Dream Diary Part 1

"Adi, this is elder brother Dev, once when our garage was asked to pay 'protection' fees by some gang, it was this elder brother who drove them away and covered our garage ever since." Chakri introduced to Aditya with a smile.

Dev only looked at Aditya with a passive face for a few moments before turning towards Chakri as he spoke with a booming voice which totally fit his stature, "Chakri, how long will it take to complete the maintenance."

Chakri looked back at Dev with a smile as he patiently explained, "elder brother, since 7,500 km mark had been crossed, we have to change oil and filter, rotate tires, lubricate steering and suspension, check brake, steering and suspension system, check all fluids, check washer system. So, we could return the vehicle in the evening."

Dev slightly frowned but then relaxed and nodded as he said, "Alright, actually elder sister wanted to get maintenance service from Dubai but I persuaded her that it was not necessary, so I want you to give your best and not let down me in front of the elder sister."

"I will not let that happen, Mr Dev, thank you for your trust, we will not fail you", Ramlal replied sincerely as he hurried towards them.

Dev nodded as he took big strides towards the exit without taking a second look at Aditya. Aditya finally let out a sigh of relief as he really feared that the lady devil whom he had saved on a whim would come to find him like how Bunny did. He really couldn't think straight since he found out there were abnormal guys like Bunny and the organization behind him. But seeing that Dev didn't recognize him, it looked like it was a pure coincidence.

Aditya did not want to touch this vehicle or have anything to do with it so he bid goodbye to Chakri on a pretext that he was hungry and ran back to his room. It was not the time for his duty yet so he could take some time to gather his thoughts.

Another significant event which Aditya experienced in the past week was that his dreams changed ever since he had that electrical 'accident'. These dreams seem to have sped up many times than normal. So, every day, though he did not sleep any longer than normal (7 hrs) he was experiencing 3 months of an alternative life at very high speed and detail. Aditya wondered whether his brain could handle such a large flow of information and emotion because it had the required high capability now.

It was really a unique experience for Aditya. It was really hard to keep track of time in the beginning as he spent 3 months in the dream and only about 17 hours in reality. If Aditya did not have Tya and these super mental abilities to accompany him, he was sure that he would have been caught in those dreams loop. He would have considered these 17 hours of real life as a dream which he had after every 3 months of 'real' life.

Especially with his parents missing and him being alone, also these superpowers and Tya, meet8ing abnormal strong people like Bunny actually prompted him to think whether this 'reality' was the dream as only in dreams do people can possess such powers. On the contrary, Aditya lived a very normal life in Geneva spending time learning French, making friends, dealing with bullies and losing his virginity. Yup, Aditya lost his virginity before he could even perfect french, it was a late drunken night. He still remembered that he did not know the girl's name but she was a beautiful blonde. No relationship 'sprouted' from this accident as though it was his first time and he might have felt a little special about it, it was not the same for the other party.

His father got promoted in Cern laboratories and was currently working on a project concerning 'Higg's Boson particle or as his father liked to call it 'God particle'. He would discuss the research excitedly with his mother and him at the dining table. Though Aditya expressed irritation at this daily quantum physics class, he admired his mother who always listened patiently with a calm smile on his face.

In the past week, Aditya had spent almost 2 years in Geneva. All the memories of this dream had actually made Aditya proficient in French, go-karting, sex among others. Yes, Aditya had started participating in many go karting training sessions. He had already participated in some national championships.

All this knowledge somehow transferred to Aditya who was relaxing his tension-filled life by repairing cars in a garage in Bangalore. Aditya never thought he would gain such an advantage by just sleeping every day. In contrast, when he compared his sex life in the dream and reality, it felt a little depressing. In India, he always felt that it was a boy's duty to be on the initiative and being horny all the time while girls need to practice restraint and be mild at least until she committed to a relationship. But in the dream, he found that even the girls (especially teens) were horny in Europe, so a little initiative from his side almost always ended up with both in the bed. He had quickly forgotten Anupama in the dream world, she felt too 'old-fashioned' to him.

Of course, Aditya knew that they were all kinds of girls in India too, especially the upper-class society was becoming increasingly westernized but he was not exposed to that side before he left for Europe. The most 'play-boyish' deed he had done when he was in India was kissing two girls at a time when he was in Tenth grade, nothing much when compared to his hormone raging life in Geneva. Aditya introspected his life as a mechanic and his life in Europe and felt that he had a lot of 'catching up' to do.

Aditya always thought that though he was handsome with symmetric face, bright eyes and sharp eyebrows, his 'olive' complexion was seen a backdrop by the girls in India who adored 'fair' complexion but the situation reversed in Geneva where his olive complexion pushed every other guy behind as it was seen as 'exotic' there. Funny how preferences change with different people.

In the beginning, when Aditya moved to Geneva, he was depressed to find that motor-sport road racing circuits and events were banned in Switzerland following the 1955 Le Mans disaster. He had thought that Europe was the holy ground of Car racing. Never in his dreams had he thought he would wind up in the racing banned country. Though it was lifted, later on, only a Formula E electric championship has been hosted which was for electric cars only. Who cares about clumsy electric cars whose top speed is just 174 mph while Aditya wanted to drive an F1 car whose top speeds reached 230 mph.

Also, to add on to this drawback, Aditya soon discovered that becoming an F1 racer was not as simple as it seemed. He had to satisfy some conditions to become a successful racer. First, many F1 racers started karting since they were kids which Aditya didn't do. Though he had played a lot of go-karting in Bangalore, it was not under any professional guidance which led to the another most important factor 'lots of money'. Aditya's family did not have that kind of money to spend to get him trained, so another drawback.

One thing Aditya was sure of himself was that he had good talent in driving cars, he had good reflexes, excellent situational awareness, peerless balancing skills and top-level perseverance. This was proved quickly when he joined go karting lessons for professional guidance. All the instructors were positively shocked at his fast learning skills and adapting skills. In one year, he had rushed to the top 3 positions in the academy and was even selected to represent their academy in national championships. When he turned 18, he had successfully won national qualifiers and was selected to represent the country in World Karting Championship 2018.

Aditya also knew that he could not depend on his parents for financial assistance forever. He had planned to apply for aeronautical engineering in some internationally renowned university. He had actually wanted to learn motor-sport engineering at Coventry University in Britain but was stopped by his father saying that it was not a 'steady' profession. So, he could only try for Aeronautical Engineering which satisfied his father's requirements while also opening a door for becoming an F1 car engineer. Aditya wanted to try this route which ensured that he would stay financially independent while pursuing his goal and not burden his parents.

Aditya sighed when he thought about these dreams. He really couldn't make out the cause, purpose or the meaning of these dreams. The only thing which he was sure of was that these dreams coincided with Tya bonding with him. But Tya did not know about these dreams either so Aditya couldn't figure out about them. But Aditya had been researching about all those scientific theories or discoveries which might explain Tya's existence. But so far, he didn't find any, he also did not search about his condition online as he knew he must be under constant surveillance from 'those' guys. But Aditya had made some progress in avoiding the tracing of unwanted people, today night would be the first step to regaining his lost freedom.

If Aditya could not escape from the radar of 'that' organization, whatever he did to save his parents would only further jeopardize both him and them. So, Aditya took care that he was just being a normal school student who was working for a living after being suspended from his school due to 'endangering the safety of the students'. He did not expose any of his peculiarities, he would only expose his abilities when he was sure that he was not being 'watched' in any form or method. Until then, Aditya was more interested in this dream experience which was practically teaching him many skills.

Aditya had calculated the time required until these dreams stopped. Even if he theorized that Aditya in dreamworld lived for 100 years, given that he was experiencing 3 months in one night. Aditya knew that it would take 328 nights until the dream finished if the dream stopped with his death. It was the most positive estimate because no one knew when his death would come and in what form. Though Aditya felt goosebumps that he would dream himself dying in about a year, he felt more fascinated about this experience, how many people would have this opportunity?

Aditya wanted to see whether 'he' in the dream world had succeeded in becoming an F1 racer if he succeeded whether he became one of the elites, who did he fall truly in love? did he marry? did he have kids? if so, how did they fare in their lives? Did he meet any of his Indian friends later? How did they live their lives? Did Anupama find her right one? How did his elder sisters live? How did Saira Elder sister cope with life with one hand? Did Maahi Elder sister change her 'black belly' nature, did she marry, who was that poor guy? They were many questions Aditya had which would be answered in the coming year. How exciting was it!

Aditya also felt that there was a link between his dreams and this world though he could not put his finger on the exact reason. Because until his parents went missing and the bonding with Tya, everything that he dreamt was just a mirror image of the reality. But the reality seemed to have branched off from the dream world with the event of his parents been taken away from him and the worlds became increasing estranged from that point.