Chapter 30

Lucifer's Estate.

It took Alexander just about 20 minutes to reveal to everyone in the room, who didn`t know about the Holy Sword Project and his involvement with the matter, to explain the whole situation and just what part in it he played out. Of course, as any competent Spec Ops commander, he didn`t reveal the most vital and secretive parts about the mission, such as number of operatives, names of the commanders and agents and most of the information, leaving out only the most basic and safe information. But it was still enough to shock everyone and make Alex and Griselda feel sore from the memory. Rias personally didn`t even realize that Alex was also in involved in this project, thanks to which she found Kiba and made him into her own knight. It was shocking to realize that she almost crossed paths with him back in those mountains, as she was there when she felt out a sudden spike of power. Just by a sudden occasion she managed to find herself the most loyal Servant, whose desires were concentrated only around revenge and vengeance for what happened to his friends and on destruction of Excaliburs. If he were to learn that Alex was the man who destroyed the entire project, but also mostly avenged his friends… Rias` chances on winning the upcoming Rating Game were becoming lower and lower and losing Kiba would mean that she could concede defeat already, but she would never do so.

Rias` desires were above her senses and she was still on getting her hands on Lucifer`s Heir and controlling him. Having him as her husband would grant her and her house immense power and respect, for taming the wild card that was Alexander Lucifer.

As for Alexander and his people, they`ve finally lowered their weapons and magic, letting the Exorcists to sit down and continue their talk now. Sona decided to speak up once more, curious of something.

"Miss Quarta, am I bold to assume that Chief Michael of Heaven is unaware of this mission?" Sona asked critically, seeing the insulted faces of Xenovia and Irina.

"What makes you say that, Heiress of Sitri?" Griselda asked her. "Our actions are always well coordinated with Heavens, so what makes you assume something like that?"

"Heaven and Grigori have signed up a defensive alliance and non-aggression pact in Zurich." Alex suddenly spoke up, drawing up the attention of Exorcists. "If you were aware of that, then you first would`ve approached the Grigori and asked for their assistance in this matter, for a conflict between Angles would be unlikely now. However, you`ve instead headed right here and started making demands, without Grigori`s assistance. Seeing through it was very easy, though I must admit that this detail did slip my attention." Alex looked at Sona. "My thanks, Sona. It was a very good observation there, you have my respect." He smiled to her, turning back to Griselda. "So, are you going to talk, or continue lying right in the face?"

Griselda simply sighed and spoke up.

"Chief Michael and the rest of the Heavens are unaware of this mission and the fact that we couldn`t protect 2 of our Excaliburs." Griselda sighed. "His Holiness and other archbishops… deny the terms of the ceasefire and consider the Fallen Angels as enemies, along with all their associates."

"Hmph, that`s not to mention the law that we are ordered to uphold." Xenovia added to that one, glaring at Nephilims.

"What do you mean snob?" Arturia glared back.

"She means the Law of Extinction." Irina cheerfully added. "One of the primary objectives of the Church is to hunt down and prevent all and every Nephilim in existence, for they are declared by the Lord as the greatest abominations in this world and the ones that have corrupted human kind to sin. So, basically, we have to kill you all now here!" Irina was as cheerful as ever, annoying the hell out of Alex and his Peerage.

Nephilims actually glanced between one another, as if talking about something between themselves. Alex didn`t glance as he was more fixated on thinking about this whole situation and how to resolve this whole mess, which Church was just making it all worse. He didn`t wanted these ladies running around the town and causing trouble to him and the rest of the town. Fortunately, Pope himself has just given him a very good option to utilize here. As Alex`s contemplation ended, he heard Irina speak up again.

"So, are you going to surrender or shall we cut you all down here?" Irina, smiling and drawing out her Mimic asked of them.

Nephilims actually looked surprised at her and… laughed it out. Every single Nephilim here just laughed at the threat made by Irina. Alex too was someone to laugh at this one, surprising Rias and Sona. Lucifer, in his astral form, laughed his ass out at this one, for he had more reasons than anyone here for this one. After some time, Alex calmed down with his men and spoke up.

"That was a good one, thanks for the laugh." Alex was serious. "Now, do you honestly think that I give a damn about this? Me, a man who lived through hell for 8 years, then spent 6 years kicking Church`s ass with my friends and now is the Top 100 strongest creatures in this world, along with being a literal reincarnation of the single reason your God even got famous in the world? If anything, I have at least 8 ways of killing your best exorcist Dulio and around 10 plans on how to dismantle all Churches and throw your entire organization into chaos, and that`s not to mention the fact that I still have a few friends that would happy to assist me in this endeavor."

Then it was Arturia who spoke up.

"I was always in Church`s radar and have adapted to manage to kick it`s ass." Arturia proudly stated. "I personally have fought your best sword masters and hero descendants that allied themselves with you. And trust me, I have defeated most of them without even using my trump card. These pointless threats aren`t scaring me in the slightest."

After Arturia the next one to speak up was Scathach.

"My grandmother Morrigan has raised me in Spartan conditions and trained me to do battles with Gods themselves." Scathach stated. "In the Lands of Dun Scaith I`ve hunted the creatures of horrors and terrors. And my spears have pierced each of them without mercy, adding to those fools that have wished to harm my husband here and those that wronged my friends and family. Your Church have always wished to claim our possessions and many of your Exorcists have crossed our borders. Would you like to tell me just how many have met their end on the pointy end of my spear?"

Next one in line was Cu Chulainn.

"House of Chulainn have never backed down from a fight and your idiots from Church have challenged my line for generations, wishing to get this." He swirled his Gae Bolg right before the ladies. "And they all did, actually, only they`ve mistaken one thing: they all didn`t figure out which end is the blade and which is to hold. As for, do I give damn about this threat, I welcome you to true, but I can assure you- there will be LOTS of body bags needed for your corpses."

Archer followed after Alex`s Knight.

"I`ve seen what your best can do and how do you fight." He crossed his arms. "Honestly, I am not really impressed, for I`ve seen better. Outdated tactics, obsolete views on operations and absolute disregard of your people`s lives, that and a lot more just shows how weak your people are. Even your own mindset is holding you back and serves only to the advantage of your enemies. In full honesty, if I were to do battles with any of your operatives, then chances of me winning will mostly be 8 to 10 or higher, 5 to 10 if you deploy Dulio."

Kuroka was the next one in line.

"Nya, I wasn`t caught even once by the parties and peerages that were sent after my bad tail, nya." Her black tails swirled around. "Nya, only Alex here has been able to tame me, nya. And if you even think of hurting him, I shall show you, why I was an SS-class." She growled at the Exorcists.

Medea has decided to speak up her mind as well.

"With all due respect to your praying and exorcism, I can`t imagine you defeating my friends and me as well, for we possess a much higher level of danger they you and your petty Exorcists." Medea said, only smile of hers seen through her hood. "I may not have much in PE department, but, trust me, I make up in spaces with my magical abilities, and, unless you have someone on the same level as me or higher, then I suggest you don`t even try your luck."

Medusa followed the pattern.

"Your kind has been after my head for many years and more than once I`ve been near my own demise." Medusa stiffed up. "But, it was in the past and now is the present. And now I have more than enough strength and power to make you feel very sorry for even thinking about hurting me and my family."

Ravel decided to speak up.

"Alex and I may`ve started out on really bad note, but he helped me to adjust to my new life and made me a hell of a lot stronger." Ravel revealed behind her back her 6 wings. "I really owe this guy everything I have and a chance of a new life, even though my family did freaking a lot of bad to him. So I am real happy to follow him and be a Nephilim, who can burn your pretty butts to the crisps."

Raynare smiled to Ravel and decided to say her own piece.

"I am actually quite the same with Alex here as my little colleague here, only difference is that I didn't do much bad to him or his family." Ray said. "I`ve fought a couple of Angels and your Exorcists, so I get the picture. And I can safely tell you: my Spears can easily pin your collective asses down. And if you are thinking that I am all talk and no action, just check this out." She revealed her own set of 3 pairs of wings.

Alex smiled as his group has displayed such attitude towards the imminent threat of Church coming after their heads. It was good to know that his people were prepared to do battles with Church and they just might have to. However, right now they had a crisis at hand to deal with and Alex was in charge of this area. If Kokabiel is in this area, then situation will get explosive very soon and the fact that he might have his men on his own side… This was something that he alone might just not be able to deal with properly. He would need more than just his own forces and there are also some serious issues with this situation on the diplomatic front, as it was concerning Exorcists` presence here, without approval of Devils and even Angels` knowledge. A tricky and unpleasant situation, as one wrong move could cause a serious dispute between the factions and in turn it could lead to a war between Devils against Heavens and Grigori. Alex could simply sit this one out, declaring the birth of Nephilims and distancing himself away, but the war would get to him anyway. He wasn`t too happy with the cold war that was fought right now and nearly the third of his all operations was directed to prevention of a full-scale war and lessening the tension between the factions. And right now, there was a serious and a very complicated matter that could easily escalate.

He needed to deal with this and really fast.

Alex stood up and looked at the Exorcists.

"We will have to postpone our talk for now." Alex declared, surprising everyone. "For now, you are to remain in the estate under constant watch of my group. If you try to leave the estate or it`s grounds, you will be stopped and forced back here, so get comfy, for I have some serious matters to deal with your arrival here." He began to walk away, as Rias suddenly decided to call him out.

"Wait, what are going to do?"

"Prevent a diplomatic catastrophe their freaking Pope and Church is trying to cause." Alex addressed them, looking at Sona. "Sona, I would like to have you assist me on this one, if it is not too troublesome to you."

"No, I see your point." Sona nodded and decided to follow after Alexander.

"Alexander, but what about Kokabiel and…" Griselda was about to speak up, but Alex interrupted her.

"If the information about Kokabiel here is correct and that he has back up, then this is a matter that cannot be overlooked by the higher ups." Alex gave facts. "Be thankful that I haven`t killed you on spot, Exorcist, because I might have to need all the help I can get with Kokabiel. And you, Exorcist, are also coming with me, because we need to resolve this one together." And with that, Alexander and Sona left the room, followed by Griselda, and headed to his own purposes.

And the room was silent for some time, until Asia decided to speak up.

"Um, this situation, it is really bad, isn`t it?" Asia asked Nephilims.

Archer decided to answer to her, sighing a little.

"More like severely complicated, but yes, it is bad." Archer nodded. "Back in the Grigori, Kokabiel was known as the biggest criticizer of Alex and our Spec Ops, along with being the biggest promoter for a full out war between factions. And, despite all our operations, Alex was the prime supporter of peace between the factions, putting him at odds with Kokabiel, though they`ve never met. I myself have seen him once, but it was enough to understand that he is someone that doesn`t care if people live or die, so long as he gets what he wants, and that is war. And if he is already here, then we are in real deep trouble already, for this place is perfect to start up the biggest war possible."

"How so, exactly?" Irina suddenly asked.

"Well, let`s look at the facts. This area belongs to Devils, which is split between the Sitri, Gremory and Lucifer family, whose representatives are living here with their own respective groups. Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory are not only heiresses to their respective houses, but also sisters to two Satans, which puts them into a very peculiar and dangerous situation that is capable of destabilizing their entire society, if they are in danger." Archer began explaining. "And if killed or just even hurt, then those two will demand blood, not looking at the real provocateur and seeing the entire factions in blame, which will be Grigori and Heavens. As for Alexander, he is probably the most interesting part of this entire equation. Overlooking for the minute his status as a True Lucifer, he is an older son of Azazel, leader of Grigori and has strong bonds with not only Grigori, but also with Celtic faction, Asgard and Heroes Faction led by Cao Cao. With Celts he is bonded through his wife, Scathach and close friendship with Morrigan and Lugh, who will be after blood if Alex, Scathach or Cu Chulainn are hurt or killed. Leaders of Asgard owe Alex for saving their asses when Loki almost brought a whole army of frost giants in their lands, and Odin with Thor are well-known for keeping their promises and paying back their debts, along with helping out their friends and avenging their deaths. Heroes Faction is a separate faction, led by Alex`s old friend, Cao Cao, heavily centered on eliminating the most immediate threats to human lives, source of which lies in supernatural department, like monsters, demons and many other things. Alex is one of their main supporters and Cao`s close friend, so they will answer the call if need arises and avenge him. In other words, with the amount of connections all tied up to those three, starting up a whole out war here is relatively easy. And their appearance here, without the approval of Serafall Leviathan and without even knowledge from the Heavens, can easily create a diplomatic crisis. Alex clearly sees it and is now going to counter Kokabiel`s intentions with his own actions as a diplomat. In other words, he is going to defeat Kokabiel through diplomacy and words, avoiding the very possibility of the new war breaking out here." Archer stopped, looking at the Exorcists. "As I`ve said earlier, your mindset itself is your weakness and your higher-ups should really start changing their ways, if they want to avoid the conflict between the sides."

Xenovia growled and then decided to speak up.

"And what if their ideas are not wrong?" Xenovia pointed out. "You all here are heretics and pagans that defy the will and power of our Lord, resorting to wile sorcery and dealings with the witches, like this one." She pointed at Asia, who loudly gasped and looked down. "Look at her, she isn`t even capable of facing the truth and admit her sin of abandoning her faith in God and choosing to becoming a lowly witch instead of being a Holy Maiden. Huh, I wouldn`t be surprised if she has already allowed some Devils to plunder her virginity and…"

"ENOUGH!" Arturia shouted, standing between Asia and Xenovia, her blade in the hand.

"A-Arturia, I-I am alright…" Asia was on the breaking point, but Pendragon decided that it was enough of disgracing her close friend.

"You have absolutely no right to insult her, Xenovia." Arturia glared at Exorcist. "Just for your information, Asia is one of the sweetest and kindest souls that have ever walked in this world, caring little for herself and ready to help all others in need, not those select few like your church does. And it wasn`t her own decision to leave the Church, but your Church itself have banished her from their care, once they`ve heard that her Twilight Healing, a gift from God himself, is capable of healing anyone, including Devils."

"A merciful punishment, for a witch with this kind of gift deserves only death." Xenovia smirked, but then her smirk disappeared with a Divine Excalibur`s tip appeared right before her eyes, just a millimeter away from piercing her.

"Very well, I see that someone like you doesn`t even realize her own folly. But there is always a more effective way of proving the point." Arturia stated. "Xenovia Quarta, for insulting me, my friends and my Master, along with deeply wounding with your words my close friend Asia Argento, I, Arturia Pendragon, challenge you to a duel. Defeat me, and I shall surrender my Divine Excalibur to you, but should I win, then you will apologize to Asia and all of my friends here for all your ill words."

"Hey, I am gonna fight too!" Irina joined in, drawing the incredulous looks of others. "I really want to have this sword and I can`t let Xenovia have all the fun, so I am going to fight you as well."

"You must be joking, for I challenged not you as well, Irina, but her only Xenovia." Arturia critically said to her.

"It`s alright, Arturia." Scathach suddenly stepped up her game and looked at Irina. "This foolish girl had the nerve to insult my family, my people and worst of all, my dear husband, so I feel very compelled to teach her a lesson. If it`s not much to ask for, I shall be her opponent. My spears should be more than a good challenge to her broken piece of scrap."

Arturia nodded, knowing that Scathach`s loyalty to Alex is second to none and she deserves to have a chance to fight for what she holds dear, which was heavily insulted just now by Irina. As for Arturia, she issued such challenged all because she was truly pissed off by Xenovia`s antics and the arrogance she just displayed, disregarding all customs and manners, prattling about the power of her Church and how she would kill them all here. Personally, she was capable of taking an insult here and there, but when it came down to her friends and family, there she was ready to defend them no matter what. And Asia was a very dear close friend to Arturia, with whom she became close very fast. She was a very innocent and kind-hearted girl, much like Arturia`s little sister Le Fey. Queen of Knights quickly grew to care and love Asia as her little sister and she couldn`t stand to hearing her being insulted in such a manner. Xenovia truly needs to learn a lesson and Arturia was more than happy to provide it to her. She was confidant in her own abilities, knowing the level of expertise of Xenovia and how she could really match her in battle. Her Excalibur Destruction was close to nothing against Divine, but Durandal would be a challenge, but only if Xenovia is capable of wielding it properly. And Arturia has spent years perfecting her style of battle with her Divine Excalibur, battling and dueling with the best of the best and standing her ground against the masters and even a god once. Needless to say, Arturia was also confidant in her partner`s abilities, for they even surpassed her own.

Arturia smirked and looked at Xenovia.

"So, are you accepting this challenge from lowly heretics and pagans, Xenovia? Or all this gloating about your supremacy is nothing more but a hot air coming from a literal idiot who knows nothing of primitive manners?" Arturia knew what buttons to push to get under Xenovia`s skin.

And in the end, the result of Arturia`s provocation was obvious, as the concealing shroud dispersed, revealing her weapon.

This was going to be a fight to behold.


Alexander, Griselda and Sona were walking towards, the specialized room, that Alex set up just recently for specific usage of getting in contact with anyone he needed. Becoming a governor of this meant that he would have to get all the necessary equipment in place, practically the same type as he had when he was running his unit back in the days. Unlike Rias, who was looking at this job as a side note, giving more attention to her own affairs and school life, Alex was prioritizing his duties before his own affairs and all of his former comrades knew very well that he was the most competent person when it came down to dealing with crisis situations and managing some sort of control over an area or an operation. Even Shemhazai was regarding Alexander as a very productive and most responsible person when it came down to managing the complicated situation.

And this one was one of those cases, one that needed to be dealt with right now before it could get really bad. Presence of Exorcists, without the knowledge of Satans and Heavens… This was the best scenario for a catastrophe, which Pope really wished that would become a reality. Seriously, Alexander was becoming seriously concerned with the policies of the Vatican, true leader of Church and main voice that spoke the will of Heavens. It would seem that ideals of Church and Angels were now completely separate and a serious conflict was growing there. Right now, this chaos was something that wasn`t good for either of the parties and Alex as well, but it already managed to create a serious problem in form of Griselda and her girls here. And then there is also Valper Galilei…

In other words, Alex had a lot of shit to take care of.

The trio entered the communication room and Alex turned to Sona and Griselda.

"Sona, use the terminal and get me Serafall and the other Satans." Alex commanded, turning to Griselda. "And you are going to give me a direct link with Heavens, because I know you have a link directly to Michael."

"And what are you going to do?" Sona asked him, clicking on the buttons and getting a link set up.

"I`ll get my father. He and Michael have reached an agreement on defensive matters and Serafall have managed to get us a non-aggression pact." Alex explained. "He is vital to us, if we want to reach a needed agreement between the sides and avoid a diplomatic disaster." Alex went out and set the link with his father.

In the next minute, 3 links have been established, all connected to Alexander`s comm center. Lucifer looked at the holographic projection of leaders of all 3 factions. Alex was the first one to speak up.

"Leaders of Devils, Grigori and Heavens, I humbly ask for your forgiveness for calling you all out so rudely and without warning, but there is a matter of utmost importance that needs to be dealt with." Alex began, drawing the intrigued looks of all leaders. "Before I begin, I want to introduce my companions here: Sona Sitri, heiress to the House of Sitri; and Griselda Quarta, high-ranking Exorcist from Catholic Church."

That last one got serious attention from all members of this conference. Sirzechs was the first one to speak up.

"Alexander, I demand an explanation on what does a member of Church is doing on my territory?" Lucifer was serious. "Are you now cooperating with Angels behind my back and hoping to get an alliance with them to get away from your duties?"

"No, I assure you, my goal right now is preventing a disaster, Sirzechs." Alex didn`t address him as Lucifer.

"From what I`ve seen so far, disasters is something you are good at causing." Sirzechs noted. "And where is my little sister? Why did you bring Sona here instead of your future wife?"

"Sirzechs, this is not the time to get us into your family business." Serafall spoke, glancing at Alex and Sona. "I personally think that Alex`s matter is more important and he got Sona here because of her experience in dealing with diplomatic affairs. Now, would you explain why have you also contacted Azazel and Michael, Alexander?"

"Indeed, I would like to know this myself, along with why are you in Japan, Griselda?" Michael spoke up, getting quilted look from Griselda. "Were you dispatched here on a mission or there is a different reason to your presence in Devils` territory?"

"Lord Michael, I humbly ask for your forgiveness." Griselda bowed before his image. "His Holiness has dispatched me, Xenovia and Irina, to hunt down and retake the captured Excaliburs that were stolen by Kokabiel. He is in possession of 3 Excaliburs already, my Lord."

"Why was I not informed of this act, my child?" Michael was calm, but Alex could see the worry. "The missions of such importance cannot be sanctioned without my personal approval or order."

"I apologize, but His Holiness refused to reveal the reason to this." Griselda said, looking at the Satans. "I assure you, I was dispatched here with a single purpose of recapturing the Excaliburs and bringing down Kokabiel."

"I find it hard to believe in, Exorcist." Sirzechs glared, looking at Alexander. "Alex, just what are you trying to achieve here? It is clear as day that Grigoris have broken their own word and Kokabiel now threatens us, with Heavens also threatening the members of our society. As a governor of Kuoh, it is your responsibility to stop them and protect my sister with Sona and their peerages."

"Sirzechs, with all due respect, please do not make fast assumptions without thinking things through." Alex recommended to Sirzechs. "I know very well what are my duties and I am doing my job right now, by arranging this whole conference and trying to prevent a war from breaking out."

"Alexander`s got a point in this one." Azazel spoke up, looking at his son with a note of pride. "As a leader of Grigori, I give you my word that there was no order from my side about attacking Churches and stealing Excaliburs, along with ordering Kokabiel anything. All of his action are his own, for he has been kicked out of my organization not long ago. As a proof, I send you all the official order of his exile from Grigori and stripping him away of all his political powers and allies." He magically sent them all a copy of the order.

The leaders of Hell carefully looked at it and Ajuka Beelzebub was the first one to speak up.

"This document seems to be a real one." Ajuka confirmed, looking at Sona. "Lady Sona, are you confirming the words of Miss Griselda?"

"Yes, me and my Peerage, along with all of Alexander`s group, Rias and her Queen and Rook, were witnesses to her words." Sona admitted. "I also would like to inform the Devil Kings that Alexander has taken up every precaution before allowing her and her companions inside the mansion, preventing any possibility of assassination from becoming a reality."

"As I`ve expected from Alexander. Good job, Alex." Serafall approved. "So, Griselda and her friends were sent after Kokabiel, without the knowledge from you, Michael?"

"Indeed, Lady Serafall. My deepest apologies, it was never in my intentions to cause a diplomatic incident." Michael said his piece. "Leadership of the Church has acted entirely without my knowledge and my approval. I assure that they shall answer for this blunder personally to me."

"I am afraid that there is something else that you must know, Seraph." Alex spoke up in serious tone. "According to Griselda, Kokabiel has some serious supporters on his side, including the heroic descendants with whom I had to work with. However, that is not all supporters that he managed to get." Alex looked critically at Griselda.

"Lord Michael, Lord Azazel, I am sorry to inform you, but the man responsible for providing Excaliburs to Kokabiel is actually Valper Galilei." That was a shock to both of them. "His Holiness ordered for his life to be spared and his knowledge to be put to use. Now, after he has completed his mission, he serves to Kokabiel."

"That madman still breaths, I see." Azazel sighed, looking at Alexander. "Kid, were you were informed of that today too?"

"Yes, I was." Alex admitted, turning to Satans. "Three years ago, I was in charge of an operation that took down the Holy Sword Project, led by Valper Galilei. His leading colleagues and survived children from the experiments were given to Grigori, where scientists were executed for deaths of 289 children, and the surviving 61 child received the medical care and remain under the protection of Grigori. Archbishop Valper was given by me to Michael personally."

"Yes, I still recall that horrible day." Michael confirmed. "My gratitude to you and your father for taking care of those poor souls. I am grateful for what you`ve done to them."

"Holy Sword Project… The same one from which Yuuto Kiba managed to escape the very same day you`ve attacked." Ajuka spoke, surprising Alexander. "If my memory serves me correctly, he became a Knight of Rias Gremory on the very same day."

'Kiba is one of the survivors of the Holy Sword Project?' Alex spoke in his own mind. 'I remember that there was a single missing child by the name of Isaiah. He must`ve been able to escape during the entire ruckus through the eastern forests and hills. And he was found there by Rias, who was in Austria?! Shit, I`ve had the Heiress of Gremory, snooping around in my territory that day. Anyway, I`ll deal with later. Now I understand what that idiot`s problem and why he is so loyal to Rias. She must`ve saved him from certain death and he swore complete loyalty to her for a small gesture of kindness. Typical manipulating bitch Rias Gremory… Well, now I can turn it against you.'

"And just what exactly was she doing in the Austria back that day, Sirzechs?" Azazel asked him directly. "Austria is in Grigori`s sphere of control, while Croatia is in Devil`s care. Care to explain why did you little sister cross the borders and snoop around there?"

"Is there a point in asking me such thing now, Azazel?" Sirzechs asked him irritated.

"There is, because I want to know just how many times were you breaking our agreements on spheres of influence and who gave her the right to do so." Azazel said seriously, before turning his attention to the more pressing matter. "But, I am ready to put this little argument on hold, seeing how we have a far more important crisis at hand. Very well, kid, what is your perceived analysis of this whole mess? What do you think Kokabiel wants to do?"

"Based around all the information I`ve received about the attacks on Church, my personal knowledge of him and his intentions and the fact that he is in this area with Excaliburs, I can clearly state, what is his purpose." Alex said. "Kokabiel`s goal is to restart the conflict between the Three Factions and their allies through destruction of this town and subsequent deaths of Sona Sitri, Rias Gremory and me, along with many others."

"That guy sure has picked the best place to start a new war." Azazel commented. "If he had attacked this place and killed my kid here, I would immediately respond with my military against Devils and Heaven as well."

"And others would be forced to do so as well." Michael noted. "And the decision of Church about not informing me could`ve easily led to another confrontation and escalation. We are fortunate that you have informed us all about it, Alexander."

"Hm, I am sure that this was my sister`s idea. She greatly appreciates the peace." Sirzechs noted out, getting a groan from Serafall and Ajuka. "Alexander must be always consulting with her on such matters, are you not?"

"To be honest with you, Sirzechs, your sister hasn`t contributed the slightest bit to the security of this town and its people, along with completely ignoring some of my orders, regarding the security of her Peerage and territory that is given to her to protect." Alex critically stated. "If it was up to Rias, she wouldn`t even bother with calling you here, allowed the loose Exorcists to run around without knowledge of Heavens and let this whole situation escalate until it reached the critical point. I prefer to avoid taking unnecessary gambles and deal with these crisis situations with the most efficient way possible, along with preventing the war from breaking out."

"Alexander, do not forget that Rias is your future bride and…" Sirzechs was going to remind everyone of already well-known fact, when suddenly a new link opened up.

Alex looked curiously at the person calling and saw, that it was an elderly looking regaled man. He had a serious aura of power and influence, one that Alex recognized. And he also saw his pictures from his reports about powerful Devils. And this one was most certainly in top echelons of political power.

"Sirzechs, as far as our society and nobility informed, your little sister`s claims on Alexander are nothing more but claims without any real proof of their validity." Zekram Bael, former leader of Bael Clan, spoke."Besides, this most definitely the right time to talk about your schemes. We have a much more important problem to solve." Zekram turned to Alexander. "Lord Alexander Lucifer, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Zekram Bael, former Great King of Bael Clan and your mother`s and grandfather`s old friend."

"Pleasure is all mine, Lord Zekram." Alex bowed to the man. "I would like to thank you for your support and help that you`ve given to me in my troubled times. It is an honor to speak with one of the greatest Devils in history."

"It was the least I could do to Lucia Lucifer`s son." Zekram noted, turning his attention to the others. "I have been listening to this whole conversation and I can clearly see where the problem lies. Satans, I suggest that we allow Alexander the full autonomy in his actions to solve this crisis, along with pledging our resources that we can at the moment, to help him. Bickering and arguing will only work in favor of our real enemy here."Zekram`s words were understood and the Satans have nodded in agreement, admitting that this was a good idea. "Now, Azazel, Michael, in light of the revealed information, I propose a three-way non-aggression pact and a temporarily alliance against Kokabiel and his terroristic group, in order to prevent him from starting a whole new conflict and minimizing the chances of his success."

"That is the most excellent idea. As the head of Heavens, I agree." Michael agreed. "As a contribution, I give you, Alexander, command over Griselda and her companions. Along with that, with your permission, I shall dispatch for your assistance and as an official representative of Heavens Gabriel with a personal guard. Will that be possible?"

"Permission granted." Alex agreed.

"I like this idea and agree with the terms." Azazel turned to Alex. "Alex, knowing Kokabiel, he must`ve used Arthur`s 'you-know-what' to get those guys to follow him. He is extremely dangerous and will be more than happy to test out your capabilities. I`ll personally get here in shortest time and I`ll bring along the real back up for this ride."

"Right, I am looking forward to seeing you and thanks for the information." Alex smiled and turned to the rest of the leaders. "I thank you all for your support and time. I shall get to the mission immediately and a soon as there are any result, you will be informed immediately. As for the support, members of Grigori and Heavens will be granted a direct access to my estate."

With that out of the way and with saying their goodbyes, all of the leaders disconnected. Only Zekram remained.

"Well done, Alexander. You`ve managed to deal a powerful blow to Kokabiel without even lifting a fist." Zekram commented. "I haven`t seen such a well-played game since Lucifer was alive. I wasn`t wrong in placing my trust upon you."

"If I may, Lord Zekram." Alex had a certain question. "For many years you have been a supporter of the Gremory house and your own granddaughter is a mother to Sirzechs and Rias. I can understand that you have been a friend of my mother, but have you really decided to pledge all this support to me?"

"Truth of the matter, Alexander, is because Lucifer has been my dearest and longest friend I`ve known and I see a lot of him in you. I and my entire clan owe him everything, but that is not the sole reason as to why I support you." Zekram stated. "I have known Lucia since she was little and I`ve loved her as my own daughter. It was hard for me to accept her death, but to learn just how those Gremory have actually dealt with Lucia was simply unacceptable for me. I`ve pleaded to Sirzechs to spare her and give her in my care, but instead, he sold her out to those scums from Phenex clan and lied to me and everyone. I feel a certain weight of responsibility for what happened to her and you, along with not being able to save her and my dear friend and brother, even though he had ordered me to stay away from that mess. Consider this to be my way to repay them both by helping you, along with helping our society, because it is clear that you are on our side now."

"I understand and thank you." Alex nodded to him and disconnected.

Bael`s Castle. Zekram`s personal quarters.

Zekram was glad the conversation went so well and they`ve managed to achieve such positive results. The chance of war was minimized and he actually got the chance to speak to Lucifer`s Heir. He had to admit he was just what he had hoped and even more. He really did embody Lucifer in him and even shined in his own way, especially right now with this play. Sirzechs has a truly fearsome opponent and someone that seems to be truly worthy of name of Lucifer.

Along with someone who also listened to this conversation in this room…

"Are you satisfied?" Zekram turned to his guest. "I personally think that he is a gem. Wouldn`t you agree, Lucian?"

"Yes, he really is something." Lucian Lucifer agreed, nodding. "Cunning mind, deep analysis and good amount of personal pride and will to move forward. Traits of a true member of Lucifer`s bloodline and someone worthy of a title Lucifer`s Heir. Along with that, I`ve noticed that he has a bit of a resemblance with his mother, Lucia."

"Yes, that he does." Zekram agreed. "His intention to avoid conflict between the factions is a clear indicator to that one and it even served to bring us all together against a common enemy, creating a path to a final peace treaty we all need now. Something that those 4 couldn`t achieve in 2 millennia and what Lucifer was about to after he killed God, but was betrayed…"

"Indeed, which gave way to Sirzechs and his companions." Lucian remembered. "Lilith`s dream has been achieved at cost of peace, which she despises. And now, she plots once more, only now I fear that her plans are even more sinister and wile."

"And you play a major role in them, Lucian." Zekram noted. "It is hard to understand what is your purpose and what are your plans. It`s hard to even understand why would you ally yourself with the person that killed your beloved wife."

"My reasons are my own, Zekram." Lucian simply stated.

"Of course they are, but I can clearly see something." Zekram noted. "You need Alexander. You want to fight him. Because he is a True Heir of Lucifer."

Lucian simply smiled to that one, for Zekram was right on two things.

His reasons for his actions are always his own.

And he shall fight Alexander, for he is needed Lucian.