lot more like a female and elegant, like a woman. Her fur was snow white and her eyes were blue, the size just a little bit smaller than Fenrir`s. Alex felt out the aura and energy of this specific wolf, but what he sensed wasn`t something that he had expected. This she-wolf… possessed a powerful energy of Dragon. And not just any Dragon`s.

Alex was clearly feeling the powerful energy reading of none other, but a former Northern Dragon Emperor and his now passed away partner, Galeran. This wolf, she possessed the same energy reading as his deceased partner. Alex felt his heart clench a little at the memory of his now gone friend and mentor, who was the most trusted and treasured friend he had in hard times of being Rias` servant. Even though Alex wasn`t fully honest at first with Galeran, Northern Storm Dragon understood the reasons and didn`t hold any ill, instead entrusting him with his knowledge and power, along with telling him of his own story and of his family. And out of all them, one name caught Alex interest as Galeran spoke with great pride and love about her. Someone who held wisdom and caution in highest regard, but wasn`t above honor and respect. She was the youngest of the hatchlings of Galeran, but she proved herself to be no less intelligent and powerful then the others, while taking a great interest in the creatures living in the world. Especially in wolves, as she saw them as someone who lived freely and with pride, much like Dragons. And she herself often walked with them.

Arcanna, White Blizzard Dragon, daughter of Galeran, was now in front of Alexander. Lucifer spoke up.

"From your energy reading, I can definitely tell that you aren`t a simple wolf." Alex noted. "It`s my pleasure to meet you, Arcanna of the Northern tribes."

White wolf titled her head, a loud chuckle could be heard from her.

"It would appear that rumors of your knowledge weren`t exaggerated, Heir of Lucifer." Arcanna said. "Would you like me to change the form, for us to be able to speak more comfortably?"

"No need. If this form is most comfortable for you, I have no need in you to change, White Blizzard Dragon. After all, this is your home and you set the rules here." Alex reasoned, hearing Fenrir gladly barking and then moving to Arcanna and lovingly rubbing his head against hers.

White she-wolf gladly accepted this sign of affection from Fenrir, not surprising Alexander. After a minute, Fenrir lied down on the ground, while Arcanna spoke again.

"Hm, you don`t seem surprised that Fenrir showed me such affection." Arcanna noted.

"I am pretty confident that he knows what he is doing. And that he knows that you are actually a Dragon." Alex expressed his opinion, getting a confidant bark from Fenrir.

"Yes, my mate here knows of my true nature." Arcanna looked at her mate lovingly. "I never made any attempt to hide it and he accepted me as who I am, along with my affections to him. I hope you hold nothing against such relations, young Nephilim?"

"For all I care, as long two persons are comfortable, I got nothing to say against it." Alex noted out. "Besides, I am glad that Fenrir has found someone here to care about and who cares about him. He is a really good guy and he does deserve some happiness in life. Besides, I did hear from Galeran that you always preferred to be a wolf then a Dragon."

"I am glad to hear this, for I do greatly care for him." Arcanna replied. "And true, for this is like a my true-self. Now, I hope you don`t mind if I ask you of something?"

"It is about your father, Galeran?" Lucifer received a nod. "Unfortunately, he is now gone from the realm of living. We were pinned down and chained up with Chains of Heaven, so Galeran has decided to sacrifice himself for my own sake, absorbing all the energy he could and unlocking my latent powers of Fallen Angel. However, that caused the Forsaken Regalia to be destroyed in the process. I am sorry, but Galeran is now truly gone."

Arcanna nodded to that one, sighing and looking up with her wolf`s eyes.

"Yes, I have long sensed it, just as all of my kin did too." Arcanna said in calm voice. "I only wanted to know if he passed away with honor. And I thank you for telling me of this. It is a relief that my father has been able to find peace after such a long time. I am sure that he would be proud of your actions and who you are now, Heir of Lucifer."

"I can only hope so." Alex sighed.

"Now, what brings you to Familiar Forest, Alexander? Are you looking for a suitable familiar?" Arcanna asked with curiosity.

"Actually, I was looking for an opportunity to see Fenrir and how he was doing." Alex nodded to the wolf, who barked in the answer. "As for the familiars, some of my friends are looking for them as we speak. I myself haven`t even thought of getting myself one, Arcanna."

"Why not? No rule opposes you to have a familiar." Arcanna reasoned. "In fact, why not make a pact right now with us?"

Alex`s eyes widened as he heard what Galeran`s daughter has proposed. To form a familiar pact with her and Fenrir? He never even considered having a familiar, much less two, and as powerful as they are. It wasn`t something unusual or prohibited for a person to have multiple Familiars, but to get a White Blizzard Dragon and God-Devouring Wolf as Familiars… That sounded either crazy, or simply ridiculous, or incredibly prestigious. Alex cleared up his throat and spoke up with the two.

"I`m sorry for asking, but why would you propose something like that, Arcanna?" Alex honestly asked. "I mean, Dragons prefer to be free creatures and Fenrir has only recently gotten out of his slavery from his father Loki. Why would you want to become willing servants to someone?"

Fenrir only barked vigorously, while Arcanna spoke, relaying the words of her mate, that she shares with him.

"Fenrir and I do prefer to keep our freedom intact, but that does not mean that we wish to see the new places or help those that could be helped." Arcanna spoke. "I personally very interested in you as a person, Alexander Lucifer, for you are the only one that my husband regards as like a real brother and savior. Along with that, I have felt that you have given shelter to a Dragon and took her as your own daughter. I understand that you`ve already sensed that her energy is very potent and powerful even among my kin, especially at such young age. I would like to provide you guidance and protection to her, for I am well aware of how some might wish for her to be captured or killed."

"You are correct. Her name is Illya." Alex informed her. "You are offering to watch over her and take care while I can`t, am I correct?"

"Yes, that is the case." Arcanna spoke, turning to Fenrir. "As for my partner, he sees you as someone worthy of his loyalty and to be considered a great friend and companion. Fenrir may like living here, but he also a wolf and a beast of pride. He himself stated to me more than once that if he were to follow you, he would be sure to redeem himself for following his father and restore his initial glory and even surpass it. And if that is not enough for you, Fenrir promises that he shall act at his best, if you allow him a chance of redeeming himself."

Alex turned to Fenrir himself and spoke with him.

"Is that what you are really thinking, big guy?" Alex received an approving bark. "I can`t promises you constant battles or endless slaughters, for I am not that kind of a person, but what I can promise if you wish to follow me is a big house, 4 meal times with best meat you can wish for, freedom of movement in the estate on its grounds and absolutely no trivial work as a standard familiar. Plus, if you don`t mind, I think my little girls would love to play around with you." Fenrir only nodded as he agreed to it. "And as for Odin, I believe that his official words were: "As long as you don`t shit on my territory or don`t go banging the hot chicks, do whatever you want, pup." Alex recalled, getting a chuckle from both wolves, which sounded a bit strange and awkward from Fenrir.

Alex stood up in front of them both and nodded to them, getting a nod from them as well. He extended his arm and created a binding circle. And after that, he began to speak the words.

"By my name, I, Alexander Lucifer, accept both of you as my companions and my familiars. Follow me in peace and in battle, for I shall only ask your courage and strength in protecting what I care for, but not your souls and honor to be put in front of you." And with that said, the pact was sealed and the two wolves now were at Alexander`s side and waiting for his orders. "Now, let`s go and find the others. I am pretty sure that Medusa has already got at least one of them a good Familiar."

"I believe that it`s safe to say that no Familiar shall be on par with a God-Devouring Wolf." Suddenly, Alex heard Fenrir speak up. "Do not worry, brother, for I speak through our link as master and familiar. Aside from Arcanna and your ghostly guardian, no one shall hear us. And, about your friends, I sense that they are already closing here. We can just wait for them just a minute or two."

"Thanks for the information, Fenrir." Alex said. "Also, did anyone ever tell you that you sound like Keith David? `Cause that`s one badass voice."

"And one of his best characteristics." Arcanna added with a chuckle. "This voice is like a sex to my ears. Could listen all day long~."

"Well, what did you expect from a God-Devouring Wolf? I am bound to have a really cool voice." Fenrir proudly stated, looking to one of the roads. "Here they come. And I feel a presence of another familiar with them. Hm… A Sprite Dragon, quite interesting."

And as Fenrir has foretold, from the forest came a group of Devils, led by a Nephilim Medusa. All of them stared with great interest at Alexander`s companions. Sona was the first to speak up.

"Alex…Are those wolves are now your…" Sona pointed at both of them.

"Yes, it would seem that I have found myself powerful friends here." Alex smiled to them, petting both of them with care. "This is Arcanna, White Blizzard Dragon in form of a wolf. As for this great wolf, meet the all-father of wolves, Fenrir." Both barked in recognition.

Everyone was shocked to see that Alex managed to form a pact so powerful creatures. Still, given who Alexander now was, it might have been fitting for him to get befitting Familiars. Alex spoke up.

"Now, how were your searches?"

Asia smiled and a small blue Dragon appeared on her shoulder.

"This is Rassei, my new little cute Familiar." Asia happily exclaimed. "Medusa says that he considers me as his mother, for I get away this kind of an aura."

"She is not wrong." Arcanna spoke through familiar bond. "I can clearly feel that she is a natural Dragonite, a human with powerful affinity to Dragons. Not only that, but she is already claimed by a member of Red race, and a very strong I might add."

"Well, my congrats to you, Asia." Alex said. "Now, let`s get back to Kuoh and celebrate. As for you two, we can try another time, okay?" Alex nodded to Ruruko and Saji.

And with that said, the group teleported away from the forest.

Lucifer`s Estate.

In the next second, the whole team was now back in the main resting room of the estate. Alex looked curious around, as he actually was expecting that the gang will be all here, but instead…

Alex`s magical warning was set off as he saw that specialized crystals were glowing and emitting powerful warning signals. Someone was trespassing the territory and threatening the security of Alex`s house. He immediately went into battle mode and teleported right where the whole ruckus was going on, without telling a word to anyone, knowing that Medusa shall follow the protocol.

Once on the site, Alex saw that the rest of his entire Peerage were gathered, battle ready and waiting only for the opportunity to strike. Alex moved to them, looking at Arturia, who noticed her King`s presence.

"Alex, glad that you`ve made it here." Arturia said to Alex, who came near her already and pointed at the source of warnings. "We have some… unwelcomed guests."

Alex turned to look at what his entire peerage was looking at, and he was barely able to contain his anger in check, clenching his fist in the process. In front of him stood three figures in robes, one twin-tailed girl with a goofy smile, blue haired girl with a covered sword and their leader, one that Alex had wished never to have any dealings in the present and future. She was the first one to speak up.

"My apologies, I wished not to set off your alarm, but it seemed like the best way to get your attention." Leading Exorcist spoke up. "It has been some time, Alexander Black, Lord-Commander of Grigori`s Special Task Division."

"Griselda Quarta, Captain of the 1st Division of Exorcist`s Department." Alex muttered, looking at her. "Just what in the hell are you doing here? And why did you bring these wretched pieces of Excalibur with you?"

Griselda only calmly looked at him and spoke up again.

"We need to talk, Heir of Lucifer."